diff --git a/chiya/cogs/apps/move_question.py b/chiya/cogs/apps/move_question.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f19d4474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chiya/cogs/apps/move_question.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+from subprocess import call
+import aiohttp
+import discord
+from discord import app_commands, Webhook
+from discord.ext import commands
+from loguru import logger as log
+from chiya.config import config
+from chiya.utils import embeds
+class MoveQuestionApp(commands.Cog):
+    def __init__(self, bot) -> None:
+        self.bot = bot
+        self.move_question_command = app_commands.ContextMenu(name="Move Question", callback=self.move_question)
+        self.bot.tree.add_command(self.move_question_command)
+    @app_commands.guilds(config["guild_id"])
+    @app_commands.guild_only()
+    async def move_question(self, ctx: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message) -> None:
+        """
+        Staff only context menu command for moving questions to the appropriate channel.
+        """
+        await ctx.response.defer(thinking=True, ephemeral=True)
+        staff = [x for x in ctx.user.roles if x.id == config["roles"]["staff"] or x.id == config["roles"]["trial"]]
+        if not staff:
+            return await embeds.error_message(ctx=ctx, description="You do not have permissions to use this command.")
+        if ctx.channel.category_id in [
+            config["categories"]["moderation"],
+            config["categories"]["development"],
+            config["categories"]["logs"],
+            config["categories"]["tickets"],
+        ]:
+            return await embeds.error_message(
+                ctx=ctx,
+                description="You do not have permissions to use this command in this category.",
+            )
+        channel = discord.utils.get(
+            ctx.guild.text_channels,
+            id=config["channels"]["public"]["questions_and_help"],
+        )
+        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+            webhook = Webhook.from_url(
+                url=config["bot"]["webhook_url"],
+                session=session,
+            )
+            content = f"{message.content}\n\n"
+            for attachment in message.attachments:
+                content += f"{attachment.url}\n"
+            await webhook.send(
+                content=content,
+                username=message.author.name,
+                avatar_url=message.author.display_avatar.url,
+            )
+        success_embed = embeds.make_embed(
+            description=f"Successfully moved message to: {channel.mention}",
+            color=discord.Color.green(),
+        )
+        await ctx.followup.send(embed=success_embed)
+        await embeds.warning_message(
+            ctx=ctx,
+            title="Warning: Your question was moved",
+            description=(
+                f"{message.author.mention}, your message was moved to {channel.mention} "
+                "which is the more appropriate channel for help, questions, and support type "
+                "topics. Please continue your conversation in that channel."
+            ),
+        )
+        ping = await channel.send(message.author.mention)
+        await ping.delete()
+        await message.delete()
+async def setup(bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
+    await bot.add_cog(MoveQuestionApp(bot))
+    log.info("App loaded: move_question")