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SEML - Slurm Experiment Management Library.




  • COLLECTION: The name of the database collection to use. [required]


  • --migration-skip: Skip the migration of the database collection.
  • --migration-backup: Backup the database collection before migration.
  • -v, --verbose: Whether to print debug messages.
  • -V, --version: Print the version number.
  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • add: Add experiments to the database as defined...
  • cancel: Cancel the Slurm job/job step...
  • claim-experiment: Claim an experiment from the database.
  • clean-db: Remove orphaned artifacts in the DB from...
  • clean-jobs: Cancel empty pending jobs.
  • configure: Configure SEML (database, argument...
  • delete: Delete experiments by ID or state (cancels...
  • description: Manage descriptions of the experiments in...
  • detect-duplicates: Prints duplicate experiment configurations.
  • detect-killed: Detect experiments where the corresponding...
  • download-sources: Download source files from the database to...
  • drop: Drop collections from the database.
  • hold: Hold queued experiments via SLURM.
  • launch-worker: Launch a local worker that runs PENDING jobs.
  • list: Lists all collections in the database.
  • prepare-experiment: Fetch experiment from database, prepare it...
  • print-command: Print the commands that would be executed...
  • print-experiment: Print the experiment document.
  • print-fail-trace: Prints fail traces of all failed experiments.
  • print-output: Print the output of experiments.
  • project: Setting up new projects.
  • queue: Prints the collections of the given job IDs.
  • release: Release holded experiments via SLURM.
  • reload-sources: Reload stashed source files.
  • reset: Reset the state of experiments by setting...
  • start: Fetch staged experiments from the database...
  • start-jupyter: Start a Jupyter slurm job.
  • status: Report status of experiments in the...
  • update-working-dir: Change the working directory of...

seml add

Add experiments to the database as defined in the configuration.


$ seml add [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILES...


  • CONFIG_FILES...: Path to the YAML configuration file for the experiment. [required]


  • -nh, --no-hash: By default, we use the hash of the config dictionary to filter out duplicates (by comparing all dictionary values individually). Only disable this if you have a good reason as it is faster.
  • -ncs, --no-sanity-check: Disable this if the check fails unexpectedly when using advanced Sacred features or to accelerate adding.
  • -ncc, --no-code-checkpoint: Disable this if you want your experiments to use the current codeinstead of the code at the time of adding.
  • -f, --force: Force adding the experiment even if it already exists in the database.
  • -o, --overwrite-params DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"epochs": 100}') to overwrite parameters in the config.
  • -d, --description TEXT: A description for the experiment.
  • --no-resolve-descriptions: Whether to prevent using omegaconf to resolve experiment descriptions
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml cancel

Cancel the Slurm job/job step corresponding to experiments, filtered by ID or state.


$ seml cancel [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: PENDING, RUNNING]
  • -w, --wait: Wait until all jobs are properly cancelled.
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml claim-experiment

Claim an experiment from the database.


$ seml claim-experiment [OPTIONS] SACRED_IDS...


  • SACRED_IDS...: Sacred IDs (_id in the database collection) of the experiments to claim. [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml clean-db

Remove orphaned artifacts in the DB from runs which have been deleted..


$ seml clean-db [OPTIONS]


  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml clean-jobs

Cancel empty pending jobs.


$ seml clean-jobs [OPTIONS] SACRED_IDS...


  • SACRED_IDS...: Sacred IDs (_id in the database collection) of the experiments to claim. [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml configure

Configure SEML (database, argument completion, ...).


$ seml configure [OPTIONS]


  • --host TEXT: The host of the MongoDB server.
  • --port INTEGER: The port of the MongoDB server.
  • --database TEXT: The name of the MongoDB database to use.
  • --username TEXT: The username for the MongoDB server.
  • --password TEXT: The password for the MongoDB server.
  • -sf, --ssh-forward: Configure SSH forwarding settings for MongoDB.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml delete

Delete experiments by ID or state (cancels Slurm jobs first if not --no-cancel).


$ seml delete [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: STAGED, QUEUED, FAILED, KILLED, INTERRUPTED]
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -nc, --no-cancel: Do not cancel the experiments before deleting them.
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml description

Manage descriptions of the experiments in a collection.


$ seml description [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • delete: Deletes the description of experiment(s).
  • list: Lists the descriptions of all experiments.
  • set: Sets the description of experiment(s).

seml description delete

Deletes the description of experiment(s).


$ seml description delete [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml description list

Lists the descriptions of all experiments.


$ seml description list [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --update-status: Whether to update the status of experiments in the database. This can take a while for large collections. Use only if necessary.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml description set

Sets the description of experiment(s).


$ seml description set [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION


  • DESCRIPTION: The description to set. [required]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --no-resolve-descriptions: Whether to prevent using omegaconf to resolve experiment descriptions
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml detect-duplicates

Prints duplicate experiment configurations.


