.left-column.width-50[ Smart contract programming is Risky Business
- Small flaws => Large payouts
- $1b in ether lost to date
- A security-first mindset is needed
Industries with a security-first mindset
- Aerospace
- Medical
- Financial
- Embedded Devices
DO-178B serves as our model (Aerospace) ]
OWASP Software Security Risk Model
Design Assurance Levels
| Risk | Critical | High | Medium | Low | Safe | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | DAL | A | B | C | D | E | ]
.left-column.width-50[ SecurEth := Software Engineering Standards Body
Industry Volunteers => Standards Body
- Standards for Risk Evaluation
- Software Engineering Standards
- Common Language for Ethereum Ecosystem ]
.right-column.width-50[ We made this:
class: center white black-background background-image: url(tool.png) background-position: top;
.left-column.width-66[ But how do guarentee adoption?
Software Insurance!
Smart Contract Policies on other Smart Contracts!
- Software Risk is the metric used to price premiums for policy
- High quality code => Lower Premiums
- When hacks happen, funds aren't all lost!
- This is how we get mainstream adoption! ]