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SOAR Protocol

Useful Info

Quick Generate

Run the GenerateProto.bat file to update the _C++ and _Python files

Manual Commands

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-eams=protoc-gen-eams.bat --eams_out=_C++ *.proto
protoc --pyi_out=_Python --python_out=_Python *.proto

Protocol Description



  • We wrap Protobuf messages in the following format
  • Then we proceed to wrap the message inside COBS which delimits the end of each message with a 0x00
  • The CHECKSUM is a 2-byte CRC16 using the CRC-16/XMODEM algorithm - which is also represented as Crc16.CCITT when using the python crc package
  • The message buffer max length can be adjusted as PROTOCOL_RX_BUFFER_SZ_BYTES but should be kept to under 256 bytes

Installation (Windows)

Auto Install

Run the QuickInstall.bat file with elevated privileges.

Manual Install


  • The installation process can get quite involved in Windows, as we'll be using EmbeddedProto, we won't necessarily need protoc's regular C++ output.
  • Download or clone EmbeddedProto and run the script contained inside
  • Inside the respective C++ project, include the _C++ folder inside this directory
  • Run this to compile the protocolbuffers files:
protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-eams=protoc-gen-eams.bat --eams_out=_C++ *.proto


  • Download this and drag protoc.exe somewhere on PATH
  • Alternatively, run choco install protoc if you have Chocolatey package manager
  • Inside the respective Python project, include the _Python folder inside this directory.
  • Run this to compile the protocolbuffers files:
protoc --pyi_out=_Python --python_out=_Python *.proto


  1. I recommend using VSCode to handle .proto files with the vscode-proto3 extension

Using SoarProto


SoarProto has 3 folders that must be included. The list is as follows:

ProtocolTask is designed to be a parent class which handles all of the logic for parsing / encoding / decoding protobuf messages. An example implementation can be found in AvionicsSoftware under Components/SoarProtocol where DMBProtocolTask.cpp/hpp are defined. Some changes may be required to the rest of the codebase to support it, such as in Utils. An example commit hash of the implementation can be found here (TODO)

Other Notes

  • You will likely have to exclude the EmbeddedProto folder from compilation


Encode/decode functionality is implemented inside PythonTestProject/


Telemetry and Command Protocol Implemented with ProtocolBuffers






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