- Regex change required to return every property.
- Last section was not returned
- The sections displayed in the dsregcmd /status output are now sub objects. Therfore also multiple work accounts are not supported.
- Updating chached results for connectivity tests
- Automatically clean up duplicated devices in Intune based on the device serial number.
- Check Autopilot Network Endpoints
- Bugfix with String Array and Split Invoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus.
- Improve SCP check inInvoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus to read information from root domain.
- Bugfix Invoke-AnalyzeAzureConnectivity
- Extended Azure AD Hybrid Join checks to include User Device Registration Event Log Invoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus
- Check manually defined IE Intranet Sites Invoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus
- Added TcpConnectivityTester Module to check Non HTTP Connections
- Added Invoke-AnalyzeAzureConnectivity to check for connectivity issues to O365 and Azure based on the actual published list of Microsoft.
- Improved loading of HttpConnectivtyTester Module
- Added new function top analyze Delivery Optimization Configuration and connectifity on a device Invoke-AnalyzeDeliveryOptimization
- Verifiy Site to Zone alignment if not exaxtly the correct urls are entered(With or Without HTTP(S)) Invoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus
- Improve remediation action description if HTTP Error 407 is returned by a proxy
- Added new function to analyze BranchCache traffic. Get-BCStatusDetailed
- Bugfix Get-SiteToZoneAssignment: Method invocation failed because Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey does not contain a method named 'op_Addition'
- Bugfix Module manifest to Load Nested Module
- Correct Typos
- Added connectifity Tests to Invoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus
- Added Nested Module HttpConnectivityTester from https://github.com/nsacyber/HTTP-Connectivity-Tester
- New DNS checks in Invoke-AnalyzeMDMEnrollmentStatus
- Bugfix in generating Successmessage in Invoke-AnalyzeMDMEnrollmentStatus
- Improved Anayltic results by hiding unhelpful tips when the root cause is also well known like the device is not domain joined.
- Get-MDMDeviceOwnership --> Return well interpretable strings instead of just integer values.
- Bugfixing Get-MDMEnrollmentStatus, Get-MDMMsiApp, Get-MDMPSScriptStatus for unenrolled devices.
- Improved build.ps1
- Get-DsRegStatus --> Ever used dsregcmd and thought about why it is not a PowerShell command? Here it is...
- Invoke-AnalyzeHybridJoinStatus --> Troubleshoots Azure Hybrid Join status and covers already 13 checks.
- Invoke-AnalyzeMDMEnrollmentStatus --> Troubleshoots Windows 10 MDM Enrollment status and covers 4 checks.
- Get-SiteToZoneAssignment --> Returns Internet Explorer Site to Zone assignments. This is more a helper function, but perhaps it helps you somewhere else.
- Get-MdmMsiApp --> Retrieves information about all MDM assigned applications, including their installation state.
- Get-MDMDeviceOwnership --> Returns information about the Ownership of the Device.
- Reset-MDMEnrollmentStatus --> Resets Windows 10 MDM Enrollment Status.
- Get-MDMEnrollmentStatus --> Get Windows 10 MDM Enrollment Status.
- Get-MDMPSScriptStatus --> Returns information about the execution of PowerShell Scripts deployed with Intune.