We evaluate the generalizability of three popular RL algorithms on the LevDoom benchmark: DQN, PPO, Rainbow. The agent is trained on levels 0 and 1 in a multi-task setting and tested on the remaining highger levels. The results are aggregated over 5 seeds. Each scenario has its own success metric.
Aggregated results across all evaluation levels for each scenario. The results are averaged over 5 seeds.
$ python run.py --algorithm ppo --scenario $SCENARIO --train_levels 0 1 --test_levels 2 3 4 \
--seed $SEED --epoch 100
- Rainbow
$ python run.py --algorithm rainbow --scenario $SCENARIO --train_levels 0 1 --test_levels 2 3 4 \
--seed $SEED --epoch 100 --lr 0.0001 --step-per-collect 10 --batch-size 64
$ python run.py --algorithm dqn --scenario $SCENARIO --train_levels 0 1 --test_levels 2 3 4 \
--seed $SEED --epoch 100 --lr 0.0001 --step-per-collect 10 --batch-size 64
$SEED = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
$SCENARIO = {defend_the_center, health_gathering, seek_and_slay, dodge_projectiles}
Our experiments were managed using WandB. In order to setup WandB locally
run wandb login
in the terminal (WandB Quickstart).
We configure WandB using the following arguments:
--with_wandb: Enables Weights and Biases integration (default: False)
--wandb_user: WandB username (entity). Must be specified from command line! Also see https://docs.wandb.ai/quickstart#1.-set-up-wandb (default: None)
--wandb_key: WandB API key. Might need to be specified if running from a remote server. (default: None)
--wandb_project: WandB "Project" (default: LevDoom)
--wandb_group: WandB "Group" (to group your experiments). By default this is the name of the env. (default: None)
--wandb_job_type: WandB job type (default: SF)
--wandb_tags: [WANDB_TAGS [WANDB_TAGS ...]] Tags can help with finding experiments in WandB web console (default: [])
Once the experiment is started, the link to the monitored session is going to be available in the logs (or by searching in the Wandb Web console).
We use the implementation of DQN, Rainbow and PPO from Tianshou.