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CloudFoundry Single Signon Sample App (with SSO Tile)

ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to make use of the Steeltoe CloudFoundry External Security Provider for Authentication and Authorization against a CloudFoundry OAuth2 security service. These instructions are for Pivotal Single Signon Service, instructions for using UAA directly are in the other README.

Pre-requisites - CloudFoundry

  1. Cloud Foundry instance
  2. Windows support on Cloud Foundry (OPTIONAL)
  3. .NET Core SDK installed
  4. CloudFoundry UAA Command Line Client installed
  5. SSO Tile installed

Create a Service Plan

In order to use the SSO tile in an application, you must first create a service plan. The rest of this page assumes the Auth Domain for your SSO serice plan is auth.

Note: use the command cf marketplace to see your SSO plan once it has been created.

Create a Service Instance

In order to bind SSO configuration information to our application, create a service instance: cf create-service p-identity auth mySSOService

Execute Script to Configure new User and Group

Next, locate the sso-setup script you'd like to execute (.cmd/.sh) from the scripts folder in this repository. Update the variables to suit your environment - You will need the Admin Client Secret for your installation of CloudFoundry for this step. If you are using Pivotal CloudFoundry (PCF), you can obtain the secret from the Ops Manager/Pivotal Application Service credentials page under the UAA section. Look for Admin Client Credentials.

Publish App & Push to CloudFoundry

  1. cf target -o myorg -s development
  2. cd samples/Security/src/CloudFoundrySingleSignon
  3. dotnet restore --configfile nuget.config
  4. Publish app to a directory, specifying the desired framework and runtime:
    • dotnet publish -f netcoreapp3.1 -r linux-x64
    • dotnet publish -f netcoreapp3.1 -r win10-x64
  5. Push the app using the appropriate manifest:
    • cf push -f manifest-sso.yml -p bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/linux-x64/publish
    • cf push -f manifest-windows-sso.yml -p bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/win10-x64/publish

Note: The provided manifest(s) will create an app named single-signon and attempt to bind it to the SSO service mySSOService.

Configure SSO RedirectUri and Scope access

For the application to access group information and handle login redirects correctly, you must configure two properties in the sso service dashboard. In order to access the sso dashboard, run the following command and go to the URL listed in Dashboard property:

$ cf service mySSOService

Service instance: mySSOService
Service: p-identity
bound apps: single-signon
Plan: auth
Description: Single Sign-On as a Service
Documentation url:

On the dashboard, under Apps:

  1. Select the single-signon app.
  2. Click "Select Scopes" and add the testgroup scope
  3. Add the URI http://single-signon.<YOUR-CLOUDFOUNDRY-SYSTEM-DOMAIN>/signin-cloudfoundry under "Auth Redirect URIs"
  4. Click the "Save Config" button

What to expect - CloudFoundry

After pushing the app, you should see something like the following in the logs:

2016-08-05T07:23:02.15-0600 [CELL/0]     OUT Creating container
2016-08-05T07:23:03.81-0600 [CELL/0]     OUT Successfully created container
2016-08-05T07:23:09.07-0600 [APP/0]      OUT Running .\CloudFoundrySingleSignon
2016-08-05T07:23:14.68-0600 [APP/0]      OUT Hosting environment: development
2016-08-05T07:23:14.68-0600 [APP/0]      OUT Content root path: C:\containerizer\75E10B9301D2D9B4A8\user\app
2016-08-05T07:23:14.68-0600 [APP/0]      OUT Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
2016-08-05T07:23:14.68-0600 [APP/0]      OUT Now listening on: http://*:51217

At this point the app is up and running. You can access it at http://single-signon.`YOUR-CLOUDFOUNDRY-APP-DOMAIN`/.

Note: To see the logs as the app runs, execute this command: cf logs single-signon

On the apps menu, click on the Log in menu item and you should be redirected to the CloudFoundry login page. Enter dave and Password1!, or whatever name/password you used above, and you should be authenticated and redirected back to the single-signon home page.

Two of the endpoints in the HomeController have Authorization policys applied:

[Authorize(Policy = "testgroup")]
public IActionResult About()
    ViewData["Message"] = "Your application description page.";

    return View();

[Authorize(Policy = "testgroup1")]
public IActionResult Contact()
    ViewData["Message"] = "Your contact page.";

    return View();

If you try and access the About menu item you should see the About page as user dave is a member of that group and is authorized to access the end point.

If you try and access the Contact menu item you should see Access Denied, Insufficent permissions as dave is not a member of the testgroup1 and therefore can not access the end point.

If you access the InvokeJwtSample menu item, you will find the app will attempt to invoke a secured endpoint in a second Security sample app CloudFoundryJwtAuthentication. In order for this to be functional you must first push the CloudFoundryJwtAuthentication sample using the Readme instructions.

Once you have CloudFoundryJwtAuthentication up and running, then if you access the InvokeJwtSample menu item when you are logged in, you should see some values returned from the CloudFoundryJwtAuthentication app. If you are logged out, then you will see a 401 (Unauthorized) message.