For users interested in downsampling techniques other than the ones supported by Hummingbird, please refer to the examples below:
Downsampling SAM/BAM files using
tool from PicardNOTE: Implemented in Hummingbird but is fixed in terms of options used within the Picard tool as in the following command line
java -jar picard.jar DownsampleSam I=input.bam O=downsampled.bam STRATEGY=Chained P=0.02 ACCURACY=0.0001
which retains only 2% of the reads in the input file and this percentage comes from the downsampling fraction(s) provided by the Hummingbird user.For a better accuracy when dealing with smaller fractions such as retaining 0.001% of the reads, one can use
java -jar picard.jar DownsampleSam I=input.bam O=downsampled.bam STRATEGY=HighAccuracy P=0.00001 ACCURACY=0.0000001
This tool offers a number of strategies for downsampling as well as levels of accuracy (combinations of which are not offered by Hummingbird currently) which can be dependent on memory availability. For more options that can be used with DownsampleSam, please see
Downsampling SAM/BAM files at the chromosome level using
For example, to extract chromosome 22 from a bam file and obtain a bam file with only chr 22:
samtools view -b -o <output.bam> -@<INT_threads> <input.bam> chr22
is an optional parameter to speed up the process of extraction. Regions within a specific chromosome can also be specified for extraction.The user needs to ensure that the
file is sorted (samtools sort example.bam -o example_sorted.bam
), indexed (samtools index example_sorted.bam
) and chromosome specified matches the chromosome name ininput.bam
. Further details on samtools view usage can be found here: -
Downsampling BAM files at the chromosomal region level using ENSEMBL tool
Data Slicer
Another way downsampling BAM files is via the
Data Slicer
tool ( available as part of the ENSEMBLE suite of tools that provides a GUI for the users. The downsampling of the BAM is done based on chromosome and coordinates provided by the user. Details on the usage can be found here -
Downsampling VCF files
a) Using the
function in thejvarkit
tool (, a VCF file can downsampled by specifying the number of random variants to be extracted:curl -skL "ftp://ftp-" | gunzip -c |java -jar dist/downsamplevcf.jar -n 100 > output.vcf
b) Using the
Data Slicer
tool ( from the ENSEMBLE project which provides a GUI for the users and subsamples based on chromosome and coordinates provided by the user. For further help on usage, please refer to
NOTE: Some of the file formats other than BAM or fastq/fastq.gz if provided in the gunzip compressed format, can be downsampled by the zless
functionality in Hummingbird as long as the total number of lines in the original input file is provided using the target
flag in the Downsample
The above downsampled files can be provided to Hummingbird to run the Memory Profiler step and then receive the recommended instance types from the Recommendation Engine.
The examples provided in this documentation are by no means an exhaustive list but just a guide for users to consider when running different bioinformatics pipelines that accept varied input file formats. We will be adding support to different input file formats in the downsampling step of Hummingbird in the future.