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ntia-sensor extension v1.0.0

The ntia-sensor namespace provides metadata to describe RF sensors.

ntia-sensor is fully compliant with the SigMF specification and conventions.

1 Global

ntia-sensor extends the Global with the following name/value pairs:

name required type unit description
sensor false Sensor N/A Describes the sensor model components. This object is RECOMMENDED.
calibration_datetime false datetime ISO-8601 Time of last calibration. RECOMMENDED.

1.1 Sensor Object

Sensor definition follows a simplified hardware model composed of the following elements: antenna, preselector, signal analyzer, and computer. The antenna converts electromagnetic energy to a voltage. The preselector can provide local calibration signals, RF filtering to protect from strong out-of-band signals, and low-noise amplification to improve sensitivity. The signal analyzer (e.g., software defined radio) provides tuning, down conversion, sampling, and digital signal processing. Sensor implementations are not required to have each component, but metadata SHOULD specify the presence, model numbers, and operational parameters associated with each.

Sensor has the following properties:

name required type unit description
id true string N/A Unique logical ID for the sensor.
sensor_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe/specify the sensor.
antenna false Antenna N/A Metadata to describe/specify the antenna.
preselector false Preselector N/A Metadata to describe/specify the preselector.
signal_analyzer false SignalAnalyzer N/A Metadata to describe/specify the signal analyzer.
computer_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe/specify the onboard computer.
mobile false boolean N/A Defines whether the sensor is mobile.
location false Location N/A Specifies the location, speed, and bearing of the Sensor.
environment false Environment N/A Specifies the environment surrounding the Sensor.

1.2 SignalAnalyzer Object

SignalAnalyzer the following properties:

name required type unit description
sigan_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe/specify the signal analyzer.
frequency_low false double Hz Low frequency of operational range of the signal analyzer.
frequency_high false double Hz High frequency of operational range of the signal analyzer.
noise_figure false double dB Noise figure of the signal analyzer.
max_power false double dBm Maximum input power of the signal analyzer.
a2d_bits false integer bits Number of bits in A/D converter.

1.3 Preselector Object

Preselector has the following properties:

name required type unit description
preselector_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe/specify the preselector.
cal_sources false CalSource[] N/A Metadata to describe/specify the preselector calibration source.
amplifiers false Amplifier[] N/A Metadata to describe/specify the preselector low noise amplifiers.
filters false Filter[] N/A Metadata to describe the preselector RF filters.
rf_paths false RFPath[] N/A Metadata that describes preselector RF paths.

1.4 CalSource Object

CalSource has the following properties:

name required type unit description
cal_source_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe the calibration source specification.
type false string N/A Type of the calibration source.
enr false double dB Excess noise ratio.

1.5 Amplifier Object

Amplifier has the following properties:

name required type unit description
amplifier_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe the amplifier specification.
gain false double dB Gain of the low noise amplifier.
noise_figure false double dB Noise figure of the low noise amplifier.
max_power false double dB Maximum power of the low noise amplifier.

1.6 Filter Object

Filter has the following properties:

name required type unit description
filter_spec false HardwareSpec N/A Metadata to describe/specify the filter specification.
frequency_low_passband false double Hz Low frequency of filter 1 dB passband.
frequency_high_passband false double Hz High frequency of filter 1 dB passband.
frequency_low_stopband false double Hz Low frequency of filter 60 dB stopband.
frequency_high_stopband false double Hz High frequency of filter 60 dB stopband.

1.7 RFPath Object

RFPath has the following properties:

name required type unit description
name false string N/A Descriptive name for the RFPath.
cal_source_id true string N/A ID of the calibration source.
filter_id true string N/A ID of the filter.
amplifier_id true string N/A ID of the amplifier.

2 Captures

ntia-sensor does not provide additional keys to Captures.

3 Annotations

ntia-sensor defines the following segments that extend ntia-core.

3.1 SensorAnnotation Segment

SensorAnnotation has the following properties:

name required type unit description
rf_path_index false integer N/A Index of the RFPath object.
overload false boolean N/A Indicator of sensor overload.
attenuation_setting_sigan false double dB Attenuation setting of the signal analyzer.
gain_setting_sigan false double dB Gain setting of the signal analyzer.
gps_nmea false string NMEA NMEA message from GPS receiver.

3.2 CalibrationAnnotation Segment

CalibrationAnnotation has the following properties:

name required type unit description
gain_sigan false double N/A Gain of signal analyzer (may differ with signal analyzer gain setting).
noise_figure_sigan false double dB Noise figure of signal analyzer.
1db_compression_point_sigan false double dBm Maximum input of signal analyzer.
enbw_sigan false double Hz Equivalent noise bandwidth of signal analyzer.
gain_preselector false double dB Gain of sensor preselector.
noise_figure_sensor false double dB Noise figure of sensor.
1db_compression_point_sensor false double dBm Maximum input of sensor.
enbw_sensor false double Hz Equivalent noise bandwidth of sensor.
mean_noise_power_sensor false double Defined in mean_noise_power_units Mean noise power density of sensor.
mean_noise_power_units false string N/A The units of the mean_noise_power
mean_noise_power_reference false string N/A Reference source for the mean_noise_power, e.g., "signal analyzer input", "preselector input", "antenna terminal"
temperature false double celsius The temperature during calibration.

