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Vaibhav Thakur
Aug 13, 2023
6fb13ce · Aug 13, 2023




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Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 13, 2023

Kubernetes monitoring and alerting in less than 5 minutes

Kubelet natively exposes cadvisor metrics at https://kubernetes.default.svc:443/api/v1/nodes/{node-name}/proxy/metrics/cadvisor and we can use a prometheus server to scrape this endpoint. These metrics can then be visualized using Grafana. Metrics can alse be scraped from pods and service endpoints if they expose metircs on /metrics (as in the case of nginx-ingress-controller), alternatively you can sepcify custom scrape target in the prometheus config map.

Some Important metrics which are not exposed by the kubelet, can be fetched using kube-state-metrics and then pulled by prometheus.

The Prometheus Pushgateway exists to allow ephemeral and batch jobs to expose their metrics to Prometheus. Since these kinds of jobs may not exist long enough to be scraped, they can instead push their metrics to a Pushgateway. The Pushgateway then exposes these metrics to Prometheus.

Standalone Prometheus Setup:

  1. If you have not already deployed the nginx-ingress controller then

    • Uncomment type: LoadBalancer field in Alertmanager, Prometheus and Grafana Services.
  2. Deployment:

    • Deploy Alertmanger: kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/alertmanager
    • Deploy Prometheus: kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/prometheus
    • Deploy Kube-state-metrics: kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/kube-state-metrics
    • Deploy Node-Exporter: kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/node-exporter
    • Deploy Grafana: kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/grafana
    • Deploy Pushgateway: kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/pushgateway
  3. Once grafana is running:

    • Access grafana at in case of Ingress or http://:3000 in case of type: LoadBalancer
    • Add DataSource:
      • Name: DS_PROMETHEUS - Type: Prometheus
      • URL: http://prometheus-service:8080
      • Save and Test. You can now build your custon dashboards or simply import dashboards from Dashboard #315 and #1471 are good to start with.
      • You can also import the dashboards from k8s/monitoring/dashboards


  1. A Cluster-binding role for prometheus is already being created by the config. The role currently has admin permissions, however you can modify it to a viewer role only.
  2. if you need to update the prometheus config, it can be reloaded by making an api call to the prometheus server. curl -XPOST http://<prom-service>:<prom-port>/-/reload
  3. Some basic alerting rules are defined in the prometheus rules file which can be updated before deploying. You can also add more rules under the same groups or create new ones.
  4. Before deploying prometheus please create GCP PD-SSD or AWS EBS Volume of size 250Gi or more, and name it pd-ssd-disk-01.
  5. Please update 00-alertmanager-configmap.yaml to reflect correct api_url for Slack and VictorOps. You can additionally add more receievers.

Highly Available and Scalable Clustered Prometheus Setup Using Thanos:

  1. It is highly recommended to deploy an ingress-controller in order to reduce the number of endpoints created. This set-up uses Nginx Ingress Controller.

  2. Configuration

    • Create 2 GCS buckets and name them as prometheus-long-term and thanos-ruler, if you create buckets with some-other name make sure you update that in values.yaml These will be used for archiving prometheus and alertmanager data.
    • Create a service account with the roles as Storage Object Creator and Storage Object Viewer
    • Download the key file as json credentials and name it as thanos-gcs-credentials.json
    • Create the namespace, kubectl create ns monitoring
    • Create kubernetes secret using the credentials, kubectl create secret generic thanos-gcs-credentials --from-file=thanos-gcs-credentials.json -n monitoring This secret name is also set in values.yaml
    • Update alertmanager configuraton at configs/alertmanager-config.yaml with appropriate alert delivery endpoints
    • Make sure you set prometheus cluster name in the values.yaml
  3. Deployment:

    • Helm Install helm upgrade --install <RELEASE_NAME> prometheus-ha/
  4. Once grafana is running:

    • Access grafana at
    • If ingress disabled, kubectl -n monitoring port-forward service/grafna 3000 , now go to http://localhost:3000
    • All your dashboards will be present.
  5. You can access

    • Thanos-query with de-deuplicated data at
    • Thanos-ruler at
    • Alermanager at


  1. Whenever prometheus config map is updated thanos automatically reloads all prometheus servers so no manual update needed.
  2. Some basic alerting rules are defined in the prometheus rules file which can be updated before deploying. You can also add more rules under the same groups or create new ones.
  3. Please update alertmanager config map with appropriate alert delivery endpoints.
  4. Instead of GCS as long term storage you can also use S3. Refer Thanos docs for the config change.