From 7abaabfb32460f2bc46d74858c16997864fc2cea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dong Zhang <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 16:26:02 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] [multi-DB] Part 3: Python API changes (#52)

* multiDB part3 : python API
* add validation check and update some minor suggestions
 src/swsssdk/                 |  26 +---
 src/swsssdk/config/database.json        |  31 ----
 src/swsssdk/config/database_config.json |  57 ++++++++
 src/swsssdk/                 |  26 ++--
 src/swsssdk/              | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/swsssdk/                | 175 ++++++++++------------
 test/                 |  10 +-
 7 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/swsssdk/config/database.json
 create mode 100644 src/swsssdk/config/database_config.json

diff --git a/src/swsssdk/ b/src/swsssdk/
index 1989c93937cc..1722bb70182b 100644
--- a/src/swsssdk/
+++ b/src/swsssdk/
@@ -7,32 +7,8 @@
-import json
-import os
-def _load_connector_map():
-    """
-    Get database map from the packaged config.
-    """
-    global _connector_map
-    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'config', 'database.json')
-    try:
-        with open(db_file, 'r') as f:
-            _connector_map = json.load(f)
-    except (OSError, IOError):
-        # Missing configuration means we can't configure the database index. Fatal error.
-        msg = "Could not open database index '{}'".format(db_file)
-        logger.exception(msg)
-        raise RuntimeError(msg)
-_connector_map = {}
-    from .dbconnector import SonicV2Connector
+    from .dbconnector import SonicDBConfig, SonicV2Connector
     from .configdb import ConfigDBConnector
 except (KeyError, ValueError):
     msg = "Failed to database connector objects -- incorrect database config schema."
diff --git a/src/swsssdk/config/database.json b/src/swsssdk/config/database.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 640012f15945..000000000000
--- a/src/swsssdk/config/database.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  "SonicV2Connector": {
-    "db_map": {
-      "APPL_DB": {
-        "db": 0,
-        "separator": ":"
-      },
-      "ASIC_DB": {
-        "db": 1,
-        "separator": ":"
-      },
-      "COUNTERS_DB": {
-        "db": 2,
-        "separator": ":"
-      },
-      "CONFIG_DB": {
-        "db": 4,
-        "separator": "|"
-      },
-      "STATE_DB": {
-        "db": 6,
-        "separator": "|"
-      },
-      "SNMP_OVERLAY_DB": {
-        "db": 7,
-        "separator": "|"
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/swsssdk/config/database_config.json b/src/swsssdk/config/database_config.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b86ae11bba98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/swsssdk/config/database_config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+    "INSTANCES": {
+        "redis":{
+            "hostname" : "",
+            "port" : 6379,
+            "unix_socket_path" : "/var/run/redis/redis.sock"
+        }
+    },
+    "DATABASES" : {
+        "APPL_DB" : {
+            "id" : 0,
+            "separator": ":",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "ASIC_DB" : {
+            "id" : 1,
+            "separator": ":",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "COUNTERS_DB" : {
+            "id" : 2,
+            "separator": ":",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "LOGLEVEL_DB" : {
+            "id" : 3,
+            "separator": ":",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "CONFIG_DB" : {
+            "id" : 4,
+            "separator": "|",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "PFC_WD_DB" : {
+            "id" : 5,
+            "separator": ":",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "FLEX_COUNTER_DB" : {
+            "id" : 5,
+            "separator": ":",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "STATE_DB" : {
+            "id" : 6,
+            "separator": "|",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        },
+        "SNMP_OVERLAY_DB" : {
+            "id" : 7,
+            "separator": "|",
+            "instance" : "redis"
+        }
+    },
+    "VERSION" : "1.0"
diff --git a/src/swsssdk/ b/src/swsssdk/
index 2fa896f25ab5..fe77c5838a8a 100644
--- a/src/swsssdk/
+++ b/src/swsssdk/
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         self.handlers = {}
     def __wait_for_db_init(self):
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         pubsub = client.pubsub()
         initialized = client.get(self.INIT_INDICATOR)
         if not initialized:
-            pattern = "__keyspace@{}__:{}".format(self.db_map[self.db_name]['db'], self.INIT_INDICATOR)
+            pattern = "__keyspace@{}__:{}".format(self.get_dbid(self.db_name), self.INIT_INDICATOR)
             for item in pubsub.listen():
                 if item['type'] == 'pmessage':
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def __wait_for_db_init(self):
     def db_connect(self, dbname, wait_for_init=False, retry_on=False):
         self.db_name = dbname
-        self.KEY_SEPARATOR = self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR = self.db_map[self.db_name]['separator']
+        self.KEY_SEPARATOR = self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR = self.get_db_separator(self.db_name)
         SonicV2Connector.connect(self, self.db_name, retry_on)
         if wait_for_init:
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ def __fire(self, table, key, data):
     def listen(self):
         """Start listen Redis keyspace events and will trigger corresponding handlers when content of a table changes.