4 Example

4.1 Sensor Global Object and Annotations

  "global" : {
    "core:datatype" : "rf32_le",
    "core:sample_rate" : 2.8E7,
    "core:description" : "Radar data captured off the coast of San Francisco",
    "core:extensions" : {
      "ntia-algorithm" : "v1.0.0",
      "ntia-sensor" : "v1.0.0",
      "ntia-environment" : "v1.0.0",
      "ntia-location" : "v1.0.0"
    "ntia-sensor:sensor" : {
      "id" : "",
      "sensor_spec" : {
        "id" : "bh-5",
        "model" : "bassethound",
        "version" : "v1.0.0",
        "description" : ""
      "antenna" : {
        "antenna_spec" : {
          "model" : "ARA BSB-26",
          "description" : "RF antenna ideally suited for reception of signals on the horizon for nautical and broadband surveillance applications"
        "type" : "Omni-directional",
        "frequency_low" : 2.0E9,
        "frequency_high" : 6.0E9,
        "gain" : 0.0,
        "polarization" : "Slant",
        "cross_polar_discrimination" : 13.0,
        "horizontal_beamwidth" : 360.0,
        "vertical_beamwidth" : 68.38,
        "voltage_standing_wave_ratio" : 2.0,
        "cable_loss" : 0.79,
        "steerable" : false
      "preselector" : {
        "cal_sources" : [ {
          "cal_source_spec" : {
            "id" : "37501",
            "model" : "Mercury Systems NS36B-1",
            "supplemental_information" : ""
          "type" : "Calibrated noise source",
          "enr" : "14.53 dB"
        } ],
        "filters" : [ {
          "filter_spec" : {
            "id" : "13FV40-00014, SN 6",
            "model" : "K&L 13FV40-3550/U200-o/o",
            "supplemental_information" : ""
          "frequency_low_passband" : 3.43E9,
          "frequency_high_passband" : 3.67E9,
          "frequency_low_stopband" : 3.39E9,
          "frequency_high_stopband" : 3.71E9
        }, { } ],
        "amplifiers" : [ {
          "amplifier_spec" : {
            "id" : "1904044",
            "model" : "MITEQ AFS3-02000400-30-25P-6",
            "supplemental_information" : ""
          "gain" : 32.85,
          "noise_figure" : 2.59,
          "max_power" : 13.0
        } ],
        "rf_paths" : [ {
          "name" : "Path 1",
          "cal_source_id" : "37501",
          "filter_id" : "13FV40-00014, SN 6",
          "amplifier_id" : "1904044"
        }, {
          "name" : "Bypass",
          "cal_source_id" : "37501"
        } ]
      "signal_analyzer" : {
        "sigan_spec" : {
          "id" : "502725",
          "model" : "Keysight N6841A",
          "supplemental_information" : ""
        "frequency_low" : 2.0E7,
        "frequency_high" : 6.0E9,
        "noise_figure" : 20.0,
        "max_power" : 20.0,
        "a2d_bits" : 14
      "computer_spec" : {
        "id" : "MC 9",
        "description" : "Custom computer with Intel i7 processor, MSI motherboard, 16 GB of Ram and running Windows 7"
      "location" : {
        "x" : -122.5309,
        "y" : 37.8204,
        "z" : 51.3522,
        "speed" : 0.0,
        "description" : "On a tower in Point Bonita, near San Francisco"
      "environment" : {
        "category" : "Outside. Coastal."
    "ntia-location:coordinate_system" : {
      "coordinate_system_type" : "CoordinateSystem",
      "id" : "WGS_84",
      "elevation_ref" : "MSL",
      "elevation_unit" : "meter"
    "ntia-sensor:calibration_datetime" : "2018-01-01T10:49:58.236Z",
    "ntia-core:measurement" : {
      "domain" : "Frequency",
      "measurement_type" : "Scan",
      "time_start" : "2018-01-01T07:59:42.792Z",
      "time_stop" : "2018-01-01T08:00:37.792Z",
      "frequency_tuned_low" : 3.45940625E9,
      "frequency_tuned_high" : 3.65190625E9,
      "frequency_tuned_step" : 1.925E7, 
      "classification" : "UNCLASSIFIED"
  "captures" : [ {
    "core:sample_start" : 0,
    "core:frequency" : 3.5501875E9,
    "core:datetime" : "2018-01-01T07:59:42.792Z"
  } ],
  "annotations" : [ {
    "ntia-core:annotation_type" : "FrequencyDomainDetection",
    "core:sample_start" : 0,
    "core:sample_count" : 458,
    "core:comment" : "",
    "ntia-algorithm:detector" : "fft_max_power",
    "ntia-algorithm:number_of_ffts" : 10,
    "ntia-algorithm:number_of_samples_in_fft" : 50,
    "ntia-algorithm:window" : "Gauss-top",
    "ntia-algorithm:equivalent_noise_bandwidth" : 962500.0,
    "ntia-algorithm:frequency_start" : 3.45021875E9,
    "ntia-algorithm:frequency_stop" : 3.65015625E9,
    "ntia-algorithm:frequency_step" : 437500.0
  }, {
    "ntia-core:annotation_type" : "CalibrationAnnotation",
    "core:sample_start" : 0,
    "core:sample_count" : 458,
    "core:comment" : " Calibration is done every 6 hours.",
    "ntia-sensor:gain_preselector" : 27.241,
    "ntia-sensor:noise_figure_sensor" : 7.638,
    "ntia-sensor:enbw_sensor" : 962500.0000000001,
    "ntia-sensor:mean_noise_power_sensor" : -94.28774890829693,
    "ntia-sensor:temperature" : 14.611,
    "ntia-sensor:mean_noise_power_units" : "dBm"
  }, {
    "ntia-core:annotation_type" : "SensorAnnotation",
    "core:sample_start" : 0,
    "core:sample_count" : 458,
    "ntia-sensor:rf_path_index" : 0,
    "ntia-sensor:overload" : false,
    "ntia-sensor:attenuation_setting_sigan" : 3.0
  } ]