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GSoC 2018 Progress Report

Prakriti Gupta edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 11 revisions

GSoC 2018 - Progress Report

Phase 1

Work completed/ In Progress:

Features related to HighCharts:

HighStock (PR #89)

Implemented the HighStock feature in daru-view. HighStock along with all the core functionalities of HighCharts possess some additional features like range slider, scrollbar, navigator and scrollbar. HighStock

HighMap (PR #92)

Implemented the HighMap feature in daru-view. HighMaps are the Highcharts for geo maps. In daru-view, HighMaps have been implemented as a plugin for Highcharts. HighMap

Custom Styling CSS in HighCharts (PR #93)

In custom styling CSS, I have implemented the Styled mode for web frameworks but as there is no method to load CSS files in IRuby notebook, I have kept classic mode for IRuby notebook where some styling can be provided. CSS styling

Exporting HighCharts to different formats (PR)

Offline exporting is provided in web frameworks while right now online exporting is being provided in IRuby notebook. Four formats are supported (PDF, PNG, JPEG, SVG) to export the HighChart using the code. Need to have some discussion over whether to keep online or offline exporting in IRuby notebook. Export highchart

Loading of different HighCharts modules and HighMap data (commit1, commit2).

Now, if some particular module is needed to draw a HighChart, it can be provided in the modules option. Examples.

Features related to GoogleCharts

ChartWrapper (PR #95)

With ChartWrapper feature, we can now use another option view which provides the facility to visualize only some of the columns. Also, it paves the way for ChartEditor to get implemented as ChartEditor only works on ChartWrapper. ChartWrapper

Import data from google spreadsheet (PR #88)

Through this feature, a user can create a GoogleChart by providing the link of the spreadsheet and can perform various queries on it. spreadsheet

Improving the coverage of daru-view (PR #90, PR #84, PR #82, PR #81, PR #80)

Improved the coverage of googlecharts.rb, highcharts.rb, plot.rb, table.rb and some other files.

Rails examples of some of the features

  • Rails app to import data from google spreadsheet in GoogleCharts.
  • Rails app to demonstrate various examples of HighCharts, HighStock and HighMaps.
  • Rails app to demonstrate custom CSS in HighCharts.

Future possibilities in HighCharts (TODOs and challenges faced)

  • Implementing some appropriate design pattern to load the modules and map data in HighCharts.
  • As HighCharts supports multiple series in a single chart, we can add a feature to visualize multiple Daru::DataFrame and Daru::Vector in a single chart (Need to think how user will provide the data - maybe in the series format or some other).

Next Plan (Phase 2)

In the next phase, I will put my effort in the implementation of the following tasks:

GoogleCharts related

  • ChartEditor
  • Multiple Charts in a single row
  • Exporting of GoogleCharts to different formats
  • Toolbar (optional)
  • Add listeners (optional)

HighCharts related

  • Introducing the third parameter (for user options).
  • Transfering js files to assets folder (Refactoring of rake tasks).
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