These are still worth going through and hold a lot of value but the a list that's big as this one can give you analysis paralysis so the new version has been extremely streamlined and now only focuses on beginners.
- What is a web browser - Team Treehouse
- How does the web work - Academind
- What is a web server - WebConcepts
- How a CPU works - Fireship
- What are Dotfiles - Fireship
- Web Development in 2021 - TraversyMedia
- Complete Web development learning path - Academind
- Top 20 Visual studio code extensions - TraversyMedia
- Web dev Vs Web design - Edureka
- HTML tutorial for beginners - Code with Mosh
- HTML tutorial for beginners - Code with Harry
- HTML Full Course Build a Website - FreeCodeCamp
- HTML crash course - TraversyMedia
- HTML crash course 2021 - DesignCourse
- Learn HTML in 30 minutes - Edureka
- HTML Playlist - DevDreamer
- Complete HTML in video - KeepCoding
- Learn HTML5 and CSS3 - FreeCodeCamp
- Learn HTML/CSS in 4 hours - DevEd
- HTML and CSS course - CodingAddict
- HTML for everyone - Codemy
- CSS Zero to Hero - FreeCodeCamp
- CSS tutorial in Hindi - TechGun
- CSS Crash course - TraversyMedia
- CSS Animations Crash course - TraversyMedia
- CSS Flexbox Crash course - TraversyMedia
- HTML & CSS Playlist - TraversyMedia
- CSS Flexbox in 100 seconds - FireShip
- Learn Flexbox in 20 Minutes - DevEd
- CSS Flexbox - FreeCodeCamp
- CSS Flexbox Playlist -CodeEvolution
- CSS Flexbox in 15 Minutes - WebDevSimplified
- CSS Grid Crash course - TraversyMedia
- CSS Grid tutorial - DevEd
- CSS Grid in 100 seconds - FireShip
- The Joy of CSS Grid - FireShip
- Learn CSS Grid 30 minutes - WebDevSimplified
- CSS Grid tutorial - NetNinja
- CSS Grid course - FreeCodeCamp
- Grid Vs Flexbox - Academind
- CSS Playlist - DevDreamer
- Learn CSS Animation - WebDevSimplified
- CSS Animations - NetNinja
- SVG Animation with CSS - FireShip
- CSS Animations in 100 Seconds - FireShip
- CSS Media queries - FreeCodeCamp
- Flexbox and Grid tutorials - JoySahab
- CSS Tutorial for beginners - KeepCoding
- CSS Flexbox tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- Bootstrap tutorial Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- Bootstrap in 20 Minutes - RaddyTheBrand
- Complete Bootstrap 5 Tutorial - ThapaTechnical
- Bootstrap 5 tutorial - KeepCoding
- Bootstrap Portfolio - AdrianTwarog
- How to create a responsive website with Bootstrap - CodeGalaxy
- Tailwind CSS Crash course - TraversyMedia
- Tailwind CSS course - NetNinja
- Tailwind + PostCSS -AdamWathan
- CSS Vs Frameworks - Academind
- Bulma CSS - NetNinja
- Bulma CSS - FreeCodeCamp
- Company website with Bulma CSS - Duomly
- Materialize CSS - NetNinja
- Materialize CSS Crash course - HiteshChaudhary
- Tailwind CSS tutorial - Scrimba
- Complete Tailwind Website - TraversyMedia
- Gym Website with Tailwind - TraversyMedia
- Rebuild Netlify with Tailwind - AdamWathan
- Build WorkCation with Tailwind -AdamWathan
- Building KiteTail with Tailwind - AdamWathan
- Building SponsorShip with Tailwind - AdamWathan
- Tailwind:Zero to Production - TailwindLabs
- Bootstrap for everyone - Codemy
- Sass tutorial for beginners - FreeCodeCamp
- Learn Sass in 20 minutes -DevEd
- Sass introduction - YahooBaba
- Sass in 100 Seconds - FireShip
- Sass Crash course - TraversyMedia
- Complete Sass tutoriall - ThapaTechnical
- Sass Tutorial - NetNinja
- Learn Sass for free - DesignCourse
- Sass Tutorial for beginners - KarlHadwen
- Build a Responsive website with Sass - BrianDesign
- Intro to responsive web design - FreeCodeCamp
- Build a modern responsive website using HTML & CSS - TraversyMedia
- Build a modern landing page with HTML & CSS - TraversyMedia
- How to make complete responsive website - DailyTution
- Responsive Portfolio website - JulioCodes
- Responsive animated website - JulioCodes
- Responsive hotel website - JulioCodes
- Responsive web design - The NetNinja
- Mobile first web design - The NetNinja
- Mobile first layout using CSS Grid
- Make a Landing page from scratch - FreeCodeCamp
- Responsive Web design essentials - BringYourOwnLaptop