$ seml detect-duplicates [OPTIONS]


  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: STAGED, QUEUED, FAILED, KILLED, INTERRUPTED]
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml detect-killed

Detect experiments where the corresponding Slurm jobs were killed externally.


$ seml detect-killed [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml download-sources

Download source files from the database to the provided path.


$ seml download-sources [OPTIONS] TARGET_DIRECTORY


  • TARGET_DIRECTORY: The directory where the source files should be restored. [required]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml drop

Drop collections from the database.

Note: This is a dangerous operation and should only be used if you know what you are doing.


$ seml drop [OPTIONS] [PATTERN]


  • [PATTERN]: A regex that must match the collections to print. [default: .*]


  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml hold

Hold queued experiments via SLURM.


$ seml hold [OPTIONS]


  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml launch-worker

Launch a local worker that runs PENDING jobs.


$ seml launch-worker [OPTIONS]


  • -n, --num-experiments INTEGER: Number of experiments to start. 0: all (staged) experiments [default: 0]
  • -nf, --no-file-output: Do not write the experiment's output to a file.
  • -ss, --steal-slurm: Local jobs 'steal' from the Slurm queue, i.e. also execute experiments waiting for execution via Slurm.
  • -pm, --post-mortem: Activate post-mortem debugging with pdb.
  • -d, --debug: Run a single interactive experiment without Sacred observers and with post-mortem debugging. Implies --verbose --num-exps 1 --post-mortem --output-to-console.
  • -ds, --debug-server: Run the experiment with a debug server, to which you can remotely connect with e.g. VS Code. Implies --debug.
  • -o, --output-to-console: Write the experiment's output to the console.
  • -wg, --worker-gpus TEXT: The IDs of the GPUs used by the local worker. Will be directly passed to CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
  • -wc, --worker-cpus INTEGER: The number of CPUs used by the local worker. Will be directly passed to OMP_NUM_THREADS.
  • -we, --worker-env DICT: Further environment variables to be set for the local worker.
  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml list

Lists all collections in the database.


$ seml list [OPTIONS] [PATTERN]


  • [PATTERN]: A regex that must match the collections to print. [default: .*]


  • -p, --progress: Whether to print a progress bar for iterating over collections.
  • -u, --update-status: Whether to update the status of experiments in the database. This can take a while for large collections. Use only if necessary.
  • -fd, --full-descriptions: Whether to print full descriptions (possibly with line breaks).
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml prepare-experiment

Fetch experiment from database, prepare it and print the command to execute it.


$ seml prepare-experiment [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters. [required]
  • -v, --verbose: Whether to print debug messages.
  • -u, --unobserved: Run the experiments without Sacred observers.
  • -pm, --post-mortem: Activate post-mortem debugging with pdb.
  • -ssd, --stored-sources-dir TEXT: Load source files into this directory before starting.
  • -ds, --debug-server: Run the experiment with a debug server, to which you can remotely connect with e.g. VS Code. Implies --debug.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml print-command

Print the commands that would be executed by start.


$ seml print-command [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: STAGED, QUEUED]
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -n, --num-experiments INTEGER: Number of experiments to start. 0: all (staged) experiments [default: 0]
  • -wg, --worker-gpus TEXT: The IDs of the GPUs used by the local worker. Will be directly passed to CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
  • -wc, --worker-cpus INTEGER: The number of CPUs used by the local worker. Will be directly passed to OMP_NUM_THREADS.
  • -we, --worker-env DICT: Further environment variables to be set for the local worker.
  • --unresolved: Whether to print the unresolved command.
  • --no-interpolation: Whether disable variable interpolation. Only compatible with --unresolved.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml print-experiment

Print the experiment document.


$ seml print-experiment [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: PENDING, STAGED, QUEUED, RUNNING, FAILED, KILLED, INTERRUPTED, COMPLETED]
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -p, --projection KEY: List of configuration keys, e.g., config.model, to additionally print.
  • -F, --format TEXT: The format in which to print the experiment document. [default: yaml]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml print-fail-trace

Prints fail traces of all failed experiments.


$ seml print-fail-trace [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: FAILED, KILLED, INTERRUPTED]
  • -p, --projection KEY: List of configuration keys, e.g., config.model, to additionally print.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml print-output

Print the output of experiments.


$ seml print-output [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: RUNNING, FAILED, KILLED, INTERRUPTED, COMPLETED]
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -sl, --slurm: Whether to print the Slurm output instead of the experiment output.
  • -h, --head INTEGER: Print the first n lines of the output.
  • -t, --tail INTEGER: Print the last n lines of the output.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml project

Setting up new projects.


$ seml project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • init: Initialize a new project in the given...
  • list-templates: List available project templates.

seml project init

Initialize a new project in the given directory.


$ seml project init [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY]


  • [DIRECTORY]: The directory in which to initialize the project. [default: .]


