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442 lines (308 loc) · 23.2 KB


Batteries Included Fortran Library (BiF-Lib)

Code Citation

Boyce, S.E., 2024, Batteries Included Fortran Library (BiF-Lib), version 1.2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release,

Additional Citations

Part of these utilities were developed for the following project:

Boyce, S.E., 2024, MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) Conjunctive Use and Integrated Hydrologic Flow Modeling Software, version 2.x: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release,

Boyce, S.E., Hanson, R.T., Ferguson, I., Schmid, W., Henson, W., Reimann, T., Mehl, S.M., and Earll, M.M., 2020, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A60, 435 p.,

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Major release
Includes a new modules simple_file_io, ``file_info_interface, and circular_queue_instruction` that writes to a file 1D and 2D arrays.


  • Simple, dependency free file io routines Gadded in src/io/simple_file_io.f90

    • Contains a set of convenience routines for parsing input files and opening read only or write only files.

    • The module is self-contained with simplified versions of multiple files from the full library.

      • Its use is not recommended with other parts of BiF to avoid import conflicts.
      • Provided for programs that require easy file io and do not want the full BiF dependency tree.
  • Circular Queue Data Type added in src/types_and_containers/circular_queue_instruction.f90

    • This type is a linked list whose end points to the start to form a circle list.

    • Currently only supports integer(int64) numbers.

  • File Info Data Type added in src/io/file_info_interface.f90

    • Queries and populates the type with all file properties of an open file (that is, something associated with a fortran unit number).

    • The information query can be done by unit number or file name.

  • EXECUTE_COMMAND_GET_OUTPUT added to system/system_call.f90 (new file).
    This procedure executes a command using the operating system shell and returns the output from the command.

    • SUBROUTINE EXECUTE_COMMAND_GET_OUTPUT(command, output, stat, keep_empty_lines)
      character(*), intent(in ) :: command
      character(*), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: output
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat
      logical, optional, intent(in ) :: keep_empty_lines
    • where
      command - Command passed to terminal to be executed
      output - Output generated from command, dimension is set to the number of non-empty/blank lines returned
      stat - Status generated from command. If not present and error occurs, invokes ERROR STOP. If present, OUTPUT contains error message
      keep_empty_lines - If present, and TRUE, then empty/blank lines are included in OUTPUT
  • src/system/path_interface.f90 added additional procedures: and SUBROUTINE SET_TO_CWD(CWD, LENGTH)

    • FUNCTION GET_CWD() returns the current working directory.
    • SUBROUTINE SET_TO_CWD(CWD, LENGTH) sets the variable CHARACTER(*):: CWD to the current working directory and optional integer variable, LENGTH, as the size of the character array.
    • Pretty much this routine just does CWD = GET_CWD() and LENGTH = LEN(GET_CWD())
    • Note it is possible to have, LENGTH > LEN(CWD), that case CWD does not hold the entire path.
    • SUBROUTINE GET_FILE_EXTENSION(FILE_NAME, EXT) given a file name returns the extension (anything after last .)
      • For example: "doc/myfile.txt" would return "txt"
  • src/io/generic_open_interface.fpp subroutine GENERIC_OPEN() added the optional argument POSITION

    • All Fortran OPEN(POSITION=) strings are accepted.
      However it is recommended to only use:
    • If not specified, then it is set to POSITION="REWIND".
  • src/io/file_io_interface.f90 data type UNIT_ARRAY_BUILDER added the FUNCTION PRINT_STR() type bound routine.

    • This routine is identical to SUBROUTINE UNIT_ARRAY_BUILDER%PRINT(IOUT), except that it returns a character(*) rather than writing to a file.
    • The function call is: str = UNIT_ARRAY_BUILDER%PRINT_STR()
  • src/io/post_key_sub.f90 added the optional argument NO_WARN to SUBROUTINE CHECK_FOR_POST_KEY.

