- Overview of ASP.NET Core authentication
- Introduction to Authentication with ASP.NET Core
- .NET 5.0 - Simple API for Authentication, Registration and User Management
- .NET 5.0 API - JWT Authentication with Refresh Tokens
- A look behind the JWT bearer authentication middleware in ASP.NET Core
- Exploring the cookie authentication middleware in ASP.NET Core
- Getting started with Securing APIs using JWT Bearer Authentication - Hands on
- JWT Authentication In ASP.NET Core
- ASP.NET Core Token Authentication Guide
- Login Web Application using Cookie Authentication in ASP NET Core
- Build Secure ASP.NET Core API with JWT Authentication – Detailed Guide
- Canceling JWT tokens in .NET Core
- JWT refresh tokens and .NET Core
- An introduction to the Data Protection system in ASP.NET Core
- Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using API Key Authentication
- Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using JWT Authentication
- Introduction to JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Introduction to tokens
- Token based authentication and Identity framework in ASP.NET Core - Part 1
- JWT Authentication Flow with Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Web API
- User Authentication and Identity with Angular, Asp.Net Core and IdentityServer
- JWT Authentication with ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Angular 5, .NET Core Identity and Facebook Login
- Secure an ASP.NET Core Web Api using Cookies
- Secure a Web Api in ASP.NET Core
- External Login Providers in ASP.NET Core
- .NET 5.0 - JWT Authentication Tutorial with Example API
- Build Secure ASP.NET Core API with JWT Authentication – Detailed Guide
- Manually validating a JWT using .NET
- Managing Cookie Lifetime with ASP.NET Core OAuth 2.0 providers
- Using Roles with the ASP.NET Core JWT middleware
- Role based JWT Tokens in ASP.NET Core APIs
- ASP.NET Core using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
- JWT Authentication in C# .NET Core example
- Get Access token from HttpContext in .NET Core
- Client Authentication vs. PKCE: Do you need both?
- JWT Auth in ASP.NET Core
- Stop using JWT for sessions
- Why JWTs Suck as Session Tokens
- Access Tokens
- ID Tokens
- Token Best Practices
- Useful ClaimsPrincipal extension methods I use in my projects
- Asp.Net Core 5 Rest API Step by Step
- Asp Net Core 5 Rest API Authentication with JWT Step by Step
- Secure your ASP.NET Core 2.0 API (part 1 - issuing a JWT)
- Secure your ASP.NET Core 2.0 API (part 2 - restrict access to JWT bearers only)
- Identify users and their permissions with JWTs and ASP.NET Core WebAPI
- Tackle more complex security policies for your ASP.NET Core app
- Securing .NET Core 3 API Using JWT authentication
- ASP.NET Core and JSON Web Tokens - where are my claims?
- Jwt Claim Names
- Missing Claims in the ASP.NET Core 2 OpenID Connect Handler?
- AuthenticationScheme: "Identity.Application" was not authenticated
- ASP.NET Core 3 - Authentication - Ep.1 Basics (Claims/ClaimsIdentity/ClaimsPrincipal/Authorization)
- ASP.NET Core 3 - Authentication - Ep.2 Identity Authentication
- Secure a .NET Core API with Bearer Authentication
- User Registration and Controller Auth | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 10
- .NET Core - canceling JWT tokens
- Restricting endpoints with Claims | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 17
- Setting up ApiKey-based Authentication | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 24
- User specific content with JWT claims | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 12
- User Login using JWT (Authentication) | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 11
- What is a Refresh Token and why your REST API needs it?
- Refreshing JWTs with Refresh Tokens | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 13
- Setting up JWT support (Authentication) | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 9
- What is a JWT (JSON Web Token) and why your REST API needs it
- ASP.NET Core Security - Frank Liu, Youtube Playlist
- Deep Dive: Multi-Factor Authentication with .NET 5
- Asp Net Core 5 Rest API Authentication with JWT Step by Step
- Intro to JWT - Step by Step
- ASP.NET Core In Depth Cookie Authentication Explanation
- ASP.NET Core JWT Authentication
- blowdart/AspNetAuthenticationWorkshop
- dotnet-labs/JwtAuthDemo - ASP.NET Core + Angular JWT auth demo; integration tests; login, logout, refresh token, impersonation, authentication, authorization; run on Docker Compose.
- iammukeshm/JWTAuthentication.WebApi - Security is a vital part of any kind of application. Since APIs can expose highly sensitive data like user details, email adressses , it is highly critical that these API endpoints are secured.In this Guide let's build a Secure ASP.NET Core API with JWT Authentication. Read my detailed blog post for implementation.
- spetz/jwt-hmac-rsa-aspnet-core-sample
- dejanstojanovic/dotnetcore-token-authentication - Token based authentication in ASP.NET Core using Identity Framework
- mmacneil/AspNetCoreApiStarter - An ASP.NET Core (v2.1) Web API project to quickly bootstrap new projects. Includes Identity, JWT authentication w/ refresh tokens.
- mmacneil/AngularASPNETCoreOAuth - Sample project demonstrating user authentication and identity with Angular, Asp.Net Core and IdentityServer4
- cornflourblue/aspnet-core-3-signup-verification-api - ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Boilerplate API with Email Sign Up, Verification, Authentication & Forgot Password
- Amitpnk/Onion-architecture-ASP.NET-Core - WhiteApp API solution template which is built on Onion Architecture with all essential feature using .NET 5!
- manoj-choudhari-git/AspNetCore-Identity - .NET Core Web API and Cookie Authentication
- blazorhero/CleanArchitecture
- fluentpos/fluentpos - Open Source Point Of Sales and Inventory Management Solution built with ASP.NET Core 5.0 WebAPI and Angular 12 Material.
- cornflourblue/dotnet-5-jwt-refresh-tokens-api - .NET 5.0 API - JWT Authentication with Refresh Tokens
- cornflourblue/aspnet-core-3-jwt-authentication-api - ASP.NET Core 3.1 JWT Authentication API
- madeyoga/AuthEndpoints
- cornflourblue/dotnet-6-jwt-refresh-tokens-api
- fake-authentication-jwtbearer - Simple way to fake an authenticated user for integration test with ASP.Net Core framework