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Exercise 3


I sugget you don't search any report about it to prevents get too much info like patch.

This time we do it by code audit


When the WebGL2RenderingContext.drawRangeElements() API is processed in the ANGLE library, IndexDataManager::prepareIndexData is called internally. In prepareIndexData, if glBuffer is a null pointer, the second argument of streamIndexData becomes indices. This value is the last parameter(offset) of the drawRangeElements, a 4-byte integer which can be arbitrarily set.

For more info click me! But you'd better not do this

Set environment

We download the ANGLE

git clone

Then checkout the branch, we set the commit hash

cd angle
git  reset --hard 6e1259375f2d6f579fe7430442a9657e00d15656  # we get it by issue page

Download depot_tools and ninja

git clone
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:"/path/to/depot_tools"' >> ~/.bashrc # or zshrc  

git clone
cd ninja && ./ --bootstrap && cd ..
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:"/path/to/ninja"' >> ~/.bashrc

Sync all standalone dependencies

# open new terminal to update env
cd src/third_party/angle
python scripts/   # download depot_tools in advance
gclient sync

Generate ANGLE standalone build files and build

gn gen out/Debug              # download ninja in advance
ninja -j 10 -k1 -C out/Debug

more detile in offical

Related code

we can analysis the source file online or offline.

    // This function translates a GL-style indices into DX-style indices, with their description
    // returned in translated.
    // GL can specify vertex data in immediate mode (pointer to CPU array of indices), which is not
    // possible in DX and requires streaming (Case 1). If the GL indices are specified with a buffer
    // (Case 2), in a format supported by DX (subcase a) then all is good.
    // When we have a buffer with an unsupported format (subcase b) then we need to do some translation:
    // we will start by falling back to streaming, and after a while will start using a static
    // translated copy of the index buffer.
    angle::Result IndexDataManager::prepareIndexData(const gl::Context *context,
                                                    gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
                                                    gl::DrawElementsType dstType,
                                                    GLsizei count,
                                                    gl::Buffer *glBuffer,
                                                    const void *indices,
                                                    TranslatedIndexData *translated)
        GLuint srcTypeBytes = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeSize(srcType);
        GLuint srcTypeShift = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeShift(srcType);
        GLuint dstTypeShift = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeShift(dstType);

        BufferD3D *buffer = glBuffer ? GetImplAs<BufferD3D>(glBuffer) : nullptr;

        translated->indexType                 = dstType;
        translated->srcIndexData.srcBuffer    = buffer;
        translated->srcIndexData.srcIndices   = indices;
        translated->srcIndexData.srcIndexType = srcType;
        translated->srcIndexData.srcCount     = count;

        // Context can be nullptr in perf tests.
        bool primitiveRestartFixedIndexEnabled =
            context ? context->getState().isPrimitiveRestartEnabled() : false;

        // Case 1: the indices are passed by pointer, which forces the streaming of index data
        if (glBuffer == nullptr)
            translated->storage = nullptr;
            return streamIndexData(context, indices, count, srcType, dstType,  //call streamIndexData
                                primitiveRestartFixedIndexEnabled, translated);

        // Case 2: the indices are already in a buffer
        unsigned int offset = static_cast<unsigned int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(indices));
        ASSERT(srcTypeBytes * static_cast<unsigned int>(count) + offset <= buffer->getSize());

        bool offsetAligned = IsOffsetAligned(srcType, offset);

        [ ... ]
angle::Result IndexDataManager::streamIndexData(const gl::Context *context,
                                                const void *data,
                                                unsigned int count,
                                                gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
                                                gl::DrawElementsType dstType,
                                                bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex,
                                                TranslatedIndexData *translated)
    const GLuint dstTypeShift = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeShift(dstType);

    IndexBufferInterface *indexBuffer = nullptr;
    ANGLE_TRY(getStreamingIndexBuffer(context, dstType, &indexBuffer));
    ASSERT(indexBuffer != nullptr);

    unsigned int offset;
    ANGLE_TRY(StreamInIndexBuffer(context, indexBuffer, data, count, srcType, dstType,  // call StreamInIndexBuffer
                                  usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex, &offset));

    translated->indexBuffer = indexBuffer->getIndexBuffer();
    translated->serial      = indexBuffer->getSerial();
    translated->startIndex  = (offset >> dstTypeShift);
    translated->startOffset = offset;