    • If present, and set to .TRUE. will disable any warning messages when searching for a post-keyword option.

    • This optional argument is also added:

      • src/io/generic_input_file_instruction.f90 in the routine GENERIC_INPUT%OPEN

      • src/io/generic_output_file_instruction.f90 in the routine GENERIC_OUTPUT%OPEN


  • src/strings/num2str_interface.f90 added check for 0.0;
    that is: NUM2STR(0.0) returns '0.0' instead of '0.00000000E+00'

  • All code was shifted to be within the first 132 columns to be compatible with gfortran.

    • Fortran 95 free format standard limits the file width to 132 columns.

    • Note, code still fails to compile with gfortran because it does not support the destructor statement FINAL::


Bug Fixes

  • src/datetime/calendar_functions.f90 uses the function julianday_to_date(jdn_in, year_in, day, month, year, jdn, leap) for converting Julian Day of the Year (jdn_in) to a calendar month, day, and year. However if jdn_in > 364, then the routine would only check if year_in is a leap year rather than each interval of Julian days overlapped a leap year. This has been fixed to account the appropriate 365 and 366 day years.

  • src/input_reader/uload_and_sfac_interface.f90 when loading a GENERIC_INPUT_FILE variable with SUBROUTINE ULOAD_SCALAR that has a specified unit number (IU /= 0) reads an extra line from IN.

    • This effected MODULE LIST_ARRAY_INPUT_INTERFACE when using TYPE GENERIC_LINE_INPUT that reads a transient file reader (TFR) with the DATAFILE or DATAUNIT keyword (bypass TFR and read input directly). The resulting call to the MODULE TRANSIENT_FILE_READER_INSTRUCTION reads a line to check for SFAC, but since IU is specified the extra read of the line is not needed because not file is parsed.
  • src/system/directory_iso_c_binding.f90 FUNCTION MAKE_C_CHAR takes a Fortran character type and converts it to a C-string. The function was modified to return a character array (correct method) instead of CHARACTER(*).

    • That is, the function previously returned:
            CHARACTER(len=LEN(F_STR)+1, kind=C_CHAR)
      now returns:
            CHARACTER(len=1, kind=C_CHAR), DIMENSION(LEN(F_STR)+1)
  • C_LOC requires argument that has either the TARGET or POINTER attribute but does NOT support ALLOCATABLE arrays. Routines that make use of C_LOC had the TARGET attribute added to incoming arrays. Also FUNCTION GET_C_LOC was added that adds to an array the TARGET attribute and returns its C_LOC. This effected the following files:

    • src/util_misc/same_memory_address_interface.f90
  • src/math_numbers/number_conversion_interface.f90

    • MODULE NUMBER_CONVERSION_INTERFACE converts all the major integer types from/to binary to decimal, octal, or hexadecimal. A set of parameters were added to ensure that zero and one comparisons are made with the same type integer as that of the routine. That is:
      • converting INT8 to Octal uses only INT8 operations

      • converting INT16 to Octal uses only INT16 operations

      • converting INT32 to Octal uses only INT32 operations

      • converting INT64 to Octal uses only INT64 operations

  • makefile added gfortran complier flag fno-range-check to prevent compiler errors.

  • Sort routines removed redundant use of USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV

    • MODULE SORT_INTERFACE contains a set of SUBMODULEs that sort each of the major Fortran data types. The problem is that a SUBMODULE imports all the global variables from the parent MODULE. The parent module has:
      so that declaration is not necessary in the submodules.
  • Added int( ) around BOZ constants (binary, octal, hexadecimal constants) to conform to Fortran standard.

