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Conjugate Gradient Solvers

1. Problem description

Let A be a PD matrix of size d x d, and b be a vector of size d, then find x such that Ax = b.

Please see Wikipedia for details.

2. Objective

This is a short report on the study on how conjugate gradient solvers perform on the Apple devices, in comparison to other solvers, particularly against the Cholesky factorization.

3. Key Points

  • The vDSP version performs better than the Metal version for the problems of the size up to 4096 x 4096 as predicted.

  • The number of iterations until the convergence varies widely, depending on the condition number of the matrix, as the theory states.

  • Overall, the tuned Cholesky factorizer is a better choice over the conjugate gradient solvers, unless the condition number of the matrix is very low.

4. Results on the Running Time

The following experiments are done with test_conjugate_gradient_solver.cpp in this directory.

Compiler: Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3) Target: arm64-apple-darwin20.6.0 Thread model: posix


  • Mac mini (M1, 2020) Chip Apple M1, Memory 8GB, macOS Big Sur Version 12.4

  • iPhone 13 mini, Memory 256GB, iOS 15.5

Please type make all in this directory to reproduce the results on Mac. Please see the section 'Instruction for iOS' for the iOS devices.

4.1. Overview : Float

The following chart shows the mean running times to perform one calculation until convergence for each implementation in log-log scale.

X-axis shows the number of elements in the matrix. For example, 10⁶ indicates the matrix of size (1000x1000).

Y-axis is the time in milliseconds.

For the charts with the randomly genearted data sets, all the plots in 6 different estimated condition numbers from 1.0 to 100000.0 are super imposed in the same chart.


  • CPP_BLOCK 1 1 : default baseline implmeentation in plain C++

  • VDSP 1 1 : C++ implmentation with vDSP.

  • METAL ONE_PASS_ATOMIC_SIMD_SUM : Metal implementation in one kernel launch with one thread group.

Chart: Mac Mini M1 2020 8 GB

Running time for PD Matrix with Cond Num 1.0 - 100000.0

Chart: iPhone 13 mini 256 GB

Running time for PD Matrix with Cond Num 1.0 - 100000.0

4.1. Overview : Double

The following chart shows the mean running times to perform one calculation until convergence for each implementation in log-log scale.

X-axis shows the number of elements in the matrix. For example, 10⁶ indicates the matrix of size (1000x1000).

Y-axis is the time in milliseconds.

For the charts with the randomly genearted data sets, all the plots in 6 different estimated condition numbers from 1.0 to 100000.0 are super imposed in the same chart.


  • CPP_BLOCK 1 1 : default baseline implmeentation in plain C++

  • VDSP 1 1 : C++ implmentation with vDSP.

Chart: Mac Mini M1 2020 8 GB

Running time for PD Matrix with Cond Num 1.0 - 100000.0

Chart: iPhone 13 mini 256 GB

Running time for PD Matrix with Cond Num 1.0 - 100000.0

Convergence Criteria

The convergence is declared using the vector r in the algorithm. If the absolute values of all the elements of r are below ε (1.0e-8), then convergence is declared.


max_abs_r = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

    max_abs_r = max( max_abs_r , fabs(this->m_r[i]) );
if ( max_abs_r < this->m_epsilon ) {


if constexpr ( is_same< float,T >::value ) {
    vDSP_minv( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );
    vDSP_maxv( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );
else {
    vDSP_minvD( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );
    vDSP_maxvD( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );

if ( fabs(min_r) < this->m_epsilon && fabs(max_r) < this->m_epsilon  ) {


threadgroup float scratch_array [32];

float r_new_max_local = 0.0;

for ( int row = thread_position_in_threadgroup; row < conf.dim; row += threads_per_threadgroup ) {

    r_new_max_local = max( r_new_max_local, fabs( r[ row ] ) );

float r_new_max_simdgroup = simd_max( r_new_max_local );

if ( thread_index_in_simdgroup == 0 ){

    scratch_array[ simdgroup_index_in_threadgroup ] = r_new_max_simdgroup;

threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );

if ( simdgroup_index_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {

    thread const float r_new_max_simdgroup = scratch_array [ thread_index_in_simdgroup ];

    thread const float r_new_max_threadgroup = simd_max( r_new_max_simdgroup );

    if ( thread_position_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {

        converged      = (r_new_max_threadgroup < conf.epsilon);


The following chart shows the difference in the number of iterations until convergence for the condition numbers from 1.0 to 100,000.0. As the theory suggests, there is a wide gap in the number of the iterations for the matrices of the same size in different condition numbers.