-        self.pubsub = self.redis_clients[self.db_name].pubsub()
-        self.pubsub.psubscribe("__keyspace@{}__:*".format(self.db_map[self.db_name]['db']))
+        self.pubsub = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name).pubsub()
+        self.pubsub.psubscribe("__keyspace@{}__:*".format(self.get_dbid(self.db_name)))
         for item in self.pubsub.listen():
             if item['type'] == 'pmessage':
                 key = item['channel'].split(':', 1)[1]
                     (table, row) = key.split(self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR, 1)
                     if self.handlers.has_key(table):
-                        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+                        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
                         data = self.__raw_to_typed(client.hgetall(key))
                         self.__fire(table, row, data)
                 except ValueError:
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def set_entry(self, table, key, data):
                   Pass None as data will delete the entry.
         key = self.serialize_key(key)
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         _hash = '{}{}{}'.format(table.upper(), self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR, key)
         if data == None:
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ def mod_entry(self, table, key, data):
                   Pass None as data will delete the entry.
         key = self.serialize_key(key)
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         _hash = '{}{}{}'.format(table.upper(), self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR, key)
         if data == None:
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def get_entry(self, table, key):
             Empty dictionary if table does not exist or entry does not exist.
         key = self.serialize_key(key)
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         _hash = '{}{}{}'.format(table.upper(), self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR, key)
         return self.__raw_to_typed(client.hgetall(_hash))
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def get_keys(self, table, split=True):
             List of keys.
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         pattern = '{}{}*'.format(table.upper(), self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR)
         keys = client.keys(pattern)
         data = []
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ def get_table(self, table):
             or { ('l1_key', 'l2_key', ...): {'column_key': value, ...}, ...} for a multi-key table.
             Empty dictionary if table does not exist.
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         pattern = '{}{}*'.format(table.upper(), self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR)
         keys = client.keys(pattern)
         data = {}
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def delete_table(self, table):
             table: Table name.
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         pattern = '{}{}*'.format(table.upper(), self.TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR)
         keys = client.keys(pattern)
         data = {}
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ def get_config(self):
-        client = self.redis_clients[self.db_name]
+        client = self.get_redis_client(self.db_name)
         keys = client.keys('*')
         data = {}
         for key in keys:
diff --git a/src/swsssdk/ b/src/swsssdk/
index ec830028e97c..32c895d37a64 100644
--- a/src/swsssdk/
+++ b/src/swsssdk/
@@ -1,20 +1,190 @@
 Database connection module for SwSS
-from . import _connector_map, logger
+from . import logger
 from .interface import DBInterface
+import os
+import json
 # FIXME: Convert to metaclasses when Py2 support is removed. Metaclasses have unique interfaces to Python2/Python3.
+class SonicDBConfig(object):
+    SONIC_DB_CONFIG_FILE = "/var/run/redis/sonic-db/database_config.json"
+    _sonic_db_config_init = False
+    _sonic_db_config = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_sonic_db_config(sonic_db_file_path=SONIC_DB_CONFIG_FILE):
+        """
+        Get multiple database config from the database_config.json
+        """
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == True:
+            return
+        try:
+            if os.path.isfile(sonic_db_file_path) == False:
+                msg = "'{}' is not found, it is not expected in production devices!!".format(sonic_db_file_path)
+                logger.warning(msg)
+                sonic_db_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'config', 'database_config.json')
+            with open(sonic_db_file_path, "r") as read_file:
+                SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config = json.load(read_file)
+        except (OSError, IOError):
+            msg = "Could not open sonic database config file '{}'".format(sonic_db_file_path)
+            logger.exception(msg)
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init = True
+    @staticmethod
+    def db_name_validation(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        if db_name not in SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["DATABASES"]:
+            msg = "{} is not a valid database name in configuration file".format(db_name)
+            logger.exception(msg)
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+    @staticmethod
+    def inst_name_validation(inst_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        if inst_name not in SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["INSTANCES"]:
+            msg = "{} is not a valid instance name in configuration file".format(inst_name)
+            logger.exception(msg)
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_dblist():
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        return SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["DATABASES"].keys()
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_instance(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        SonicDBConfig.db_name_validation(db_name)
+        inst_name = SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["DATABASES"][db_name]["instance"]
+        SonicDBConfig.inst_name_validation(inst_name)
+        return SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["INSTANCES"][inst_name]
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_socket(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        SonicDBConfig.db_name_validation(db_name)
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_instance(db_name)["unix_socket_path"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_hostname(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        SonicDBConfig.db_name_validation(db_name)
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_instance(db_name)["hostname"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_port(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        SonicDBConfig.db_name_validation(db_name)
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_instance(db_name)["port"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_dbid(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        SonicDBConfig.db_name_validation(db_name)
+        return SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["DATABASES"][db_name]["id"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_separator(db_name):
+        if SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config_init == False:
+            SonicDBConfig.load_sonic_db_config()
+        SonicDBConfig.db_name_validation(db_name)
+        return SonicDBConfig._sonic_db_config["DATABASES"][db_name]["separator"]
 class SonicV2Connector(DBInterface):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, use_unix_socket_path=True, **kwargs):
         super(SonicV2Connector, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.use_unix_socket_path = use_unix_socket_path
+        for db_name in self.get_db_list():
+            # set a database name as a constant value attribute.
+            setattr(self, db_name, db_name)
-    pass
+    def connect(self, db_name, retry_on=True):
+        if self.use_unix_socket_path == False:
+            self.redis_kwargs["unix_socket_path"] = self.get_db_socket(db_name)
+            self.redis_kwargs["host"] = None
+            self.redis_kwargs["port"] = None
+        else:
+            self.redis_kwargs["host"] = self.get_db_hostname(db_name)
+            self.redis_kwargs["port"] = self.get_db_port(db_name)
+            self.redis_kwargs["unix_socket_path"] = None
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        super(SonicV2Connector, self).connect(db_id, retry_on)
+    def close(self, db_name):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        super(SonicV2Connector, self).close(db_id)
+    def get_db_list(self):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_dblist()
+    def get_db_instance(self, db_name):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_instance(db_name)
-SonicV2Connector.db_map = _connector_map[SonicV2Connector.__name__]['db_map']
+    def get_db_socket(self, db_name):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_socket(db_name)
-if len(SonicV2Connector.db_map) != len({v['db'] for k, v in SonicV2Connector.db_map.items()}):
-    raise RuntimeError("Duplicate DB index detected in configuration.")
+    def get_db_hostname(self, db_name):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_hostname(db_name)
+    def get_db_port(self, db_name):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_port(db_name)
+    def get_dbid(self, db_name):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_dbid(db_name)
+    def get_db_separator(self, db_name):
+        return SonicDBConfig.get_separator(db_name)
+    def get_redis_client(self, db_name):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).get_redis_client(db_id)
+    def publish(self, db_name, channel, message):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).publish(db_id, channel, message)
+    def expire(self, db_name, key, timeout_sec):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).expire(db_id, key, timeout_sec)
+    def exists(self, db_name, key):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return  super(SonicV2Connector, self).exists(db_id, key)
+    def keys(self, db_name, pattern='*', *args, **kwargs):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).keys(db_id, pattern, *args, **kwargs)
+    def get(self, db_name, _hash, key, *args, **kwargs):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).get(db_id, _hash, key, *args, **kwargs)
+    def get_all(self, db_name, _hash, *args, **kwargs):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).get_all(db_id, _hash, *args, **kwargs)
+    def set(self, db_name, _hash, key, val, *args, **kwargs):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).set(db_id, _hash, key, val, *args, **kwargs)
+    def delete(self, db_name, key, *args, **kwargs):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        return super(SonicV2Connector, self).delete(db_id, key, *args, **kwargs)
+    def delete_all_by_pattern(self, db_name, pattern, *args, **kwargs):
+        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
+        super(SonicV2Connector, self).delete_all_by_pattern(db_id, pattern, *args, **kwargs)
+    pass
diff --git a/src/swsssdk/ b/src/swsssdk/
index c77530b719ed..a3a13cb1b17a 100644
--- a/src/swsssdk/
+++ b/src/swsssdk/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def blockable(f):
         class SonicV2Connector:
-            def keys(self, db_name):
+            def keys(self, db_id):