    • For example, fortran standard requires the binary notation b'' to be converted to the desired integer type:
      int(b'1100000010000000', int32)
  • Added decimal to literal real numbers in a variaty of files. For example, changes 1D0 to 1.D0

    • src/datetime/calendar_functions.f90


  • src/math_numbers/descriptive_statistics.f90
    changed the intent for the online_stats%merge routine from intent(in) to intent(inout)

    • This routine was generic for MERGE_OUT_SG_qp(st, st1, st2) and changed:
      SUBROUTINE MERGE_OUT_SG_qp(st, st1, st2)
        CLASS(ONLINE_STATS), intent(in):: st
      SUBROUTINE MERGE_OUT_SG_qp(st, st1, st2)
        CLASS(ONLINE_STATS), intent(inout):: st



  • Rewrite of GENERIC_INPUT_FILE_INSTRUCTION and GENERIC_OUTPUT_FILE_INSTRUCTION modules to have consistent interfaces and code structure.

    • BREAKING CHANGE: This changed the order of optional arguments in %OPEN() for the GENERIC_INPUT_FILE and GENERIC_OUTPUT_FILE data types. However, they know use the same arguments, and argument order, in their common type bound procedures. This also changed some of the components in the data types to be the same name. In particular:
      • The attribute %NULL_FILE replaced %SKIP

      • %IU == 0 only indicates implied internal, and added %IS_INTERNAL to indicate if file is internal and %IU is set the internal file unit.

      • %IS_OPEN is added and set to True if file is open and IU is connected to a file, and False otherwise.

  • src/io/generic_input_file_instruction.f90 and src/io/generic_output_file_instruction.f90 improved error messages.

  • src/strings/parse_word_interface.f90 replaced " " with the CONSTANT module parameter BLNK

  • src/strings/string_routines.f90 embedded the PARSE_WORD subroutine to increase the likelihood that the compiler will inline it for faster execution. This also removes the dependency on the PARSE_WORD_INTERFACE module.

  • src/input_reader/sub_block_input_interface.f90 removed unused module imports.

  • src/input_reader/uload_and_sfac_interface.f90 changed .ne. to /= for clarity.

  • src/input_reader/uload_and_sfac_interface.f90 switched to get_word routine to replace using the following routines: comment_index(), parse_word() and upper().

  • Convert all capital case error messages to sentence case.

  • Change all odd number check code from using IAND to BTEST.

    • The code previously used IAND to check if a number is odd with the following code:
            IAND( num, 1 ) == 1
      This bit folding only checks to see if the least significant bit is set, which indicates the number is odd.

    • Rather than doing two operations, the code was changed to:
            BTEST( num, 0 )
      which returns TRUE if the lest significant bit is set.

  • Remove the integer type-spec from do concurrent-header for all source files that use it.

    • The gfortran compiler does not support the DO CONCURRENT type-spec in the concurrent-header. This has been removed to improve compatibility with gfortran. The following is an example of changed code.

      • That is,
              do concurrent ( integer:: i = 1 : 10 )
        is changed to:
              integer:: i
              do concurrent (i = 1 : 10 )




Major release
Includes a new module WRITE_ARRAY_INTERFACE that writes to a file 1D and 2D arrays.
This also includes a substantial improvement to the NUM2STR_INTERFACE module.


  • src/strings/num2str_interface.f90

    • now supports the Fortran data types: INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, and REAL32, REAL64
  • src/io/generic_input_file_instruction.f90 and
    src/io/generic_output_file_instruction.f90 now offer nearly the same %open interface.

    • All features that can be applied to both are now present in both.
  • src/io/write_array_interface.f90 added.

    • MODULE WRITE_ARRAY_INTERFACE provides the generic subroutine WRITE_ARRAY.

    • Supports writing of the INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, and REAL32, REAL64
      to a unit number of file name.