- Build a modern responsive website - JhonKomarnicki
- Adobe XD - GFXMentor
- Web design course - Flux
- Typography full course - FreeCodeCamp
- Laptop Ui - DevEd
- Ui design tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- Web design in AdobeXD - EasyTutorial
- How to design a Website - FreeCodeCamp
- Ui design for coders - TraversyMedia
- Figma tutorial - DesignCourse
- Figma in 40 minutes - TraversyMedia
- Figma 2021 crash course - DesignCourse
- Ui/Ux design tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- Adobe XD Ui/Ux tutorial - BringYourOwnLaptop
- Adobe XD 2021 crash course -DesignCourse
- Adobe XD tutorial - PelfizzStudio
- Adobe XD tutorials - Dansky
- Ui/Ux tutorials - DevEd
- Glass website -DevEd
- JavaScript full course - Edureka
- JavaScript crash course - TraversyMedia
- Learn JavaScript - FreeCodeCamp
- JavaScript tutorial - Telusko
- JavaScript for beginners -MoshHamadani
- JavaScript tutorial in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- Top 5 JavaScript concepts - JamesQuick
- 15 JavaScript projects - FreeCodeCamp
- Build tetris using JavaScript
- 8 hour JavaScript tutorial - CleverProgrammer
- Weird JavaScript course - FireShip
- JavaScript fundamentals - CodingAddict
- JavaScript complete course - FreeCodeCamp
There are so many great videos on JS that I simply can't include all of them, Apologies.
- Advance JavaScript - CodeDamn
- Advance JavaScript Hindi - YahooBaba
- Advance JavaScript tutorial - Edureka
- OOP in JavaScript - MoshHamadani
- ES6 in 1 hour - MoshHamadani
- Modern JavaScript Hindi - ThapaTechnical
- ES6 JavaScript - DevEd
- JavaScript ES6 -NetNinja
- JavaScript ES6 - FreeCodeCamp
- Modern JavaScript - NetNinja
- Async JavaScript - NetNinja
- Git tutorial for beginners - MoshHamadani
- Git & Github tutorial - CodeWithHarry
- Git & Github crash course - TraversyMedia
- Git & Github tutorial - NetNinja
- Git & Github for beginners - FreeCodeCamp
- Git tutorial for beginners - Telusko
- Git & Github full course - Edureka
- Automatic Deployment with Github actions
- Create an awesome README - CodeStackr
- Git tutorial for beginners - TechWithTim
- Github pull requests in 100 seconds - FireShip
- Git and Github for version control - Codemy
- What is version control - SimpliLearn
- How to use git - FireShip
- 5 ways to Dev-Opsify your app - FireShip
- Git explained in 100 seconds - FireShip
- Git & Github for beginners - AmigosCode
- Angular for beginners - AngularUniversity
- Angular tutorial - MoshHamadani
- Angular tutorial in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- Angular 10 tutorial - CodeStepByStep
- Angular full course - Edureka
- Angular crash course - TraversyMedia
- Learn Angular - CodeDamn
- Angular projects - Edureka
- Angular 11 project -FreeCodeCamp
- Learn Angular material - FreeCodeCamp
- Angular material tuorial - MoshHamadani
- Intro to Agular material - Academind
- Angular material course - AngularUniversity
- Angular universal - AngularUniversity
- Angular universal with Firebase - FireShip
- What is React - MoshHamadani
- React crash course 2021 - TraversyMedia
- React tutorial for beginners - MoshHamadani
- Introduction to React - ThapaTechnical
- React.js tutorial - Codevolution
- React tutorial in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- React.js full tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- React.js tutorial for beginners - CleverProgrammer
- Full React course - FreeCodeCamp
- React crash course for beginners - Academind
- Full React tutorial - NetNinja
- React full tutorial - CodeStepByStep
- React in 8 hours - CleverProgrammer
- React in 30 minutes - CleverProgrammer
- Full react course for beginners - Edureka
- 15 react projects - FreeCodeCamp
- React tutorial - DevEd
- Advance React - Codedammn
- React in 100 seconds - FireShip
- React tutorials - WebDevSimplified
- React hooks - WebDevSimplified
- React Query tutorial - NetNinja
- React router course - FreeCodeCamp
- React with TypeScript - LarithHarb
There are many more great tutorials on React.js because of it's popularity but I couldn't list them all. Apologies.
