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Tillerino edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 35 revisions

Tillerinobot is an IRC frontend to get beatmap recommendations based on a player's top10 plays. It runs on osu!'s own IRC server and can be queried from within the osu! client.

Querying the bot

It accepts the following commands:

  • !help: display a link to this page.
  • !faq: display a link to the FAQ page.
  • !recommend: gets a recommendation (as in the picture above).
  • !recommend nomod: gets a recommendation excluding mods.
  • !recommend relax: gets a recommendation using an older version of the system.
  • !recommend relax nomod: gets a recommendation using an older version of the system excluding mods.
  • !complain: The last recommendation will be logged as a bad one. This information may used to improve future recommendations. You can give a reason if you want to by typing !complain some reason.
  • /np: displays (if available) information about the beatmap that you're listening to (as in the picture below). If you're playing the map or watching someone playing the map, the selected mods will be taken into consideration if possible.
  • !with [mods]: displays information about the last beatmap (either from a recommendation or /np) with the given mods. Mods need to be given as two character aliases as displayed in score lists. They can be combined by simple concatenation. Examples: !with DT or !with HDHR
  • !donate: will link to the Donate page.

Getting specific map information

r instead of recommend will work.


Donations are very welcome. The bot runs on a dedicated server, which is not expensive, but I'd hate to actually lose money with this.

If you choose to donate, remember to write your osu! name somewhere into the message box (you might have to open it first), so you get to enjoy some sweet perks.

For more information head over to the donate page.


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