      • The array is written with the first dimension being along the rows.
        For example, a DIMENSION(3,5) array would write an array with 3 columns that occupy 5 lines of text.
    • DIMENSION(:), 1D, array interface

    • DIMENSION(:,:), 2D, array interface

    • where:

      • ARR is the 1D or 2D array that is written to a file.
      • character(*):: FNAME
        is a file name write the array to.
        If the file exists, it is over written.
        If the file is already opened, then it is appended to.
      • integer:: IU
        is the unit number connected to an open file to write to.
        If FNAME and IU are provided, then IU is the unit number to open the file on.
        If FNAME is provided and IU=0, then IU is returned with the NEWUNIT used to open the file.
      • logical:: ERROR
        is set to .TRUE. if there is a problem opening the file FNAME, otherwise it is set to .FALSE..
      • integer, optional:: WIDTH
        Specify the minimum width when writing each number.
        For example, WIDTH=12 will contain one number for every 12 characters.
        If the number exceeds the width, then it will occupy the minimal space
        to represent the number, plus 1 blank space afterwards.
      • character(*), optional:: FMT
        Specify a Fortran format edit descriptor kernel.
        If specified, then WIDTH is ignored.
        Each number is written using the format plus a 1 space buffer (1x) between numbers.
        If you want to disable the 1 space buffer you must specify SEP=""
        The format kernel is a Fortran format code for a single number (does not contain the repeat count).
        For example, the format codes are used to transfer integer values I is nIw.m
        This would not include the repeat count (n) and
        can optionally include the width (w) and zero padding (m).
        This format, must match the array type (that is, I for integer and F, E, EN, ES, or G for real).
        For example, to have real number output of width 8 and 3 decimal places, then FMT = 'F8.3'
      • character(*), optional:: SEP
        If present that the character appended to each number, except for the last one.
        For example, SEP="A b" would print the numbers 2, 4, 6 as "2A b4A b6" and
        SEP=", " would print "2, 4, 6". If SEP and FMT are specified, then SEP is the separator between numbers and not the 1 space buffer.
      • logical, optional:: TRANPOSE
        If present and true, then the written array is tranposed.
        Example 2D, an array with dimension(3,5) with:
        .false. - writes an array with 3 columns that occupy 5 lines of text (default).
        .true . - writes an array with 5 columns that occupy 3 lines of text.
        Example 1D, an array with dimension(3) with:
        .false. - writes an array with 3 values along a single line of text (default).
        .true . - writes an array with 1 value per line, occupying a total of 3 lines of text.
      • character(*), optional:: HED
        If present, then it is written to the file before the actual array (a header).
      • logical, optional:: SEP_ON_LAST
        If present, set to .true. and SEP is defined, then the separator is added to the last number on each line.
        For example, SEP=", " and SEP_ON_LAST=.true. would print the numbers 2, 4, 6 as "2, 4, 6, "
      • logical, optional:: ADVANCE
        If present, and true, the a 1D array will not include a carriage return (new line) after the numbers are written.
      • logical, optional:: NO_CLOSE
        If present, and true, then the file that is opened is not closed when the routine exits. The unit number
  • src/system/path_interface.f90 function IS_WINDOWS() is optimized to store the if the OS is Windows or not with the SAVE attribute. This makes it so that the OS environmental variable is checked once. Previously, each time the function was called would query the operating system environmental variable. A new option, always_check is added to force the query the operating system environmental variable even if it has already been set.
  • src/types_and_containers/array_data_types_instruction.f90 subroutine SET_ID_VAL_TYPE_POS(TYP, POS, ID, VAL, INUL, NUL) added the optional parameters INUL and NUL.
    • If POS is greater than the size of ID_VAL_TYPE, which is N, then it is expanded to include POS and the ID is set to INUL and VAL set to NUL for the values located between N+1 and POS-1 (inclusive).
  • src/io/post_key_sub.f90 added the routine file_and_post_key_parse.

