- Logging in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core
- Logging in .NET
- Setup Serilog for Asp.Net Core
- Selective enrichment
- Setting up Serilog in ASP.NET Core 3
- Structured logging concepts in .NET Series (1)
- Events and levels - structured logging concepts in .NET (2)
- Message templates and properties structured logging concepts in .NET (3)
- Event types – structured logging concepts in .NET (4)
- Context and correlation – structured logging concepts in .NET (5)
- Serialized data – structured logging concepts in .NET (6)
- Tagging log events for effective correlation
- Serilog in ASP.NET Core 3.1 – Structured Logging Made Easy
- Series: Using Serilog.AspNetCore in ASP.NET Core 3.0
- ASP.NET Core 5 + Serilog
- What Is Structured Logging and Why Developers Need It
- Exporting Open Telemetry Data to Jaeger
- Logging with Serilog and Seq
- Serilog Best Practices
- Using Middleware in .NET 5.0 to Log Requests and Responses
- Adding Serilog to the ASP.NET Core Generic Host
- Serilog Tutorial for .NET Logging: 16 Best Practices and Tips
- Logging with ElasticSearch, Kibana, ASP.NET Core and Docker
- Stackify - Logging with .NET Core
- Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: Profiling and Monitoring
- Reducing log verbosity with Serilog RequestLogging
- Logging the selected Endpoint Name with Serilog
- Part 3 - Logging MVC properties with Serilog.AspNetCore
- Extending Serilog with additional values to log
- Structured Logging in ASP.NET Core with Serilog
- ASP.NET Core MVC and
- Implement log monitoring with Seq and Serilog in .net Core
- Implementing logging in .net core applications for logging, telemetry and your own sanity
- Implementing logging with Serilog
- Customizing Serilog text output
- Customized JSON formatting with Serilog
- Using Dotnet Core Logging without using the DI container
- Logging with ILogger in .NET: Recommendations and best practices
- Asp.net core - Log request/response headers
- ASP.NET Core 6 - HttpLogging - log requests/responses
- Serilog–Add headers to request log
- Logging in ASP.NET Core 5 using Serilog
- Programmable text (and JSON) formatting for Serilog
- Adding Useful Information to ASP.NET Core Web API Serilog Logs
- Good citizenship - logging from .NET libraries
- Serilog DI in ASP.NET Core, which ILogger interface to inject?
- Should I use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger or Serilog.ILogger?
- Log Level
- Configure Logging for Log Level
- Serilog DI in ASP.NET Core, which ILogger interface to inject?
- Writing Logs to xunit Test Output
- Writing logs to Elasticsearch with Fluentd using Serilog in ASP.NET Core
- .NET 5 + Serilog: implementando Logs com Elasticsearch, SQLite,
- Structured logging with Serilog and Seq and ElasticSearch under Docker
- How to turn off Serilog?
- MediatR Pipeline Behaviour in ASP.NET Core – Logging and Validation
- Improving logging performance with source generators
- Set up Serilog in .NET 6 as a logging provider
- How to add logs on Console with .NET Core and Serilog
- Logging into Elasticsearch using Serilog and viewing logs in Kibana | .NET Core Tutorial
- Add Simple Distributed Tracing in .NET Libraries
- You are doing .NET logging wrong. Let's fix it
- High-performance logging in .NET, the proper way
- Stop using String Interpolation when Logging in .NET
- serilog/serilog-aspnetcore - Serilog integration for ASP.NET Core
- thepirat000/Audit.NET - An extensible framework to audit executing operations in .NET and .NET Core.
- ekmsystems/serilog-enrichers-correlation-id - Enrich logs with a unique ID so you can track logs for specific requests.
- PragmaticFlow/Serilog.Sinks.SpectreConsole
- serilog/serilog-expressions - An embeddable mini-language for filtering, enriching, and formatting Serilog events, ideal for use with JSON or XML configuration.
- serilog/serilog-sinks-console
- serilog/serilog-sinks-elasticsearch - A Serilog sink that writes events to Elasticsearch
- yorchideas/Serilog.Sinks.Xunit2
- verticalsoftware/vertical-spectreconsolelogger
- serilog/serilog-aspnetcore
- jernejk/AspNetCoreSerilogExample - Microsoft ILogger implementation for Spectre console