diff --git a/salt/soc/defaults.yaml b/salt/soc/defaults.yaml index 8bb180567c..db3fcdaf8f 100644 --- a/salt/soc/defaults.yaml +++ b/salt/soc/defaults.yaml @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ soc: - source.port - destination.ip - destination.port - - smtp.from + - smtp.mail_from - smtp.recipient_to - smtp.subject - smtp.useragent @@ -1166,6 +1166,16 @@ soc: - system.auth.sudo.command - event.dataset - message + ':opencanary:': + - soc_timestamp + - source.ip + - source.port + - logdata.HOSTNAME + - destination.port + - logdata.PATH + - logdata.USERNAME + - logdata.USERAGENT + - event.dataset server: bindAddress: baseUrl: / @@ -1601,55 +1611,55 @@ soc: queries: - name: Overview description: Overview of all events - query: '* | groupby -sankey event.dataset event.category* | groupby -pie event.category | groupby -bar event.module* | groupby event.dataset | groupby event.module* | groupby event.category | groupby observer.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: '* | groupby event.category | groupby -sankey event.category event.module | groupby event.module | groupby -sankey event.module event.dataset | groupby event.dataset | groupby observer.name | groupby host.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: SOC Auth description: SOC (Security Onion Console) authentication logs - query: 'event.dataset:kratos.audit AND msg:*authenticated* | groupby -sankey http_request.headers.x-real-ip identity_id | groupby http_request.headers.x-real-ip | groupby identity_id | groupby http_request.headers.user-agent' + query: 'event.dataset:kratos.audit AND msg:*authenticated* | groupby http_request.headers.x-real-ip | groupby -sankey http_request.headers.x-real-ip identity_id | groupby identity_id | groupby http_request.headers.user-agent' - name: Elastalerts description: Elastalert logs query: '_index: "*:elastalert*" | groupby rule_name | groupby alert_info.type' - name: Alerts description: Overview of all alerts - query: 'tags:alert | groupby event.module* | groupby rule.name | groupby event.severity | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:alert | groupby event.module* | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby rule.name | groupby event.severity | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: NIDS Alerts description: NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) alerts - query: 'event.category:network AND tags:alert | groupby rule.category | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby rule.name | groupby rule.uuid | groupby rule.gid | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'event.category:network AND tags:alert | groupby rule.category | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby rule.name | groupby rule.uuid | groupby rule.gid | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: Sysmon Overview description: Overview of all Sysmon data types - query: 'event.dataset:windows.sysmon_operational | groupby -sankey event.action host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby host.name | groupby event.category event.action | groupby user.name | groupby dns.question.name | groupby process.executable | groupby winlog.event_data.TargetObject | groupby file.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'event.dataset:windows.sysmon_operational | groupby event.action | groupby -sankey event.action host.name | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby event.category event.action | groupby dns.question.name | groupby process.executable | groupby file.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: Host Overview description: Overview of all host data types - query: '((event.category:registry OR event.category:host OR event.category:process OR event.category:driver OR event.category:configuration) OR (event.category:file AND _exists_:process.executable) OR (event.category:network AND _exists_:host.name)) | groupby event.dataset* event.category* event.action* | groupby event.type | groupby host.name | groupby user.name | groupby file.name | groupby process.executable' + query: '((event.category:registry OR event.category:host OR event.category:process OR event.category:driver OR event.category:configuration) OR (event.category:file AND _exists_:process.executable) OR (event.category:network AND _exists_:host.name)) | groupby event.dataset* event.category* event.action* | groupby event.type | groupby -sankey event.type host.name | groupby host.name | groupby user.name | groupby file.name | groupby process.executable' - name: Host Registry Changes description: Windows Registry changes - query: 'event.category: registry | groupby -sankey event.action host.name | groupby event.dataset event.action | groupby host.name | groupby process.executable | groupby registry.path | groupby process.executable registry.path' + query: 'event.category: registry | groupby event.action | groupby -sankey event.action host.name | groupby host.name | groupby event.dataset event.action | groupby process.executable | groupby registry.path | groupby process.executable registry.path' - name: Host DNS & Process Mappings description: DNS queries mapped to originating processes - query: 'event.category: network AND _exists_:process.executable AND (_exists_:dns.question.name OR _exists_:dns.answers.data) | groupby -sankey host.name dns.question.name | groupby event.dataset event.type | groupby host.name | groupby process.executable | groupby dns.question.name | groupby dns.answers.data' + query: 'event.category: network AND _exists_:process.executable AND (_exists_:dns.question.name OR _exists_:dns.answers.data) | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name dns.question.name | groupby dns.question.name | groupby event.dataset event.type | groupby process.executable | groupby dns.answers.data' - name: Host Process Activity description: Process activity captured on an endpoint - query: 'event.category:process | groupby -sankey host.name user.name* | groupby event.dataset event.action | groupby host.name | groupby user.name | groupby process.working_directory | groupby process.executable | groupby process.command_line | groupby process.parent.executable | groupby process.parent.command_line | groupby -sankey process.parent.executable process.executable | table soc_timestamp host.name user.name process.parent.name process.name event.action process.working_directory event.dataset' + query: 'event.category:process | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name* | groupby user.name | groupby event.dataset event.action | groupby process.working_directory | groupby process.executable | groupby process.command_line | groupby process.parent.executable | groupby process.parent.command_line | groupby -sankey process.parent.executable process.executable | table soc_timestamp host.name user.name process.parent.name process.name event.action process.working_directory event.dataset' - name: Host File Activity description: File activity captured on an endpoint - query: 'event.category: file AND _exists_:process.executable | groupby -sankey host.name process.executable | groupby host.name | groupby event.dataset event.action event.type | groupby file.name | groupby process.executable' + query: 'event.category: file AND _exists_:process.executable | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name process.executable | groupby process.executable | groupby event.dataset event.action event.type | groupby file.name' - name: Host Network & Process Mappings description: Network activity mapped to originating processes - query: 'event.category: network AND _exists_:process.executable | groupby -sankey event.action host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby event.dataset* event.type* event.action* | groupby host.name | groupby user.name | groupby dns.question.name | groupby process.executable | groupby winlog.event_data.TargetObject | groupby process.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'event.category: network AND _exists_:process.executable | groupby event.action | groupby -sankey event.action host.name | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby event.dataset* event.type* event.action* | groupby dns.question.name | groupby process.executable | groupby process.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: Host API Events description: API (Application Programming Interface) events from endpoints - query: 'event.dataset:endpoint.events.api | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby process.name | groupby process.Ext.api.name' + query: 'event.dataset:endpoint.events.api | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby -sankey user.name process.name | groupby process.name | groupby process.Ext.api.name' - name: Host Library Events description: Library events from endpoints - query: 'event.dataset:endpoint.events.library | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby process.name | groupby event.action | groupby dll.path | groupby dll.code_signature.status | groupby dll.code_signature.subject_name' + query: 'event.dataset:endpoint.events.library | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby -sankey user.name process.name | groupby process.name | groupby event.action | groupby dll.path | groupby dll.code_signature.status | groupby dll.code_signature.subject_name' - name: Host Security Events description: Security events from endpoints - query: 'event.dataset:endpoint.events.security | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby process.executable | groupby event.action | groupby event.outcome' + query: 'event.dataset:endpoint.events.security | groupby host.name | groupby -sankey host.name user.name | groupby user.name | groupby -sankey user.name process.executable | groupby process.executable | groupby event.action | groupby event.outcome' - name: Strelka description: Strelka file analysis - query: 'event.module:strelka | groupby file.mime_type | groupby -sankey file.mime_type file.source | groupby file.source | groupby file.name' + query: 'event.module:strelka | groupby file.mime_type | groupby -sankey file.mime_type file.source | groupby file.source | groupby -sankey file.source file.name | groupby file.name' - name: Zeek Notice description: Zeek notice logs - query: 'event.dataset:zeek.notice | groupby -sankey notice.note destination.ip | groupby notice.note | groupby notice.message | groupby notice.sub_message | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'event.dataset:zeek.notice | groupby notice.note | groupby -sankey notice.note source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby notice.message | groupby notice.sub_message | groupby source_geo.organization_name | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: Connections and Metadata with community_id description: Network connections that include community_id query: '_exists_:network.community_id | groupby event.module* | groupby -sankey event.module* event.dataset | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip source.port destination.ip destination.port | groupby network.protocol | groupby source_geo.organization_name source.geo.country_name | groupby destination_geo.organization_name destination.geo.country_name | groupby rule.name rule.category event.severity_label | groupby dns.query.name | groupby http.virtual_host http.uri | groupby notice.note notice.message notice.sub_message | groupby source.ip host.hostname user.name event.action event.type process.executable process.pid' @@ -1658,145 +1668,145 @@ soc: query: 'tags:conn | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby -sankey destination.port network.protocol | groupby network.protocol | groupby network.transport | groupby connection.history | groupby connection.state | groupby connection.state_description | groupby source.geo.country_name | groupby destination.geo.country_name | groupby client.ip_bytes | groupby server.ip_bytes | groupby client.oui' - name: DCE_RPC description: DCE_RPC (Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Calls) network metadata - query: 'tags:dce_rpc | groupby -sankey dce_rpc.endpoint dce_rpc.operation | groupby dce_rpc.endpoint | groupby dce_rpc.operation | groupby dce_rpc.named_pipe | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:dce_rpc | groupby dce_rpc.endpoint | groupby -sankey dce_rpc.endpoint dce_rpc.operation | groupby dce_rpc.operation | groupby -sankey dce_rpc.operation dce_rpc.named_pipe | groupby dce_rpc.named_pipe | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: DHCP description: DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) leases - query: 'tags:dhcp | groupby host.hostname | groupby dhcp.message_types | groupby -sankey client.address server.address | groupby client.address | groupby server.address | groupby host.domain' + query: 'tags:dhcp | groupby host.hostname | groupby -sankey host.hostname client.address | groupby client.address | groupby -sankey client.address server.address | groupby server.address | groupby dhcp.message_types | groupby host.domain' - name: DNS description: DNS (Domain Name System) queries - query: 'tags:dns | groupby dns.query.name | groupby dns.highest_registered_domain | groupby dns.parent_domain | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby dns.answers.name | groupby dns.query.type_name | groupby dns.response.code_name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:dns | groupby dns.query.name | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby dns.highest_registered_domain | groupby dns.parent_domain | groupby dns.response.code_name | groupby dns.answers.name | groupby dns.query.type_name | groupby dns.response.code_name | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: DPD description: DPD (Dynamic Protocol Detection) errors - query: 'tags:dpd | groupby error.reason | groupby network.protocol | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:dpd | groupby error.reason | groupby -sankey error.reason source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby network.protocol | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: Files description: Files seen in network traffic query: 'tags:file | groupby file.mime_type | groupby -sankey file.mime_type file.source | groupby file.source | groupby file.bytes.total | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: FTP description: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:ftp | groupby -sankey ftp.command destination.ip | groupby ftp.command | groupby ftp.argument | groupby ftp.user | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:ftp | groupby ftp.command | groupby -sankey ftp.command source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name | groupby ftp.argument | groupby ftp.user' - name: HTTP description: HTTP (Hyper Text Transport Protocol) network metadata query: 'tags:http | groupby http.method | groupby -sankey http.method http.virtual_host | groupby http.virtual_host | groupby http.uri | groupby http.useragent | groupby http.status_code | groupby http.status_message | groupby file.resp_mime_types | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: Intel description: Zeek Intel framework hits - query: 'tags:intel | groupby intel.indicator | groupby -sankey source.ip intel.indicator | groupby intel.indicator_type | groupby intel.seen_where | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:intel | groupby intel.indicator | groupby -sankey intel.indicator source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby intel.indicator_type | groupby intel.seen_where' - name: IRC description: IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network metadata query: 'tags:irc | groupby irc.command.type | groupby -sankey irc.command.type irc.username | groupby irc.username | groupby irc.nickname | groupby irc.command.value | groupby irc.command.info | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: Kerberos description: Kerberos network metadata - query: 'tags:kerberos | groupby kerberos.service | groupby -sankey kerberos.service destination.ip | groupby kerberos.client | groupby kerberos.request_type | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:kerberos | groupby kerberos.service | groupby -sankey kerberos.service source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby kerberos.client | groupby kerberos.request_type' - name: MySQL description: MySQL network metadata - query: 'tags:mysql | groupby mysql.command | groupby -sankey mysql.command destination.ip | groupby mysql.argument | groupby mysql.success | groupby mysql.response | groupby mysql.rows | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:mysql | groupby mysql.command | groupby -sankey mysql.command source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby mysql.argument | groupby mysql.success | groupby mysql.response | groupby mysql.rows' - name: NTLM description: NTLM (New Technology LAN Manager) network metadata - query: 'tags:ntlm | groupby ntlm.server.dns.name | groupby ntlm.server.nb.name | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby ntlm.server.tree.name | groupby ntlm.success | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:ntlm | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby ntlm.server.dns.name | groupby ntlm.server.nb.name | groupby ntlm.server.tree.name | groupby ntlm.success | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip' - name: PE description: PE (Portable Executable) files transferred via network traffic - query: 'tags:pe | groupby file.machine | groupby -sankey file.machine file.os | groupby file.os | groupby file.subsystem | groupby file.section_names | groupby file.is_exe | groupby file.is_64bit' + query: 'tags:pe | groupby file.machine | groupby -sankey file.machine file.os | groupby file.os | groupby -sankey file.os file.subsystem | groupby file.subsystem | groupby file.section_names | groupby file.is_exe | groupby file.is_64bit' - name: RADIUS description: RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) network metadata - query: 'tags:radius | groupby -sankey user.name destination.ip | groupby user.name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:radius | groupby user.name | groupby -sankey user.name source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: RDP description: RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:rdp | groupby client.name | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:rdp | groupby client.name | groupby -sankey client.name source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: RFB description: RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) network metadata - query: 'tags:rfb | groupby rfb.desktop.name | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:rfb | groupby rfb.desktop.name | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: Signatures