                 # ...
         # call with:
@@ -29,26 +29,26 @@ def keys(self, db_name):
-    def wrapped(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs):
+    def wrapped(inst, db_id, *args, **kwargs):
         blocking = kwargs.pop('blocking', False)
         attempts = 0
         while True:
-                ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)
-                inst._unsubscribe_keyspace_notification(db_name)
+                ret_data = f(inst, db_id, *args, **kwargs)
+                inst._unsubscribe_keyspace_notification(db_id)
                 return ret_data
             except UnavailableDataError as e:
                 if blocking:
-                    if db_name in inst.keyspace_notification_channels:
-                        result = inst._unavailable_data_handler(db_name,
+                    if db_id in inst.keyspace_notification_channels:
+                        result = inst._unavailable_data_handler(db_id,
                         if result:
                             continue # received updates, try to read data again
-                            inst._unsubscribe_keyspace_notification(db_name)
+                            inst._unsubscribe_keyspace_notification(db_id)
                             raise    # No updates was received. Raise exception
                     else: # Subscribe to updates and try it again (avoiding race condition)
-                        inst._subscribe_keyspace_notification(db_name)
+                        inst._subscribe_keyspace_notification(db_id)
                     return None
             except redis.exceptions.ResponseError:
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ def wrapped(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs):
                 Retrying the request won't pass unless the schema itself changes. In this case, the error
                 should be attributed to the application itself. Re-raise the error.
-                logger.exception("Bad DB request [{}:{}]{{ {} }}".format(db_name, f.__name__, str(args)))
+                logger.exception("Bad DB request [{}:{}]{{ {} }}".format(db_id, f.__name__, str(args)))
             except (redis.exceptions.RedisError, OSError):
                 attempts += 1
-                inst._connection_error_handler(db_name)
-                msg = "DB access failure by [{}:{}]{{ {} }}".format(db_name, f.__name__, str(args))
+                inst._connection_error_handler(db_id)
+                msg = "DB access failure by [{}:{}]{{ {} }}".format(db_id, f.__name__, str(args))
                     # Repeated access failures implies the database itself is unhealthy.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def wrapped(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs):
 class DBRegistry(dict):
     def __getitem__(self, item):
         if item not in self:
-            raise MissingClientError("No client connected for db_name '{}'".format(item))
+            raise MissingClientError("No client connected for db_id '{}'".format(item))
         return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
@@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ class DBInterface(object):
     ACS Redis db mainly uses hash, therefore h is selected.
-    db_map = dict()
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         super(DBInterface, self).__init__()
@@ -161,147 +159,128 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         # notifications for each client
         self.keyspace_notification_channels = DBRegistry()
-        for db_name in self.db_map:
-            # set a database name as a constant value attribute.
-            setattr(self, db_name, db_name)
-    @property
-    def db_list(self):
-        return self.db_map.keys()
-    @classmethod
-    def get_dbid(cls, db_name):
-        """
-        :returns the database index by name. None if the name doesn't exist.
-        """
-        try:
-            return cls.db_map[db_name]['db']
-        except (KeyError, ValueError):
-            return None
-    def connect(self, db_name, retry_on=True):
+    def connect(self, db_id, retry_on=True):
-        :param db_name: named database to connect to
+        :param db_id: database id to connect to
         :param retry_on: if ``True`` -- will attempt to connect continuously.
         if ``False``, only one attempt will be made.
         if retry_on:
-            self._persistent_connect(db_name)
+            self._persistent_connect(db_id)
-            self._onetime_connect(db_name)
+            self._onetime_connect(db_id)
-    def _onetime_connect(self, db_name):
+    def _onetime_connect(self, db_id):
-        Connect to named database.
