The tellmefacts client was created to multiplex chat conversations between multiple fact bots that use a supported API. Slack users are able to pick between configured bots by issuing commands to the bot, and subsequently chat with a connected bot. Essentially, the client acts as a relay client to connected bots.
The client must be mentioned via its bot user name as set in your Slack team, and moved into the channel that it is intended to be used in.
An example of typical conversation would look like this:
user: @tellmefacts list
bot: 1. Interesting Facts
2. Strange Facts
3. Unusual Facts
user: @tellmefacts start_session Strange Facts
bot: You are now chatting with Strange Facts.
user: @tellmefacts Give me a fact.
bot: Strange Facts: #1 Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
user: @tellmefacts end_session
bot: Chat session with Strange Facts ended.
The Slack bot client was built with the python ChatterBotchatbot framework for processing chat messages. Custom input, output, and logic adapters were built to interact with chat messages from the Slack RTM API, using python-slackclient.
The client reads the input from the Slack RTM stream and processes any text that's associated with a bot mention. If this text is a recognised command, some change is made to the client's state (connecting/disconnecting to a bot). If not, it is interpreted as a question to a connected bot, and a request for a response is made to the selected bot. The response is sent back to Slack via either RTM or Web API.
These adapters are suitable for use in any other chatterbot project as they inherit from the base chatterbot adapter classes.
The client accepts the following commands:
Usage: @tellmefacts list
Lists the currently available bots the client can connect to as set in the configuration.
Usage: @tellmefacts start_session <bot_name>
Start a session with one of the available bots on the list. Invalid names will produce an error message. Cannot start another session if currently in a session.
Usage: @tellmefacts end_session
Ends the current bot session. If not in an active session, an error is produced.
A launcher script is provided as
that can be used to
launch the application. Several command line options are built in as follows:
This is the launcher for the multibot-client application.
usage: [-h] [--with-tests] [--only-tests]
[--config-dir CONFIG_DIR] [--api-hostname API_HOSTNAME]
[--terminal] [--verbose]
Launches the slackbot client.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config-dir CONFIG_DIR
changes the config directory
--api-hostname API_HOSTNAME
sets a hostname other than
--terminal set bot to run in terminal mode
--verbose display all logging information on terminal
Configuration of Slack tokens and bot connections are done externally in a
config folder. By default this is located in the client's directory under the
folder config
. This can be changed easily through a launcher switch.
The following config files are needed to run this client:
bots.json - configures bot urls and names.
"name": "Interesting Facts",
"url": "http://dummybot_1"
"name": "Strange Facts",
"url": "http://dummybot_2"
"name": "Unusual Facts",
"url": "http://dummybot_3"
slack_api.json - configures the client's bot tokens and bot name.
"bot_name": "tellmefacts",
"bot_user_token": "xoxp-1234123412341234-12341234-1234"
Tests for the client are written in pytest and use pytest-cov and pytest-mock features. The easiest way to run tests is to open a shell at the app directory and run:
# Linux
python3 -m pytest tests
# Windows
py -3 -m pytest tests
The client integration tests contain three test cases that will be skipped by
default. These test cases make real requests to a bot server, and require
configuration. The config folder is located at tests/integration_tests/config
and should contain a bots.json
file along with a slack_api.json
When the configuration is ready, start the tests with an additional --dummybot
flag. The servers will be sent HTTP HEAD requests to verify that they are actually
online, before tests begin.
It is recommended to use the dummybot server included in this project for these tests.
Documentation uses Sphinx. This can be compiled from the source code using:
sphinx-build -b html docs/ build/
NOTE: The sphinx
and sphinx_rtd_theme
packages must be installed on the
machine building the docs.
Please direct all bug reports and feature requests to the project's issue tracker on GitHub.