    • This routine given a line and starting position (lloc) returns the line(istart:istop) that contains the file directive that is used by generic input/output and any post-keywords. The return value also sets lloc = istop + 1.
    • This is useful if an input line contains multiple keywords in addition to a ULOAD or Generic Input or Generic Output.
    • Note, this assumes that SF is used for any inline scale factors,
      such as ./input.txt SF 0.3048
      and the multiline scale factor, SFAC, is not used.
    • For example, if an input expected 2 integers, 1 output file, and 2 integers,
      then the input line might look like this:
      2 4 ./output/results.txt BUF 64 SPLIT 1024 6 8
      and given a lloc=6 (before the ./) would set line(istart:istop) to:
      ./output/results.txt BUF 64 SPLIT 1024
      and set lloc=47, which is just before the 6 8


Bug Fixes

  • src/strings/num2str_interface.f90 added a decimal place for real literals.
    • For example 1e5, is treated by the compiler as the integer 100000 rather than real.
    • To fix this, the number must be written as 1.e5
  • src/math_numbers/random_routines_interface.f90 fixed spelling errors.




Minor release


  • src/types_and_containers/linked_list_instruction.f90 added a REAL64_LINKED_LIST type.
    • This is a clone of INTEGER_LINKED_LIST, but instead constructs a list of REAL64 floating point numbers.
  • src/system/path_interface.f90 function IS_WINDOWS() is optimized to store the if the OS is Windows or not with the SAVE attribute. This makes it so that the OS environmental variable is checked once. Previously, each time the function was called would query the operating system environmental variable. A new option, always_check is added to force the query the operating system environmental variable even if it has already been set.
  • src/types_and_containers/array_data_types_instruction.f90 subroutine SET_ID_VAL_TYPE_POS(TYP, POS, ID, VAL, INUL, NUL) added the optional parameters INUL and NUL.
    • If POS is greater than the size of ID_VAL_TYPE, which is N, then it is expanded to include POS and the ID is set to INUL and VAL set to NUL for the values located between N+1 and POS-1 (inclusive).
  • src/io/post_key_sub.f90 added the routine file_and_post_key_parse.
    • This routine given a line and starting position (lloc) returns the line(istart:istop) that contains the file directive that is used by generic input/output and any post-keywords. The return value also sets lloc = istop + 1.
    • This is useful if an input line contains multiple keywords in addition to a ULOAD or Generic Input or Generic Output.
    • Note, this assumes that SF is used for any inline scale factors,
      such as ./input.txt SF 0.3048
      and the multiline scale factor, SFAC, is not used.
    • For example, if an input expected 2 integers, 1 output file, and 2 integers,
      then the input line might look like this:
      2 4 ./output/results.txt BUF 64 SPLIT 1024 6 8
      and given a lloc=6 (before the ./) would set line(istart:istop) to:
      ./output/results.txt BUF 64 SPLIT 1024
      and set lloc=47, which is just before the 6 8


Bug Fixes

  • src/error/error_interface.f90 minor spelling corrections.




Minor release


  • src/io/post_key_sub.f90 routine check_for_post_key added the optional logical input only_check
    If present and true, then only moves LLOC past the post-keywords and does not process them.


Bug Fixes

  • sort minor optimization by not sorting arrays of size 1.
  • sort routines now always initialize the optional permutation vector (P) if it is included in the subroutine call. Previously, if the array to be sorted was already sorted, then P was not initialized.
  • sort 2D array routines now correctly handle sorting when one of the dimensions is 1. That is, an array of dimension(X,1) or dimension(1,X) where X ≥ 1. Previously, sort would pass the array to a 1D sort routine without checking if the array should be sorted or the dimension to sort on.
  • unit_testing_instruction.f90 file fixed theASSERT_UNIT_TEST_0D_NONZERO_XYZ routines that specified WANT as being logical rather than the corresponding XYZ type being checked against.
  • src/datetime/date_operator_instruction.f90 fixed format error for date_operator%str_dyear()



Minor refactoring that converted .NE. to /= and indentation for:

  • src/io/generic_input_file_instruction.f90
  • src/io/generic_open_interface.fpp
  • src/math_numbers/EquationParser.f90
  • src/strings/parse_word_interface.f90




Initial Release.