- #21 - [Snyk] Security upgrade Newtonsoft.Json.Bson from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 contributed by StefH
- #23 - Adding net8 support and package updates [feature] contributed by anth12
- #18 - Added table storage API version ID to AzureTableStorageCacheOptions [feature] contributed by natiox
- #16 - Add support for ManagedIdentity [feature] contributed by StefH
- #15 - Support for managed identities [feature]
- #14 - Use UpsertEntityAsync instead of AddEntityAsync [bug] contributed by StefH
- #13 - SetAsync fails when updating an existing value in V3.0 [bug]
- #10 - Create new NuGet packages [feature] contributed by StefH
- #9 - Cannot be used with Azure Functions bindings