This is my implementation to paper Learning to Play in a Day: Faster Deep Reinforcement Learning by Optimality Tightening.
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Pillow
- Matplotlib
- Theano
- Lasagne
- ALE or gym
Readers might refer to for installation information. However, I suggest readers installing all the packages using virtual environment. Please make sure the version of Theano is compatible with the one of Lasagne.
THEANO_FLAGS='deivce=gpu0, allow_gc=False' python run_OT -r frostbite --close2
Running frostbite with close boundes.
THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu1, allow_gc=False' python run_OT -r gopher
Running gopher with randomly sampled bounds. Default: 4 out of 10 upper bounds are selected as U_{j,k}. 4 out of 10 lower bounds are selected as L_{j,l}.
I have already provided 62 game roms.
If everything is configured correctly, the running should be like this:
steps per second is usually between 105 to 140 using one Titan X. The GPU Occupation is about 30 percent which means our code still has huge space of improvement.
First I will show two figures runned on frostbite with --close2
Two other figures runned with sampling 4 bounds out of 15 are below:
frostbite's 200M baseline is 328.3
Some other games are displayed here:
gopher's 200M baseline is 8520
hero's 200M baseline is 19950
star_gunner's 200M baseline is 57997
zaxxon's 200M baseline is 4977
Finally, we can roughly compare our method with state-of-art method A3C. Our method is using 1 CPU thread and 1 GPU (GPU Occupation is 30%) while A3C is using multiple CPU threads.
Figure 4 in paper A3C:
Our results:
From the observations, our method almost always outperforms 1,2 and 4 threads A3C and achieves similar results as 8 threads A3C. To be noticed, these five games chosen by A3C paper are not our method's specialties. Our method would definitely achieve much better performance if we run tests on games that our method is good at.
Since we never did grid search on hyperparameters, we expect finding better settings or initializations to further improve the results. More informed strategies regarding the choice of constraints are possible as well since we may expect lower bounds in the more distant future to have a larger impact early in the training. In contrast once the algorithm is almost converged we may expect lower bounds close to the considered time-step to have bigger impact. More complex penalty functions and sophisticated optimization approaches may yield even better results than the ones we reported yet.
author = {F.~S. He, Y. Liu, A.~G. Schwing and J. Peng},
title = {{Learning to Play in a Day: Faster Deep Reinforcement Learning by Optimality Tightening}},
booktitle = {Proc. ICLR},
year = {2017},