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HashMap in Java


The HashMap class in Java is a part of the java.util package and implements the Map interface. It provides a collection of key-value pairs and does not guarantee the order of the elements.

Characteristics of HashMap

Feature Details
Package java.util
Allows Duplicates No (Allows duplicate values, but not keys)
Maintains Insertion Order No
Thread-Safe No
Initial Capacity 16 (default)

Key Features of HashMap

  • Key-Value Pairs: Stores data in key-value pairs.
  • Fast Lookup: Provides constant time complexity (O(1)) for get() and put() operations under ideal conditions.
  • No Guarantee of Order: Elements are not ordered according to their insertion sequence.
  • Allows null values: Allows one null key and multiple null values.

How to Use HashMap

Importing HashMap

import java.util.HashMap;

Creating a HashMap

HashMap<KeyType, ValueType> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
  • Example
    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    HashMap<Integer, String> mapWithIntegers = new HashMap<>();

HashMap Specific Methods

The HashMap class provides several methods beyond those in the Map interface. Here are some of the most commonly used:

Method Description Return Type Example
put(K key, V value) Associates the specified value with the specified key. V map.put("Name", "Alice");
get(Object key) Returns the value associated with the specified key. V map.get("Name");
remove(Object key) Removes the mapping for the specified key from the map. V map.remove("Name");
containsKey(Object key) Checks if the map contains a mapping for the specified key. boolean map.containsKey("Name");
containsValue(Object value) Checks if the map contains the specified value. boolean map.containsValue("Alice");
size() Returns the number of key-value mappings in the map. int map.size();
clear() Removes all mappings from the map. void map.clear();
isEmpty() Checks if the map is empty. boolean map.isEmpty();
keySet() Returns a set view of the keys contained in the map. Set map.keySet();
values() Returns a collection view of the values contained in the map. Collection map.values();
entrySet() Returns a set view of the mappings contained in the map. Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> map.entrySet();
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to the current map. void map.putAll(anotherMap);
equals(Object o) Compares the specified object with this map for equality. boolean map.equals(otherMap);

Example Code

import java.util.HashMap;

public class HashMapDataStructure {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a HashMap
        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

        // Add key-value pairs
        map.put("Name", "Alice");
        map.put("Age", "25");
        map.put("City", "New York");

        // Access value by key
        System.out.println("Value for 'Name': " + map.get("Name"));

        // Check size
        System.out.println("Size of the map: " + map.size());

        // Check if a key exists
        System.out.println("Contains key 'Age': " + map.containsKey("Age"));

        // Remove a key-value pair
        System.out.println("Map after removal: " + map);

        // Iterate over key-value pairs
        System.out.println("Iterating over map:");
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue());

        // Clear the map
        System.out.println("Is map empty? " + map.isEmpty());

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