description: Zeek signatures query: 'event.dataset:zeek.signatures | groupby signature_id' - name: SIP description: SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:sip | groupby client.user_agent | groupby sip.method | groupby sip.uri | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:sip | groupby sip.method | groupby -sankey sip.method source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name | groupby client.user_agent | groupby sip.method | groupby sip.uri' - name: SMB_Files description: Files transferred via SMB (Server Message Block) - query: 'tags:smb_files | groupby file.action | groupby file.path | groupby file.name | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:smb_files | groupby file.action | groupby -sankey file.action source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby file.path | groupby file.name' - name: SMB_Mapping description: SMB (Server Message Block) mapping network metadata - query: 'tags:smb_mapping | groupby smb.share_type | groupby smb.path | groupby smb.service | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:smb_mapping | groupby smb.share_type | groupby -sankey smb.share_type smb.path | groupby smb.path | groupby -sankey smb.path smb.service | groupby smb.service | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: SMTP description: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:smtp | groupby smtp.from | groupby smtp.recipient_to | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby smtp.subject | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:smtp | groupby smtp.mail_from | groupby -sankey smtp.mail_from smtp.recipient_to | groupby smtp.recipient_to | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby smtp.subject | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: SNMP description: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) network metadat - query: 'tags:snmp | groupby snmp.community | groupby snmp.version | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:snmp | groupby snmp.community | groupby -sankey snmp.community source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby snmp.version' - name: Software description: Software seen by Zeek via network traffic - query: 'tags:software | groupby -sankey software.type source.ip | groupby software.type | groupby software.name | groupby source.ip' + query: 'tags:software | groupby software.type | groupby -sankey software.type source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby software.name' - name: SSH description: SSH (Secure Shell) connections seen by Zeek - query: 'tags:ssh | groupby ssh.client | groupby ssh.server | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby ssh.direction | groupby ssh.version | groupby ssh.hassh_version | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'tags:ssh | groupby ssh.client | groupby -sankey ssh.client source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby ssh.server | groupby ssh.version | groupby ssh.hassh_version | groupby ssh.direction | groupby source_geo.organization_name | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: SSL description: SSL/TLS network metadata - query: 'tags:ssl | groupby ssl.version | groupby ssl.validation_status | groupby -sankey source.ip ssl.server_name | groupby ssl.server_name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name | groupby ssl.certificate.issuer | groupby ssl.certificate.subject' + query: 'tags:ssl | groupby ssl.version | groupby ssl.validation_status | groupby -sankey ssl.validation_status ssl.server_name | groupby ssl.server_name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name | groupby ssl.certificate.issuer | groupby ssl.certificate.subject' - name: STUN description: STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) network metadata - query: 'tags:stun* | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.geo.country_name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby event.dataset' + query: 'tags:stun* | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination.geo.country_name | groupby event.dataset' - name: Syslog description: Syslog logs - query: 'tags:syslog | groupby syslog.severity_label | groupby syslog.facility_label | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby network.protocol' + query: 'tags:syslog | groupby syslog.severity_label | groupby syslog.facility_label | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby network.protocol | groupby event.dataset' - name: TDS description: TDS (Tabular Data Stream) network metadata - query: 'tags:tds* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby tds.command | groupby tds.header_type | groupby tds.procedure_name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby tds.query' + query: 'tags:tds* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby tds.command | groupby tds.header_type | groupby tds.procedure_name | groupby tds.query' - name: Tunnel description: Tunnels seen by Zeek - query: 'tags:tunnel | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby tunnel.type | groupby event.action | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination.geo.country_name' + query: 'tags:tunnel | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby tunnel.type | groupby event.action | groupby destination.geo.country_name' - name: Weird description: Weird network traffic seen by Zeek - query: 'event.dataset:zeek.weird | groupby -sankey weird.name destination.ip | groupby weird.name | groupby weird.additional_info | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' + query: 'event.dataset:zeek.weird | groupby weird.name | groupby -sankey weird.name source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name' - name: WireGuard description: WireGuard VPN network metadata - query: 'tags:wireguard | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.geo.country_name | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:wireguard | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination.geo.country_name' - name: x509 description: x.509 certificates seen by Zeek - query: 'tags:x509 | groupby -sankey x509.certificate.key.length x509.san_dns | groupby x509.certificate.key.length | groupby x509.san_dns | groupby x509.certificate.key.type | groupby x509.certificate.subject | groupby x509.certificate.issuer' + query: 'tags:x509 | groupby x509.certificate.key.length | groupby -sankey x509.certificate.key.length x509.san_dns | groupby x509.san_dns | groupby x509.certificate.key.type | groupby x509.certificate.subject | groupby x509.certificate.issuer' - name: ICS Overview description: Overview of ICS (Industrial Control Systems) network metadata - query: 'tags:ics | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby source.mac | groupby destination.mac' + query: 'tags:ics | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby source.mac | groupby destination.mac' - name: ICS BACnet description: BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networks) network metadata - query: 'tags:bacnet* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:bacnet* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: ICS BSAP description: BSAP (Bristol Standard Asynchronous Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:bsap* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:bsap* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: ICS CIP description: CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:cip* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:cip* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: ICS COTP description: COTP (Connection Oriented Transport Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:cotp* | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby cotp.pdu.name | groupby cotp.pdu.code | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:cotp* | groupby cotp.pdu.name | groupby -sankey cotp.pdu.name source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby cotp.pdu.code' - name: ICS DNP3 description: DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:dnp3* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby dnp3.function_code | groupby dnp3.object_type | groupby dnp3.fc_request | groupby dnp3.fc_reply | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:dnp3* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby dnp3.function_code | groupby dnp3.object_type | groupby dnp3.fc_request | groupby dnp3.fc_reply' - name: ICS ECAT description: ECAT (Ethernet for Control Automation Technology) network metadata - query: 'tags:ecat* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.mac destination.mac | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.mac | groupby destination.mac | groupby ecat.command | groupby ecat.register.type' + query: 'tags:ecat* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset ecat.command | groupby ecat.command | groupby -sankey ecat.command source.mac | groupby source.mac | groupby -sankey source.mac destination.mac | groupby destination.mac | groupby ecat.register.type' - name: ICS ENIP description: ENIP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) network metadata - query: 'tags:enip* | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby enip.command | groupby enip.status_code | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:enip* | groupby enip.command | groupby -sankey enip.command source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby enip.status_code' - name: ICS Modbus description: Modbus network metadata - query: 'tags:modbus* | groupby -sankey event.dataset modbus.function | groupby event.dataset | groupby modbus.function | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:modbus* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset modbus.function | groupby modbus.function | groupby -sankey modbus.function source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: ICS OPC UA description: OPC UA (Unified Architecture) network metadata - query: 'tags:opcua* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:opcua* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: ICS Profinet description: Profinet (Process Field Network) network metadata - query: 'tags:profinet* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:profinet* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: ICS S7 description: S7 (Siemens) network metadata - query: 'tags:s7* | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip destination.ip | groupby event.dataset | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'tags:s7* | groupby event.dataset | groupby -sankey event.dataset source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: Firewall description: Firewall logs - query: 'observer.type:firewall | groupby -sankey event.action observer.ingress.interface.name | groupby event.action | groupby observer.ingress.interface.name | groupby network.type | groupby network.transport | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' + query: 'observer.type:firewall | groupby event.action | groupby -sankey event.action observer.ingress.interface.name | groupby observer.ingress.interface.name | groupby network.type | groupby network.transport | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port' - name: Firewall Auth description: Firewall authentication logs query: 'observer.type:firewall AND event.category:authentication | groupby user.name | groupby -sankey user.name source.ip | groupby source.ip | table soc_timestamp user.name source.ip message' - name: VLAN description: VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) tagged logs - query: '* AND _exists_:network.vlan.id | groupby network.vlan.id | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby event.dataset | groupby event.module | groupby observer.name | groupby source.geo.country_name | groupby destination.geo.country_name' + query: '* AND _exists_:network.vlan.id | groupby network.vlan.id | groupby -sankey network.vlan.id source.ip | groupby source.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby event.dataset | groupby event.module | groupby observer.name | groupby source.geo.country_name | groupby destination.geo.country_name' - name: GeoIP - Destination Countries description: GeoIP tagged logs visualized by destination countries query: '* AND _exists_:destination.geo.country_name | groupby destination.geo.country_name | groupby source.ip | groupby -sankey source.ip destination.ip | groupby destination.ip | groupby destination.port | groupby destination_geo.organization_name | groupby event.dataset | groupby event.module'