Number of Iterations for PD Matrices with Cond Num 1.0 - 100000.0



This is a baseline implementation written in plain C++. The following is an excerpt from TestCaseConjugateGradientSolver_baseline in test_conjugate_gradient_solver.cpp. It is almost aligned with the description given in the Wikipedia page.

    virtual void run() {

        memset( this->m_x, 0, sizeof(T) * this->m_dim );

        for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

            this->m_Ap[i] = 0.0;

            for ( int j = 0; j < this->m_dim ; j++ ) {

                this->m_Ap[i] += ( this->m_A[ i * this->m_dim + j ] * this->m_x[j] );
            this->m_r[i] = this->m_b[i] - this->m_Ap[i];
            this->m_p[i] = this->m_r[i];

        T max_abs_r = 0.0;

        for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

            max_abs_r = max( max_abs_r , fabs(this->m_r[i]) );
        if ( max_abs_r < this->m_epsilon ) {
            this->m_iterations = 0;

        for( this->m_iterations = 1; this->m_iterations <= this->m_max_iteration; this->m_iterations++ ) {

            for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

                this->m_Ap[i] = 0.0;

                for ( int j = 0; j < this->m_dim ; j++ ) {

                    this->m_Ap[i] += ( this->m_A[ i * this->m_dim + j ] * this->m_p[j] );

            T rtr = 0.0;
            T pAp = 0.0;

            for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

                rtr += ( this->m_r[i] * this->m_r[i]  );
                pAp += ( this->m_p[i] * this->m_Ap[i] );


            const T alpha = rtr / pAp;

            T rtr2 = 0.0;

            for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

                this->m_x[i] = this->m_x[i] + alpha * this->m_p[i];
                this->m_r[i] = this->m_r[i] - alpha * this->m_Ap[i];

                rtr2 += ( this->m_r[i] * this->m_r[i] );

            max_abs_r = 0.0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

                max_abs_r = max( max_abs_r , fabs(this->m_r[i]) );
            if ( max_abs_r < this->m_epsilon ) {

            const T beta = rtr2 / rtr;

            for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_dim ; i++ ) {

                this->m_p[i] = this->m_r[i] + beta * this->m_p[i];

VDSP 1 1

This is a tuned version that uses vDSP routines extensively. The following is an excerpt from TestCaseConjugateGradientSolver_vdsp in test_conjugate_gradient_solver.cpp.

    virtual void run() {

        memset( this->m_x, 0, sizeof(T) * this->m_dim );

        vDSP_mmul( this->m_A,  1, this->m_x, 1, this->m_Ap, 1, this->m_dim, 1, this->m_dim );
        vDSP_vsub( this->m_Ap, 1, this->m_b, 1, this->m_r,  1, this->m_dim );

        memcpy( this->m_p, this->m_r, sizeof(T) * this->m_dim );

        T min_r = 0.0;
        T max_r = 0.0;

        vDSP_minv( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );
        vDSP_maxv( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );

        if ( fabs(min_r) < this->m_epsilon && fabs(max_r) < this->m_epsilon  ) {
            this->m_iterations = 0;

        for( this->m_iterations = 1; this->m_iterations <= this->m_max_iteration; this->m_iterations++ ) {

            T rtr = 0.0;
            T pAp = 0.0;

            vDSP_mmul( this->m_A,  1, this->m_p, 1, this->m_Ap, 1, this->m_dim, 1, this->m_dim );
            vDSP_dotpr( this->m_r, 1, this->m_r,  1, &rtr, this->m_dim );
            vDSP_dotpr( this->m_p, 1, this->m_Ap, 1, &pAp, this->m_dim );

            const T alpha  = rtr / pAp;
            const T malpha = -1.0 * alpha;

            vDSP_vsma( this->m_p,  1,  &alpha, this->m_x, 1, this->m_x, 1, this->m_dim );
            vDSP_vsma( this->m_Ap, 1, &malpha, this->m_r, 1, this->m_r, 1, this->m_dim );

            T rtr2 = 0.0;

            vDSP_dotpr( this->m_r, 1, this->m_r, 1, &rtr2, this->m_dim );

            vDSP_minv( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );
            vDSP_maxv( this->m_r, 1, &min_r, this->m_dim );

            if ( fabs(min_r) < this->m_epsilon && fabs(max_r) < this->m_epsilon  ) {

            const T beta = rtr2 / rtr;

            vDSP_vsma( this->m_p, 1, &beta, this->m_r, 1, this->m_p, 1, this->m_dim );


This is an implementation in Metal. It invokes the following kernel once for all the iterations. conjugate_gradient() in metal/conjugate_gradient.metal.

It extensively uses the threadgroup memory and the reductions with simd_max() and simd_sum() operations.

It launches only one thread-group, as it is impossible to synchronize multiple thread-groups within one kernel launch, unlike CUDA with __syncthreads().

Appendix A. Instruction for iOS

So far this has been tested on iPhone 13 mini 256GB.

  • Open AppleNumericalComputing/iOSTester_15/iOSTester_15.xcodeproj with Xcode

  • Build a release build

  • Run the iOS App in release build

  • Press 'Run' on the screen

  • Wait until App finished with 'finished!' on the log output.

  • Copy and paste the log into 15_conjugate_gradient/doc_ios/make_log.txt.

  • Run the following in the terminal.

$ cd 15_conjugate_gradient
$ grep '\(^INT\|^FLOAT\|^DOUBLE\|data element type\)' doc_ios/make_log.txt > doc_ios/make_log_cleaned.txt
$ python ../common/ -logfile doc_ios/make_log_cleaned.txt -specfile doc_ios/plot_spec.json -show_impl -plot_charts -base_dir doc_ios/
  • You will get the PNG files in 15_conjugate_gradient/doc_ios/.