    return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result StreamInIndexBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
                                  IndexBufferInterface *buffer,
                                  const void *data,
                                  unsigned int count,
                                  gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
                                  gl::DrawElementsType dstType,
                                  bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex,
                                  unsigned int *offset)
    const GLuint dstTypeBytesShift = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeShift(dstType);

    bool check = (count > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() >> dstTypeBytesShift));
    ANGLE_CHECK(GetImplAs<ContextD3D>(context), !check,
                "Reserving indices exceeds the maximum buffer size.", GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY);

    unsigned int bufferSizeRequired = count << dstTypeBytesShift;
    ANGLE_TRY(buffer->reserveBufferSpace(context, bufferSizeRequired, dstType));

    void *output = nullptr;
    ANGLE_TRY(buffer->mapBuffer(context, bufferSizeRequired, &output, offset));

    ConvertIndices(srcType, dstType, data, count, output, usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex);  // call

    return angle::Result::Continue;
void ConvertIndices(gl::DrawElementsType sourceType,
                    gl::DrawElementsType destinationType,
                    const void *input,
                    GLsizei count,
                    void *output,
                    bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex)
    if (sourceType == destinationType)
        const GLuint dstTypeSize = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeSize(destinationType);
        memcpy(output, input, count * dstTypeSize);

    if (sourceType == gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedByte)
        ASSERT(destinationType == gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedShort);
        ConvertIndexArray<GLubyte, GLushort>(input, sourceType, output, destinationType, count,
    else if (sourceType == gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedShort)
        ASSERT(destinationType == gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedInt);
        ConvertIndexArray<GLushort, GLuint>(input, sourceType, output, destinationType, count,
    angle::Result drawRangeElements(const gl::Context *context,
                                    gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                    GLuint start,
                                    GLuint end,
                                    GLsizei count,
                                    gl::DrawElementsType type,
                                    const void *indices) override;

Do it

Do this exercise by yourself, If you find my answer have something wrong, please correct it.

My answer

You can get info about WebGL2RenderingContext.drawRangeElements() to know how to construct Poc. Notice that if we call drawRangeElements() with a invalide parameter, the bug can be trigger. It is the easiest challenge of the three.

      angle::Result IndexDataManager::prepareIndexData(const gl::Context *context,
                                                  gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
                                                  gl::DrawElementsType dstType,
                                                  GLsizei count,
                                                  gl::Buffer *glBuffer,
                                                  const void *indices,
                                                  TranslatedIndexData *translated)
      // Case 1: the indices are passed by pointer, which forces the streaming of index data
      if (glBuffer == nullptr)                                               [1]
          translated->storage = nullptr;
          return streamIndexData(context, indices, count, srcType, dstType,  [2]
                              primitiveRestartFixedIndexEnabled, translated);

if glBuffer == nullptr, indices can be second parameter of streamIndexData.

  angle::Result IndexDataManager::streamIndexData(const gl::Context *context,
                                              const void *data,       <----------
                                              unsigned int count,
                                              gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
                                              gl::DrawElementsType dstType,
                                              bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex,
                                              TranslatedIndexData *translated)
      unsigned int offset;
      ANGLE_TRY(StreamInIndexBuffer(context, indexBuffer, data, count, srcType, dstType,  [3] indices as third parameter
                                  usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex, &offset));

      return angle::Result::Continue;
  angle::Result StreamInIndexBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
                                IndexBufferInterface *buffer,
                                const void *data,  <---------------
                                unsigned int count,
                                gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
                                gl::DrawElementsType dstType,
                                bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex,
                                unsigned int *offset)
      ConvertIndices(srcType, dstType, data, count, output, usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex);  [4] indices as third parameter

      return angle::Result::Continue;
  void ConvertIndices(gl::DrawElementsType sourceType,
                  gl::DrawElementsType destinationType,
                  const void *input,     <------------------
                  GLsizei count,
                  void *output,
                  bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex)
      if (sourceType == destinationType)
          const GLuint dstTypeSize = gl::GetDrawElementsTypeSize(destinationType);
          memcpy(output, input, count * dstTypeSize);    [5] call memcpy and we can control input as any value
      // other type of sourceType, but they all have assignment operation
      [ .... ]

This time I encourage you to try construct Poc, you just need call gl.drawRangeElements(mode, start, end, count, type, offset); and fill the last parameter named offset with a invalid value like 0xdeadbeef. But there is a lot of pre-work before this, you need to search some info to reach. And test it on the angle your build ago.