  • -t, --template TEXT: The template to use for the project. To view available templates use seml project list-templates. [default: default]
  • -n, --name TEXT: The name of the project. (By default inferred from the directory name.)
  • -u, --username TEXT: The author name to use for the project. (By default inferred from $USER)
  • -m, --usermail TEXT: The author email to use for the project. (By default empty.)
  • -r, --git-remote TEXT: The git remote to use for the project. (By default SETTINGS.TEMPLATE_REMOTE.)
  • -c, --git-commit TEXT: The exact git commit to use. May also be a tag or branch (By default latest)
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml project list-templates

List available project templates.


$ seml project list-templates [OPTIONS]


  • -r, --git-remote TEXT: The git remote to use for the project. (By default SETTINGS.TEMPLATE_REMOTE.)
  • -c, --git-commit TEXT: The exact git commit to use. May also be a tag or branch (By default latest)
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml queue

Prints the collections of the given job IDs. If none is specified, all jobs are considered.


$ seml queue [OPTIONS] [JOB_IDS]...


  • [JOB_IDS]...: The job IDs of the experiments to get the collection for.


  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: PENDING, RUNNING]
  • -a, --all: Whether to attempt finding the collection of the jobs of all users.
  • -w, --watch: Whether to watch the queue.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml release

Release holded experiments via SLURM.


$ seml release [OPTIONS]


  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml reload-sources

Reload stashed source files.


$ seml reload-sources [OPTIONS]


  • -k, -keep-old: Keep the old source files in the database.
  • -b, --batch-ids INTEGER: Batch IDs (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml reset

Reset the state of experiments by setting their state to STAGED and cleaning their database entry. Does not cancel Slurm jobs.


$ seml reset [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -s, --filter-states [STAGED|QUEUED|PENDING|RUNNING|FAILED|KILLED|INTERRUPTED|COMPLETED]: List of states to filter the experiments by. If empty (""), all states are considered. [default: FAILED, KILLED, INTERRUPTED]
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -y, --yes: Automatically confirm all dialogues with yes.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml start

Fetch staged experiments from the database and run them (by default via Slurm).


$ seml start [OPTIONS]


  • -id, --sacred-id INTEGER: Sacred ID (_id in the database collection) of the experiment. Takes precedence over other filters.
  • -fd, --filter-dict DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"config.dataset": "cora_ml"}') to filter the experiments by.
  • -b, --batch-id INTEGER: Batch ID (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • -d, --debug: Run a single interactive experiment without Sacred observers and with post-mortem debugging. Implies --verbose --num-exps 1 --post-mortem --output-to-console.
  • -ds, --debug-server: Run the experiment with a debug server, to which you can remotely connect with e.g. VS Code. Implies --debug.
  • -l, --local: Run the experiment locally instead of on a Slurm cluster.
  • -nw, --no-worker: Do not launch a local worker after setting experiments' state to PENDING.
  • -n, --num-experiments INTEGER: Number of experiments to start. 0: all (staged) experiments [default: 0]
  • -nf, --no-file-output: Do not write the experiment's output to a file.
  • -ss, --steal-slurm: Local jobs 'steal' from the Slurm queue, i.e. also execute experiments waiting for execution via Slurm.
  • -pm, --post-mortem: Activate post-mortem debugging with pdb.
  • -o, --output-to-console: Write the experiment's output to the console.
  • -wg, --worker-gpus TEXT: The IDs of the GPUs used by the local worker. Will be directly passed to CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
  • -wc, --worker-cpus INTEGER: The number of CPUs used by the local worker. Will be directly passed to OMP_NUM_THREADS.
  • -we, --worker-env DICT: Further environment variables to be set for the local worker.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml start-jupyter

Start a Jupyter slurm job. Uses SBATCH options defined in under SBATCH_OPTIONS_TEMPLATES.JUPYTER


$ seml start-jupyter [OPTIONS]


  • -l, --lab: Start a jupyter-lab instance instead of jupyter notebook.
  • -c, --conda-env TEXT: Start the Jupyter instance in a Conda environment.
  • -sb, --sbatch-options DICT: Dictionary (passed as a string, e.g. '{"gres": "gpu:2"}') to request two GPUs.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml status

Report status of experiments in the database collection.


$ seml status [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --update-status: Whether to update the status of experiments in the database. This can take a while for large collections. Use only if necessary. [default: True]
  • -p, --projection KEY: List of configuration keys, e.g., config.model, to additionally print.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

seml update-working-dir

Change the working directory of experiments in case you moved the source code to a different location.


$ seml update-working-dir [OPTIONS] WORKING_DIR


  • WORKING_DIR: The new working directory for the experiments. [required]


  • -b, --batch-ids INTEGER: Batch IDs (batch_id in the database collection) of the experiments. Experiments that were staged together have the same batch_id.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.