- Vue.js Crash course - TraversyMedia
- Vue.js Tutorial in Hindi - CodeStepByStep
- Vue.js 2 tutorial - NetNinja
- Vue.js in 100 seconds - FireShip
- Learn Vue.js - FreeCodeCamp
- Vue.js 3 in 10 hours - Bitfumes
- Vue.js 3 for beginners - NetNinja
- Vue.js 3 Animations - NetNinja
- Vue.js 3 tutorial - Codevolution
- Vue.js 3 tutorial in Hindi - CodeStepByStep
- Learn Vue.js 3 - TheEarthIsSquare
- Vue 3 In-dept course - DevAscend
- Vue 3 tutorial - Codevolution
- Node.js for beginners - MoshHamadani
- Node.js and Express.js full course - FreeCodeCamp
- Node.js in Hindi - ThapaTechnical
- Node.js Crash course - NetNinja
- Node.js tutorial in Hindi - CodeStepByStep
- Learn Node.js - FreeCodeCamp
- Node.js full course - Edureka
- Node.js tutorials -Telusko
- Node.js in 7 easy steps - FireShip
- Node.js crash course - TraversyMedia
- Node.js for beginners - CodeStackr
- Rest API with node and express - MoshHamadani
- Node.js for beginners - MoshHamadani
- Express.js crash course - TraversyMedia
- Node.js tutotrial - CodeDammn
- Node and express from scratch - TraversyMedia
- Build a rest API with node - DevEd
- Vanilla node.js rest API - TraversyMedia
- APIs with node.js - CleverProgrammer
- Node.js crash course - TraversyMedia
- Node.js auth with JWT - NetNinja
- Node,js tutorial - Codemy
- []
- Full stack vue - EstebanCodes
- Mevn stack project - DCodeMania
- Full stack photobook using Vue.js - TraversyMedia
- Full stack Vue.js
- Vue.js Full stack course - CodeInspire
- E-commerce using Vue.js and Django
- 6 hours Vue.js and firebase project - TraversyMedia
- Full stack Vue.js - Academind
- Full stack Vue.js message board - CodingGarden
- Laravel and Vue.js - BoltSkills
- Invoice app with Vue.js and Firebase
- Svelte in 100 seconds - FireShip
- Svelte tutorial - NetNinja
- Svelte 3 crash course - DesignCourse
- Full stack svelte - EstebanCodes
- Learn svelte.js full course - FreeCodeCamp
- Svelte tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- Beginner Svelte tutorial - PortEXE
- Svelte In-depth course - DevAscend
- Svelte crash course - TraversyMedia
- Svelte tutorial - Codevolution
- Sapper.js tutorial - NetNinja
- Deno.js in 100 seconds - FireShip
- What is Deno.js - Academind
- Deno.js full course - FreeCodeCamp
- Deno.js crash course - TraversyMedia
- Deno.js crash course - Bitfumes
- Deno.js and express course - AdrianTwarog
- Deno.js tutorials - TheCodeholic
- Deno tutorial - NetNinja
- Deno and Web-sockets - NetNinja
- TypeScript in 100 seconds - FireShip
- TypeScript course for beginners - Academind
- TypeScript tutorial - MoshHamadani
- Basic TypeScript - FireShip
- TypeScript tutorial - FireShip
- TypeScript Full course for beginners - FreeCodeCamp
- TypeScript in 50 minutes - Codevolution
- TypeScript crash course - LaithHarb
- TypeScript with react - BenAwad
- TypeScript generics - BenAwad
- TypeScript for JS developers - CoderOne
- TypeScript with Vue.js - NetNinja
- TypeScript and Webpack tutorial -NetNinja
- Quiz application using TypeScript and React - FreeCodeCamp
- Shopping cart with TypeScript and React - FreeCodeCamp
- Full stack TypeScript with React and GraphQL - BenAwad
- GraphQL in 40 minutes - WebDevSimplified
- GraphQL in 100 seconds - FireShip
- GraphQL tutorial - NetNinja
- GraphQL crash course
- GraphQL basics - FireShip
- GraphQL beginner tutorial - PedroTech
- GraphQL course - Academind
- GraphQL and Django - VeryAcademy
- Modern APIs with GraphQL - AWS
- GraphQL, TypeScript, and Next.js - BenAwad
- GraphQL beginners - BenAwad
- GraphQL with Keystone.js - TraversyMedia
- PHP tutorial in hindi - CodeWithHarry
- PHP full course - FreeCodeCamp
- PHP with MySQL - NetNinja
- PHP for absolute beginners - TraversyMedia
- PHP tutorial - Edureka
- PHP tutorials - DanyKorssing
- PHP tutorial in Hindi/Urdu - YahooBaba
- PHP OOP programming - NetNinja
- OOP in PHP - DaniKorssing
- PHP OOP tutorial in Hindi/Urdu - YahooBaba
- Learn PHP the right way - ProgramWithGio
- PHP for programming - Codemy
- Laravel tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- Laravel crash course - TraversyMedia
- Laravel tutorial - CodeStepByStep
- Complete Laravel tutorial - CodeWithDarry
- Laravel tutorial - Edureka
