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regNet: a python analysis for motif influence on gene expression

To determine the influence of motif activity on gene expression, we compare usual Ridge Regression with a Bayesian Linear Mixed Model (

Technical details

- code is written for python2.7
- entire analysis can be run via command line with bash scripts
- conda environment provided


You can create a conda environment with the provided YAML file:

conda env create --name NAME --file cmapPy_conda.yml

you can then use the environment with

source activate NAME

and when you're done using it,

source deactivate NAME

For more information, please go to conda project.


We generate gene expression data where the gene expression is determined as linear relationship between motif scores and noise: $$\mathbf{Y}{GENES, COND} = \mathbf{M}{GENES, TF} \beta_{TF, COND} + \text{noise}$$


- play with degree of signal between motifs $\mathbf{M}\beta$ and noise
- play with degree of structure in the noise


  • $REP: integer
    generate $REP randomly drawn sets of gene expression data.

  • $COND: integer
    number of conditions/samples

  • $GENES: integer
    number of genes/peaks

  • Motif file for chosen genes/peaks must be provided in data/motif/ and can be set in code/01_simulation/datageneration/ \
    and can be performed with gimmemotifs (

  • $TF: integer
    number of Transcription Factors

  • $FRACTION: value between 0 and 1
    control degree of signal in gene expression from motifs or noise (FRACTION) .

  • $SIGMA: string of "random", "randomV", "identity", "identityV"
    Specify shape of generated noise: where "randomV" and "identityV" exhibit structure similar to covariance between motif scores V.

  • $NOISEFRACTION: floar between 0 and 1
    intensity of structure in noise.

Generated data is then stored in './data/simuliaton/' and the printed output of the console saved in './data/stats/'

./scripts/ -r ${REP} -c ${COND} -G ${GENES} -T ${TF}  -S ${SIGMA} -f ${FRACTION} -N ${NOISEFRACTION}

The script automatically generates datasets for a covariance of shape:

  • identity (independence assumption)
  • random (no-pre-defined) correlation assumption
  • lowrank_2 (block matrix with 2 block matrices along the diagonal)
  • lowrank_(0.5*$COND) (block matrix with 0.5*$COND blocks along the diagonal)


Compute Limix and Ridge Regression on simulated data


-run limix on generated dataset
-set noise-structure to be fit in limix


  • $COND: integer
    number of conditions

  • $GENES: integer
    number of genes
    Motif file for chosen genes/peaks must be provided in data/motif/ and can be set in code/01_simulation/datageneration/ \
    and can be performed with [gimmemotif]{https://}

  • $TF: integer
    number of Transcription Factors

  • $SIGMA: string of "random", "randomV", "identity", "identityV"
    Specify shape of generated noise: where "randomV" and "identityV" exhibit structure similar to covariance shape of Sigma (of generated data)

  • $NOISEFRACTION: float between 0 and 1 intensity of structure in noise in generated data

  • $NOISE: string ('random', 'id', 'diag')
    noise structure to be fit to data

  • $GEN: string ('random', 'id', 'lowrank_2', 'lowrank_'$(0.5*$COND))
    covariance structure between samples (COND) used to generate data

  • $ESTIM: string ('freeform', 'lowrank_$RANK', 'diagonal', 'block',...) (see limix for complete overview)

  • $FRAC: float (value between 0 and 1)
    fraction of signal and noise ratio of generated data

  • $INIT: boolean
    initialize limix with real data

  • $PERTURN: boolean perturbation in limix (see limix for more detail)

  • $NUM: integer
    number of cores to use per replicate to compute limix

./scripts/ -c $COND -G $GENES -T $TF -r $REP -S $SIGMA	-N $NOISEFRACTION -E $NOISE	-g $GEN -e $ESTIM -f $FRAC
		-i $INIT -p $PERTURB -n $NUM 

Exemplary use of how to use data

The generated data is stored as a cPickle-object. Those objects are generally loaded by

import cPickle as pickle
import pandas as pd

with open(FILENAME, 'rb') as f:
    df = pickle.load(f)

The data itself is stored in a Ybetaparams class, with slots for -Y the gene expression data (pandas dataframe) -beta the motif influential weights (pandas dataframe) -params parameter set that was used to generate data (class params_dict)

To access and use data further, I suggest the following:

### load packages
import Ybetaparam as Ybp
import cPickle as pickle

FILE_PATH = "data/simulation/"
'''#exemplary file name with 
-"C_4":		4 conditions/samples, 
-"G_978":	978 genes, 
-"TF_623":	623 motifs, 
-"V_lowrank_2":	assumend correlation between conditions a lowrank matrix of rank 2, 
-"rep_2":	2 repititions, 
-"Sigma_random":	a random noise matrix Sigma, 
-"R2method_mean_V_mean_M":	initialization strategy to control for the fraction in signal between motif influence and noise, and 
-"frac_20":	20% of the signal being explained by the motifs, the rest being noise
FILE_NAME = "Ybetaparams_generated_C_4_G_978_TF_623_V_lowrank_2_rep_2_Sigma_random_R2method_mean_V_mean_M_frac_20.pkl"

# load Ybp object
with open(FILE_PATH + FILE_NAME, 'rb') as f:
    Ybp = pickle.load(f)

# repetitions are stored in columns
Y = Ybp.Y

### get parameters used for data generation
beta = Ybp.beta
params = Ybp.parameter

# motifs
motif = params.motif

# covariance structure used to generate data
covarV = params["V"]

# information about shape of data
Genes = params["G"]
Cond = params["C"]

### reshape Y
## get ith repetition of Y back into shape:
# set i
i = 0
# subset Y and reshape
Y_i = Y.iloc[:,i].reshape(Genes, Cond, order='F')

#### Your analysis comes here