Releases: Tencent/QMUI_Android
- Implemented QMUIWebView (beta), where supports for env(safe-area-inset-*) in css were added.
- Feature: QMUIQQFaceView supports gravity(left/right/center-horizontal) attributes.
- Feature: allows setting shadow color on Android ROM version 9 and higher.
- Feature: allows control of the size of left icon in QMUIGroupListView.Section by calling the method setLeftIconSize.
- Feature: supports custom web url matcher in QMUILinkify.
- Fixed some bugs and increased code robustness.
- Code optimization for QMUIDialog.
- Added a return value to KeyboardVisibilityEventListener, which determines whether OnGlobalLayoutListener is deleted.
- Bug fix: getSignCount() in QMUITabSegment should return 0 if view is not visible.
- Bug fix: fixed incorrect layout of translucent status bar may appear in Android 4.4.
- Issue fixes: #304, and #308.
- Added QMUILayout, making it easy to implement shadows, radii, and separators.
- Refactored the theme usage of QMUITopbar.
- Refactored QMUIDialog for more flexible configuration.
- Updated arch library to 0.0.3 to provide methods runAfterAnimation and startFragmentForResult.
- Bug fixes: #125, #127, #132, #141, #177, #184, #198, #200, #209, and #213.
[feature] with a new control parameter, different icon bounds can work in QMUITabSegment #117
[feature] added a method in QMUITabSegment to control icon position in java #116
[feature] added a new component called QMUIWrapContentScrollView, it's height is wrapContent but limited by maxHeight
[bugfix] the icon not displays in QMUITabSegment if the icon is positioned to bottom #116
[bugfix] QMUIDialog built by MessageDialogBuilder can not scroll when the message is long #114
【更新】在 theme 中添加 dialog 的 backgroundDimAmount 属性
【更新】support 依赖包升级到 27.0.1
【更新】更改 QMUICommonListItemView.setDetailText 的参数类型为 CharSequence #83
【修复】QMUIFloatLayout 居左布局时换行时的Y轴偏移值计算错误 #61
【修复】QMUITopBar 内部间距计算存在的问题
【修复】MenuBaseDialogBuilder 的子类构建的 dialog 在内容列表过长时被截断的问题 #54 #67 #105
【修复】QMUITabSegment在滚动模式下 scrollOffset 在 selectIndex > 0 时错误 #71
【修复】QMUIQQFaceView 内容过多时存在的性能问题
【修复】删除 AndroidManifest 中无用的代码 #110
【修复】修复 QMUIBasePopup 中测量可能不准确的问题
support 依赖包升级到 27.0.1,如果您的项目的 compileSdkVersion 未升级到 26 及以上,并且由于某些原因暂时不能升级到 26 及以上,那么您需要在您的项目中覆盖 qmui 的 support 依赖版本
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force "$supportVersion"
force "$supportVersion"
force "$supportVersion"
force "$supportVersion"