- Event Sourcing
- About event sourcing
- Event Sourcing pattern
- Event Sourcing Example & Explained in plain English
- Event Sourcing with Azure SQL and Entity Framework Core
- Projections in Event Sourcing: Build ANY model you want!
- Reactive in practice, Unit 5: Event sourcing
- Reactive in practice, Unit 7: CQRS, Part 2 – ReadSideProcessor for queries and views
- Event Based Architecture: What do you mean by EVENT?
- Event Sourcing in .NET Core – part 1: a gentle introduction
- Event Sourcing in .NET Core – part 2: storing events
- Event Sourcing in .NET Core – part 3: broadcasting events
- Event Sourcing in .NET Core – part 4: query models
- Event Sourcing Examined Part 1 of 3
- Event Sourcing Examined Part 2 Of 3
- Event Sourcing Examined Part 3 Of 3
- Beginner's Guide to Event Sourcing | Event Store
- Snapshots in Event Sourcing
- Eventsourcing Patterns: Forgettable Payloads
- How to get the current entity state from events?
- Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 1)
- Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 2)
- Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 3)
- Event Sourcing: Events Evolution, Versioning, and Migration
- Event Sourcing Example & Explained in plain English
- Projections in Event Sourcing: Build ANY model you want!
- Event Sourcing: Rehydrating Aggregates with Snapshots
- Event Sourcing with Azure SQL and Entity Framework Core
- What's an Event Driven System?
- eventstore webinars
- Testing Aggregate with Event Sourcing made SIMPLE
- A practical introduction to DDD, CQRS & Event Sourcing - Dennis Doomen - KanDDDinsky 2019
- Event Sourcing & CQRS in C# - The Aggregate Root
- Event Sourcing & CQRS in C#: The Repository
- Event Sourcing & CQRS in C# - The Event Store
- Understanding Event Sourcing Basics [.NET C#]
- Understanding When to Snapshot [.NET C#]
- Complex Projections in Event Sourcing [.NET C#]
- Event Sourcing do's and don'ts
- Snapshotter for Asynchronous Projections [.NET C#]
- Snapshotter Service with distributed locks [.NET C#]
- Eventuous/eventuous - Minimalistic Event Sourcing library for .NET
- EventFlow - Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
- oskardudycz/GoldenEye - The CQRS flavoured framework that will speed up your WebAPI and Microservices development
- AggregateSource - Lightweight infrastructure for doing eventsourcing using aggregates
- Projac - A set of .NET projection libraries
- Aggregates.NET - .NET event sourced domain driven design model via NServiceBus and GetEventStore
- CanerPatir/Algorist.EventSourcing - An event sourcing building block for .net core
- jet/equinox - .NET Event Sourcing library with CosmosDB, EventStoreDB, SqlStreamStore and integration test backends.
- revoframework/Revo - Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for C#/.NET Core
- mizrael/SuperSafeBank - Sample Event Sourcing implementation with .NET Core
- Hands-On-Domain-Driven-Design-with-.NET-Core
- Aggregates.NET - .NET event sourced domain driven design model via NServiceBus and GetEventStore
- eShopOnContainersDDD - Fork of dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers in full DDD/CQRS design using my own patterns
- ProductContext-EventSourcing - A practical/experimental Event Sourcing application on Product Bounded Context in an e-commerce
- ddd-and-eventsourcing-example
- EventStore/Webinars
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/BankAccounts
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/ECommerce
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/Tickets
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/MeetingsManagement
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/Warehouse
- EventStore/samples - Samples showing practical aspect of EventStoreDB, Event Sourcing
- ddd-by-examples/event-source-cqrs-sample - Sample ES/CQRS application
- VenomAV/EventSourcingCQRS
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore
- Eventuous/dotnet-sample
- learningcom/Learning.EventStore
- bymyslf/payment-gateway
- AntonioFalcaoJr/EDA.CleanArch.DDD.CQRS.EventSourcing