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Adding a Section

Kevin Mulhern edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

1. Add the new Section to the Seeds

  1. First find the path you want to add the section to in db/fixtures/paths/.
  2. Next find the course in that path you want the section to appear in db/fixtures/paths/<selected_path>/courses/.
  3. When you have found the course the section should be in, you next have to determine what where the section will appear in the course. The order that sections are added to the course seed file matters as it uses that to position the section on the site. A good rule of thumb is to find the section your new section will appear after on site.
  4. When you have the position figured out add the section:
course.add_section do |section|
  1. Give the section a title:
course.add_section do |section|
  section.title = 'A New Section Title'
  1. Give the section a description:
course.add_section do |section|
  section.title = 'A New Section Title'
  section.description = 'A brief description of what the section covers.'
  1. Give the section an identifier_uuid attribute value of 'create_uuid'. This will be replaced by a real uuid automatically when the seed script is run later.
course.add_section do |section|
  section.title = 'A New Section Title'
  section.description = 'A brief description of what the section covers.'
  section.identifier_uuid = 'create_uuid'
  1. Add lessons to the section, using our adding a lesson guide to find out how to add lessons:
course.add_section do |section|
  section.title = 'A New Section Title'
  section.description = 'A brief description of what the section covers.'
  section.identifier_uuid = 'create_uuid'

    ruby_lessons.fetch('A new lesson'),
    ruby_lessons.fetch('Another new lesson'),

2. Verify the Section has been Successfully Added

  1. Run the seeds task rails db:seed
  2. Run the app locally and check the section is where it should be.
  3. All done 🎉