+        Connect to database id.
-        db_id = self.get_dbid(db_name)
         if db_id is None:
-            raise ValueError("No database ID configured for '{}'".format(db_name))
+            raise ValueError("No database ID configured for '{}'".format(db_id))
-        client = redis.StrictRedis(db=self.db_map[db_name]['db'], **self.redis_kwargs)
+        client = redis.StrictRedis(db=db_id, **self.redis_kwargs)
         # Enable the notification mechanism for keyspace events in Redis
         client.config_set('notify-keyspace-events', self.KEYSPACE_EVENTS)
-        self.redis_clients[db_name] = client
+        self.redis_clients[db_id] = client
-    def _persistent_connect(self, db_name):
+    def _persistent_connect(self, db_id):
-        Keep reconnecting to Database 'db_name' until success
+        Keep reconnecting to Database 'db_id' until success
         while True:
-                self._onetime_connect(db_name)
+                self._onetime_connect(db_id)
             except RedisError:
                 t_wait = self.CONNECT_RETRY_WAIT_TIME
-                logger.warning("Connecting to DB '{}' failed, will retry in {}s".format(db_name, t_wait))
-                self.close(db_name)
+                logger.warning("Connecting to DB '{}' failed, will retry in {}s".format(db_id, t_wait))
+                self.close(db_id)
-    def close(self, db_name):
+    def close(self, db_id):
         Close all client(s) / keyspace channels.
-        :param db_name: DB to disconnect from.
+        :param db_id: DB to disconnect from.
-        if db_name in self.redis_clients:
-            self.redis_clients[db_name].connection_pool.disconnect()
-        if db_name in self.keyspace_notification_channels:
-            self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_name].close()
+        if db_id in self.redis_clients:
+            self.redis_clients[db_id].connection_pool.disconnect()
+        if db_id in self.keyspace_notification_channels:
+            self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_id].close()
-    def _subscribe_keyspace_notification(self, db_name):
+    def _subscribe_keyspace_notification(self, db_id):
         Subscribe the chosent client to keyspace event notifications
         logger.debug("Subscribe to keyspace notification")
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         pubsub = client.pubsub()
-        self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_name] = pubsub
+        self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_id] = pubsub
-    def _unsubscribe_keyspace_notification(self, db_name):
+    def _unsubscribe_keyspace_notification(self, db_id):
         Unsubscribe the chosent client from keyspace event notifications
-        if db_name in self.keyspace_notification_channels:
+        if db_id in self.keyspace_notification_channels:
             logger.debug("Unsubscribe from keyspace notification")
-            self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_name].close()
-            del self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_name]
+            self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_id].close()
+            del self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_id]
-    def get_redis_client(self, db_name):
+    def get_redis_client(self, db_id):
-        :param db_name: Name of the DB to query
+        :param db_id: Name of the DB to query
         :return: The Redis client instance.
-        return self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        return self.redis_clients[db_id]
-    def publish(self, db_name, channel, message):
+    def publish(self, db_id, channel, message):
         Publish message via the channel
-        client  = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client  = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         return client.publish(channel, message)
-    def expire(self, db_name, key, timeout_sec):
+    def expire(self, db_id, key, timeout_sec):
         Set a timeout on a key
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         return client.expire(key, timeout_sec)
-    def exists(self, db_name, key):
+    def exists(self, db_id, key):
         Check if a key exist in the db
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         return client.exists(key)
-    def keys(self, db_name, pattern='*'):
+    def keys(self, db_id, pattern='*'):
-        Retrieve all the keys of DB %db_name
+        Retrieve all the keys of DB %db_id
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         keys = client.keys(pattern=pattern)
         if not keys:
-            message = "DB '{}' is empty!".format(db_name)
+            message = "DB '{}' is empty!".format(db_id)
             raise UnavailableDataError(message, b'hset')
             return keys
-    def get(self, db_name, _hash, key):
+    def get(self, db_id, _hash, key):
         Retrieve the value of Key %key from Hashtable %hash
-        in Database %db_name
+        in Database %db_id
         Parameter %blocking indicates whether to wait
