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Releases: SouthGreenPlatform/culebrONT
Releases · SouthGreenPlatform/culebrONT
Hi, we're still here! 🐍 🐍 🐍
Major Changes:
- Every conda environement is now in a single singularity container. tools_paths.yaml file is now more slim.
- Module load environments are usually used on clusters. It's now possible, filling in the ENVMODULE key on tools_path.yaml file. 🤓
New features:
- Pilon was added as a new corrector using illumina reads
- Remapping of illumina reads over each obtained assembly is now possible using samtools flagstats.
Coding modifications:
- Pilon can be lauch recursively
- Report was updated to new tools
- Updating and improving documentation.
Minor Changes
Changing busco from conda to singularity
Separation of minimap and miniasm in 2 rules and integration of both in the time benchmark
Schema was modified to check conda paths
IT'S CULEBRONT FIRST ANNIVERSARY !! happy birthday CulebrONT! 🎂 🐍 🤓
To celebrate this:
Major Changes:
- Fixstart is now launched at the end of the last step (assembly, polishing or correction) when activated by the user.
- Raven and shasta are now independant of Circlator.
- Minipolish is now independant of Racon.
- Some singularity containers are now conda environment.
- Update tools in containers.
- Simplification of config.yaml by splitting it in two files : tools and parameters.
- Improving the control of the user parameters using a new CulebrONT class. This class allow us to control better the modularity of CulebrONT.
New features:
- Parallelization of Medaka.
Coding modifications:
- Split Snakefile in several files by step.
- Rewrite report
- Update and improve the documentation.
A lot of thinks to list here :-D
- Assembled molecule is split before Nanopolish. Each segment is polished on parallel to improve speed and gain time. Segments polished are merged subsequently
- Fixstart step is now before to quality control but only if CIRCULAR is activated. rule run_fixstart is placed after of preparing_fasta_to_quality to make sure that all QC steps are performed on the 'fixed' molecules.
- Repertory architecture of CulebrONT output directory was modified
- The behavior of Quast and Mauve by using lambda wildcard instead of expand.
- We have included the possibility to specify optional parameters on configuration file to Flye and Medaka. Medaka options can be changed on feature, training and consensus steps.
- Medaka model are not available on CulebrONT repository anymore.
- Fixing bugs on mauve
- Documentation and report were upgraded
- fixing minor bugs on
- def get_threads on Snakemake was corrected to SGE or SLURM HPC
Three news assembles were integrated on culebrONT : Shasta, Smartdenovo and Raven 👍
- If circular is activated, assembly from these three new assemblers can be circularised by circlator.
- Singularity containers for these assemblers are available on singularity hub
Documentation is now on 🥇