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Prow is the system that handles GitHub events and commands for Kubernetes. It currently comprises several related pieces that live in a GKE cluster.

  • cmd/hook is the most important piece. It is a server that listens for GitHub webhooks and dispatches them to the appropriate handlers.
  • cmd/line is the piece that starts Jenkins jobs or k8s pods.
  • cmd/sinker cleans up old jobs and pods.
  • cmd/splice regularly schedules batch jobs.
  • cmd/deck presents a nice view of recent jobs.
  • cmd/phony sends fake webhooks.
  • cmd/marque is a production-ready letsencrypt certificate manager.
  • cmd/tot vends incrementing build numbers.
  • cmd/crier writes GitHub statuses and comments.
  • cmd/horologium starts periodic jobs when necessary.

How to test prow

Build with:

bazel build //prow/...

Test with:

bazel test //prow/...

You can run cmd/hook in a local mode for testing, and hit it with arbitrary fake webhooks. To do this, run in one shell:

./bazel-bin/prow/cmd/hook/hook --local --config-path prow/config.yaml --plugin-config prow/plugins.yaml

This will listen on localhost:8888 for webhooks. Send one with:

./bazel-bin/prow/cmd/phony/phony --event issue_comment --payload prow/cmd/phony/examples/test_comment.json

How to update the cluster

Any modifications to Go code will require redeploying the affected binaries. Fortunately, this should result in no downtime for the system. Bump the relevant version number in the makefile as well as in the cluster manifest and run make update-cluster. You can also consider updating individual images and deployments, if you'd like.

Please ensure that your git tree is up to date before updating anything.

How to add new plugins

Add a new package under plugins with a method satisfying one of the handler types in plugins. In that package's init function, call plugins.Register*Handler(name, handler). Then, in cmd/hook/main.go, add an empty import so that your plugin is included. If you forget this step then a unit test will fail when you try to add it to plugins.yaml. Don't add a brand new plugin to the main kubernetes/kubernetes repo right away, start with somewhere smaller and make sure it is well-behaved. If you add a command, document it in

The LGTM plugin is a good place to start if you're looking for an example plugin to mimic.

How to enable a plugin on a repo

Add an entry to plugins.yaml. If you misspell the name then a unit test will fail. Once it is merged, run make update-plugins. This does not require redeploying the binaries, and will take effect within a minute.

How to add new jobs

To add a new job you'll need to add an entry into config.yaml. Then run make update-config. This does not require redeploying any binaries, and will take effect within a minute.

The Jenkins job itself should have no trigger. It will be called with string parameters PULL_NUMBER and PULL_BASE_REF which it can use to checkout the appropriate revision. It needs to accept the buildId parameter which the line job uses to track its progress.

Bots home

@k8s-ci-robot and its silent counterpart @k8s-bot both live here as triggers to GitHub messages defined in config.yaml.