actor user as User
participant resource as Resource
participant sheet as Google sheet
participant app as Sync app
user -->> app: Configure app through config file
user ->> app: Start the application
app ->> resource: Query data
resource -->> app: Return data
app ->> app: Convert RDF data to 2D-array
app ->> sheet: Fill sheet with data
user ->> sheet: Edit one or more fields
Note over resource,app: Listen/check for changes on sheet
loop periodically
app ->> sheet: Query data
sheet -->> app: Return data
app ->> app: Check for changes on data
alt changes detected
app ->> app: Convert changes to RDF data
app ->> resource: Write changes
user ->> resource: Make changes to the resource
Note over resource,app: Listen/check for changes on resource
loop periodically
app ->> resource: Query data
resource -->> app: Return data
app ->> app: Check for changes on data
alt changes detected
app ->> app: Convert changes to array data
app ->> sheet: Write changes