Lots of thanks to the community for contributing to the menu either by providing locations or working on developing the menu into something great.
These are the people that worked on improving the map itself.
- Code optimization and fixes by Michal__d and siemer.
- Route generator by Senexis (basic) and PakL (path finder).
- Updated menu design by Senexis.
- Other general contributors:
These are the people that provided the locations of the different items on the map.
- Special thanks to Ghost on the Discord for the speedy daily cycles.
- Cycle 1-3 locations by GTA Series Videos, Gtax Barrett, IronJeff80, /r/RedDeadOnline, and the Discord community.
- Cycle 4-6 locations by Tez2, Senexis, IronJeff80, and the Discord community.
- Fossil locations by Senexis.
- Random item locations by IronJeff80, Senexis, and the Discord community.
- Possible treasures locations by IronJeff80, Dirty Tyler and Dean Nutz.
- Possible weekly collections by Senexis.
- Madam Nazar location provided by Alloc8or and MadamNazar.io API.
- Weekly set items provided by Alloc8or.
- Legendary Animal parts prices by Senexis, adapted to the map by Michal__d, special thanks to IronJeff80 for collected data.
These are the people that provided assets for the map.
- Icons by Game Icons, Rockstar Games, Filipe Ramos and Michal__d.
- Map tiles by:
- Default tiles by Rockstar Games.
- Detailed tiles by RDR2Map.
- Dark tiles by TDLCTV.
- Black tiles by AdamNorton.
These are the people that added new map functionality.
- Displaying in-game clock by Michal__d.
- Inventory items value counter by Michal__d.
- Advanced options to manage inventory by Michal__d.
- Highlighting markers as important by Michal__d.
- Highlighting bugged items/ repeated cycles/ weekly set/ random items in menu by Michal__d.
- Filtering markers base on special criteria by Michal__d.
- Highlighting active night flowers by Michal__d.
- Day cycle changer by Michal__d.
- Hide/grey-out from map legendary animals for 72 hours by Michal__d.
- Custom user pins by Senexis.
- Inventory by Senexis.
- Custom marker colors settings by Michal__d.
If you are a contributor to the map too and we didn't add you to this file yet, get in contact with us on the Discord and we'll add you as soon as we can.