Functional Queue in <= 140 chars of code. Actually it is 122 now, so there is 18 symbols more you can add. :)
FuQ=function(c,o){return{run:function r(d){for(o=d;(d=c.shift())&&!((o=d(o))&&o.q&&o.q(r)););},q:{q:(c=[]).push.bind(c)}}}
Library provides an easy way to chain asynchrnous function calls.
Demonstrates asynchronous nested queues. Logs:
Hello, world!
in a second.Nested: Hello, world!
in 2 seconds.Nested: Nested: Hello, world!
immediately after the second one.
function later(timeout, data) {
var dfd = FuQ();
setTimeout(function(){; //run all added functions
}, timeout)
return dfd.q; //return a queue;
function tap(f) { //make any function to return its first argument
return function(data){
f.apply(this, arguments);
return data;
var log = tap(console.log.bind(console)); //make console.log to return its first argument
later(1000, 'Hello, world!').q(log, function(msg){
var q = later(2000, 'Nested: ' + msg);
q.q(log, function(msg) { //log and process a message
return 'Nested: ' + msg;
return q; //return a nested async queue
}, log);