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As we figure out some of the bad names, put the definitions here:

Little Schemer

Builtins Definiton
cons cons truct a pair (aka cons-cell)
car first element of a pair
cdr rest of the pair
Ch2 Definiton
lat? 'List of Atoms?' (instead of, say, a list of lists)
member? Does this atom exist in this list?
Ch3 Definiton
rember 'Remove member' – remove first occurance of an atom in a list
multirember 'Multiple Remove Member' – removes all matching items from the list
subst 'Substitute' – replace first occurance of an atom in a list with the given atom
Ch4 Definiton
tup 'Tuple' – a list of numbers
pick get nth element of list
rempick remove nth element from list
eqan? 'Equal atom-or-number?' – are the two given atoms the same?
Ch5 Definiton
  •   | indicates function works on nested lists (aka any S-expr, not just lists of atoms)

rember* | remove member from nested list eqlist? | Do these two lists have the same structure and same atoms? equal? | general S-expr equality. Checks for eqan? and eqlist?

Ch6 Definiton
aexp  'Arithmetic expression' – a list of numbers and mathy symbols

Note: If you figure out what the authors mean by 'shadows', please tell me! -L

Ch7 Definiton
rel 'Relation' – A not-neccesarily-unique mapping.
fun 'Function' – (functions are just really big hashes! hashes are just tiny functions!)
fun?  do inputs map to a unique output?
revrel 'Reverse relation'
fullfun? 'Full function?' - Checks that no two inputs map to the same output. aka a 'one-to-one' function, aka an 'injection'
Ch8 Definiton
rember-f a function that takes a test for equality and returns a function that will remove the first item of a list that passes that test
seqL takes two items and prepends them to a list
seqR takes two items and prepends them backward to a list
multirember-f a function that takes a test for equality and returns a function that will remove all items of a list that pass that test
multirember-T takes a boolean function and a list, and removes all elements that return true (aka reject in Ruby, also called a 'filter' in functional languages) Note: I have no idea what the T stands for here!
&co Give a function that's applied at the very end. Multirember&co, for instance, applies multirember to a list to get two lists: the list without the member, and the removed items. It then calls the &co with the two lists. A function that's called at the very end of a computation is called a 'continuation'
multirember&co remove multiple members and call continuation
a-friend, new-friend, latest-friend, last-friend Arbitrary functions. It's important that they are functions, and that they take two lists as arguments, but what they do is pretty meaningless (like, 'return true if the second list is empty!')
Ch9 Definiton
sorn 'Symbol or Number'
pora 'Pair or Atom'
Ch10 Definiton
table Acts like a list of hashes. It's used here for storing and looking up variables.



Name Definiton
sal 'Succeeds At Least once'. Man, these names are the worst