- Create a Laravel API - DigitalOcean
- Laravel for beginners - NetNinja
- Laravel complete course - BitFumes
- Laravel restAPI - TraversyMedia
- Python Tutorial for beginners - TechworldWithNana
- Python full course - Edureka
- Python for everybody - FreeCodeCamp
- Python AI full course - CleverPrgrammer
- Python tutorial for beginners - AmigoCodes
- 12 beginner project in python - FreeCodeCamp
- Learn python by building games - FreeCodeCamp
- Python full course - BroCode
- Python complete course in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- Python complete course for beginners - FreeCodeCamp
- Python prgramming playlist - Telusko
- Python in 1 hour - MoshHamadani
- Python full course - MoshHamadni
- Python tutorial for beginners - CleverProgrammer
- 6 quick projects in python - FreeCodeCamp
- Advance Python programming - FreeCodeCamp
- OOP in python - TraversyMedia
- Python and MySQL - TraversyMedia
- Python playlist - AmigoCodes
- OOP in python for beginners - TechWithTim
- OOP in python - Telusko
- Python OOP tutorial - CoreySchafer
- OOP in python - PythonEngineer
- Backend web development with Python - FreeCodeCamp
- Flask tutorial for beginners - Edureka
- Full website in flask - TechWithTim
- Web programming with flask(Harvard's CS50) - FreeCodeCamp
- Flask and React microservices - FreeCodeCamp
- Python flask web development - CodeWithHarry
- Flask tutorial for beginners - CleverProgrammer
- Learn flask for python - FreeCodeCamp
- Flask course - FreeCodeCamp
- Data Structures with flask and python - FreeCodeCamp
- Python Django tutorial - CleverProgrammer
- Django 3 course - FreeCodeCamp
- Django for beginners - TechWithTim
- E-commerce website with Django - FreeCodeCamp
- E-commerce with Vue.js and Django
- 3 django projects - FreeCodeCamp
- Build a CRM with Django - JustDjango
- Django Todo list - DenisIvy
- Django for beginners - Telusko
- Django web app - CoreySchafer
- Django tutorial in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- Django web framework - FreeCodeCamp
- Django Python course -Academind
- Django complete course - BitFumes
You should check out PyPlane and justDjango youtube channels for more videos.
- 7 database paradigms - NetNinja
- Database design course - FreeCodeCamp
- Database systems - FreeCodeCamp
- SQL tutorial - FreeCodeCamp
- SQL Vs NoSQL explained - BeABetterDev
- SQL Vs NoSQL - Academind
- SQL Vs NoSQL which is better - WebDevSimplified
- SQL Vs NoSQL - Edureka
- Difference betweenSQL Vs NoSQL - SimpliLearn
- MySQL vs MongoDB - HiteshChahudhary
- MySQL tutorial - MoshHamadani
- MySQL tutorial in Hindi/Urdu - YahooBaba
- MySQL complete course - FreeCodeCamp
- MySQL crash course - TraversyMedia
- MySQL tutorial - Edureka
- MySQL basics - FireShip
- MySQL database full course - FreeCodeCamp
- MySQL with Node.js - Codemy
- Learn Postgres - AmigoCodes
- Postgres tutorial for beginners - Edureka
- Postgres course - AmigoCodes
- Postgres tutorial - Simplilearn
- Postgres tutorial for beginners - BenAwad
- Intro to Postgres - Codemy
- MongoDB crash course - TraversyMedia
- MongoDB full course - Simplilearn
- MongoDB tutorial in Hindi - ThapaTechnical
- MongoDB for beginners - AmigoCodes
- MongoDB tutorial in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- MongoDB with Python - FreeCodeCamp
- MongoDB with Node.js - FreeCodeCamp
- MongoDB tutorial - Intelipaat
- MongoDB for beginners - NetNinja
- Docker in 100 seconds - FireShip
- Learn Docker+DevOps - FreeCodeCamp
- Docker tutorial full devops course - FreeCodeCamp
- Full Docker tutorial - MoshHamadani
- Docker tutorial in Hindi - CodeWithHarry
- Docker in 3 hours - TechworldWithNana
- Docker in 7 easy steps - FireShip
- Docker playlist - CodeDamn
- Docker tutorial for beginners - Telusko
- Docker full tutorial - Edureka
- Containerize python apps with docker - PythonEngineer
- Docker and Kubernetes full course - AmigoCodes
- Kubernetes crash course - LarithHarb
- DevOps crash course - TraversyMedia
- Docker with Linux - CoderOne
- Docker crash course - LarithHarb
Congrats you made it to the end of this guide. I hope you learned a lot and if any of the links is not working or is out dated please let me know and don't forget to star ⭐ the repository.