- PHP >= 7.2
- Nextcloud 20
- libxml >= 2.7.8 You also need some PHP extensions:
- json
- simplexml
- xml
- dom
- curl
- iconv
- PostgreSQL >= 10
- MariaDB >= 10.2
- MySQL >= 8.0
- SQLite (discouraged)
Also see the Nextcloud documentation. Oracle is currently not supported by news.
- Use MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL for better database performance
- Use the updater script to thread and speed up the update
Before you install the app do the following:
- Check that your nextcloud/data/ directory is owned by your web server user and that it is write/readable
- Check that your installation fulfills the requirements listed in the README section
- Set up Nextcloud Background Jobs to enable feed updates.
Then proceed to install the app either from an archive (zip/tar.gz) or clone it from the repository using git
Download the Team Forward release to your server.
On your server, check if there is a folder called nextcloud/apps/news. If there is one, delete it.
Extract the downloaded archive to the nextcloud/apps/ folder.
Remove the version from the extracted folder (rename nextcloud/apps/news-15.4.0-tf/ to nextcloud/apps/news/
Install the JavaScript and PHP dependencies and compile the JavaScript first. On your terminal, change into the nextcloud/apps/news/ directory and run the following command (requires node >5.6, npm, curl, make and which):
sudo -u www-data make # www-data might vary depending on your distribution
Finally make sure that the nextcloud/apps/news directory is owned by the web server user
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data nextcloud/apps/news # www-data:www-data might vary depending on your distribution
Activate the News app in the apps menu
These Dependencies are only relevant if you want to build the source code:
Node.js >= 6
In a terminal go into the nextcloud/apps/ directory and run the following command
git clone https://git.unistra.fr/team-forward/news cd news make
To get an overview over all existing tags run:
git tag
Activate the News app in the apps menu.
To update the News app change into the nextcloud/apps/news/ directory using your terminal and then run:
git pull --rebase origin master
docker run -d -p 8080:80 mnassabain/nextcloud-news
View Nextcloud Docker Hub page for full info on setting up a Nextcloud Docker server.