         when the query fails
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         val = client.hget(_hash, key)
         if not val:
-            message = "Key '{}' field '{}' unavailable in database '{}'".format(_hash, key, db_name)
+            message = "Key '{}' field '{}' unavailable in database '{}'".format(_hash, key, db_id)
             raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)
@@ -309,17 +288,17 @@ def get(self, db_name, _hash, key):
             return None if val == b'None' else val
-    def get_all(self, db_name, _hash):
+    def get_all(self, db_id, _hash):
-        Get Hashtable %hash from DB %db_name
+        Get Hashtable %hash from DB %db_id
         Parameter %blocking indicates whether to wait
         if the hashtable has not been created yet
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         table = client.hgetall(_hash)
         if not table:
-            message = "Key '{}' unavailable in database '{}'".format(_hash, db_name)
+            message = "Key '{}' unavailable in database '{}'".format(_hash, db_id)
             raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)
@@ -327,35 +306,35 @@ def get_all(self, db_name, _hash):
             return {k: None if v == b'None' else v for k, v in table.items()}
-    def set(self, db_name, _hash, key, val):
+    def set(self, db_id, _hash, key, val):
-        Add %(key, val) to Hashtable %hash in DB %db_name
+        Add %(key, val) to Hashtable %hash in DB %db_id
         Parameter %blocking indicates whether to retry in case of failure
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         return client.hset(_hash, key, val)
-    def delete(self, db_name, key):
+    def delete(self, db_id, key):
-        Delete %key from DB %db_name
+        Delete %key from DB %db_id
         Parameter %blocking indicates whether to retry in case of failure
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         return client.delete(key)
-    def delete_all_by_pattern(self, db_name, pattern):
+    def delete_all_by_pattern(self, db_id, pattern):
-        Delete all keys which match %pattern from DB %db_name
+        Delete all keys which match %pattern from DB %db_id
         Parameter %blocking indicates whether to retry in case of failure
-        client = self.redis_clients[db_name]
+        client = self.redis_clients[db_id]
         keys = client.keys(pattern)
         for key in keys:
-    def _unavailable_data_handler(self, db_name, data):
+    def _unavailable_data_handler(self, db_id, data):
         When the queried config is not available in Redis--wait until it is available.
         Two timeouts are at work here:
@@ -363,23 +342,23 @@ def _unavailable_data_handler(self, db_name, data):
         2. Max data wait - swsssdk-specific. how long to wait for the data to populate (in absolute time)
         start = time.time()
-        logger.debug("Listening on pubsub channel '{}'".format(db_name))
+        logger.debug("Listening on pubsub channel '{}'".format(db_id))
         while time.time() - start < self.PUB_SUB_MAXIMUM_DATA_WAIT:
-            msg = self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_name].get_message(timeout=self.PUB_SUB_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT)
+            msg = self.keyspace_notification_channels[db_id].get_message(timeout=self.PUB_SUB_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT)
             if msg is not None and msg.get('data') == data:
-      "'{}' acquired via pub-sub. Unblocking...".format(data, db_name))
+      "'{}' acquired via pub-sub. Unblocking...".format(data, db_id))
                 # Wait for a "settling" period before releasing the wait.
                 return True
-        logger.warning("No notification for '{}' from '{}' received before timeout.".format(data, db_name))
+        logger.warning("No notification for '{}' from '{}' received before timeout.".format(data, db_id))
         return False
-    def _connection_error_handler(self, db_name):
+    def _connection_error_handler(self, db_id):
         In the event Redis is unavailable, close existing connections, and try again.
         logger.warning('Could not connect to Redis--waiting before trying again.')
-        self.close(db_name)
+        self.close(db_id)
-        self.connect(db_name, True)
+        self.connect(db_id, True)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 870680f2e3da..0e81b15c0123 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -7,13 +7,9 @@
 from unittest import TestCase
-class Test_load_connector_map(TestCase):
-    def test__load_connector_map(self):
-        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-        import swsssdk
+class Test_load_sonic_db_config(TestCase):
     def test__db_map_attributes(self):
         import swsssdk
-        db2 = swsssdk.SonicV2Connector()
-        self.assertTrue(all(hasattr(db2, db_name) for db_name in db2.db_map))
+        db = swsssdk.SonicV2Connector()
+        self.assertTrue(all(hasattr(db, db_name) for db_name in db.get_db_list()))