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De opera sexte diei.

Vom werck des sechten tags


P 1

SExte die dixit de[us]. p[ro]ducat terra a[n]i[m]am viue[n]te[m]. iume[n]ta. [et] reptila. [et] bestias terre iuxta spe[cie]s suas.
Et vidit de[us] q[uo]d e[ss]et bonu[m]: ait. Faciam[us] ho[m]i[n]em ad imagine[m] [et] si[mi]litudine[m] n[ost]ram.
Et p[er]sit piscib[us] mar[is]. [et] volatilib[us] celi. [et] bestijs vniuerse terre.
Et creuit de[us] ho[m]i[n]em ad imagine[m] [et] si[mi]litudine[m] sua[m].

Am[m] sechsten tag sprach got die erde soll bringen ein lebe[n]dige sele. die thier vnd die kriechende[n] vnd die wilde[n] thier d[er] erden nach irer gestalt. vn[d] got sahe das es gůt was vnd sprach. mache[n] wir eine[n] me[n]sche[n] zu unser pildnus vnd gleichnus vn[d] er sol vorsein de[n] vische[n] des meeres vn[d] de[m] geflügel des himels vn[d] den thiern aller erde[n]. vn[d] got hat beschaffe[n] den me[n]sche[n] zü seiner d[er] pildnus vnd gleichnus.

On the sixth day God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature, cattle, and the creeping thing, and wild beast of the earth, after his kind; and God saw that it was good, and said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the animals over all the earth. So God created man in his own image and likeness.

P 2

Ornatis sup[er]iorib[us] mu[n]di p[er]tib[us] ta[n]de[m] sexta die terra[m] generib[us] a[n]i[m]aliu[m] ornauit.

Als nw got die obern teil der werlt geziert hat do zieret er zu letzt am sechte[n] tag die erde[n] mit de[n] geschlechte[n] der thier.

Having adorned the upper part of the world, God finally, on the sixth day, provided the earth with species of animals.

P 3

Inter a[n]i[m]alia terre tria memorat moyses. iume[n]ta. reptilia. [et] bestias.
In q[ui]b[us] tres d[iue]r[s]ias bruto[rum] irr[ati]onabiliu[m] in co[mmun]e nob[is] insinuat.
Su[n]t e[ni]m bestie q[uae] p[er]fecta sunt pha[n]tasia: mediu[m] i[n]ter irr[ati]onalia sortite: erudiri t[ame]n ab ho[m]i[n]e aut ma[n]suescere nesciu[n]t.

Under de[n] thiern der erde[n] bedenckt Moyses dreier. als iohthier kriechende vnd wildthier. da bey er uns dreyerley unterschied der unvernüftigen thier in gemain zeerkenen gibt. da[n] diss sind wildthier die in volko[m]ner fantasey vn[d] einpildnus wesende die mitteln stat under de[n] unfernüftigen thieren halte[n] vn[d] könne[n] doch vo[n] die mensche[n] nit gezamet noch pe[n]dig gemacht werde[n].

Moses divides the animals of the earth into three classes: beasts of burden, creeping animals, and wild animals. So he gives us to understand that there are, in general, three kinds of irrational animals. There are wild animals, which as creatures of perfect imagination and fantasy, occupy a middle ground among irrational animals, and yet may not be tamed nor made obedient by man.

P 4

Su[n]t reptilia q[uae] i[m]p[er]fecta[m] ha[ben]t pha[n]tasia[m]: q[ua]si media i[n]ter bruta [et] pla[n]tas.

So sind kriechende thier die unvulkomene fa[n]tasey vnd einpildnus. als die mitteln zwische[n] de[n] vieh vn[d] pfla[n]tze[n] habe[n].

And so there are creeping creatures of imperfect imagination and fantasy, who occupy a middle ground between animals and plants.

P 5

Su[n]t iume[n]ta q[uae] [et] si care[n]t r[ati]o[n]e: discipline t[ame]n hu[m]ane q[uo]q[uo]mo[do] capaces cu[m] sint. r[ati]o[n]is aliq[ui]d p[ar]ticipare vide[n]t[ur]: media[m] q[ua]si sortiter [con]ditio[n]em i[n]ter bruta [et] ho[m]i[n]es.

Es sind auch iohthier die doch wiewol sie der vernuft ma[n]geln me[n]schlicher zucht etlicher maß fahig sind. vn[d] scheine[n] etwas d[er] vernuft teilheftig zesein schir ein mittele art oder aige[n]schafft zwische[n] dem vihe vn[d] de[m] me[n]schen habe[n]de.

And there are beasts of burden, which, although lacking in reason, are in some measure capable of training, and seem to have some measure of understanding. These occupy a middle ground between animals and man.

P 6

A[n]i[m]alia aute[m] varij gener[is] dissi[mi]lib[us] formis. [et] mag[na] [et] mi[n]ora vt fiere[n]t i[m]p[er]auit.
Et facta sunt bina .i[d est]. diuersi sex[us] sing[u]la.
Ex q[uo][rum] fetibus: [et] aer: [et] terra: [et] maria co[m]pleta sunt.
Deditq[ue] bis o[mn]ib[us] bis generatim de[us] alime[n]ta de terra: vt vsui e[ss]e ho[min]ib[us] possent.
Alia nimio[rum] ad cibos.
Alia v[er]o ad vestime[n]tu[m].
Que a[u]t[em] mag[nar]u[m] sunt viriu[m]: vt i[n] excole[n]da terra iuuarent. vn[de] dicta sunt iume[n]ta.

Nw hat got geschafft das grosse vnd kleinere thier ma[n]cherlei geschlechtz ungleicher form werde[n] sollte[n]. vn[d] sind yder thier worde[n] bede me[n]dlein vnd freülein. auß welcher besamung der lufft vnd die erde vn[d] das meer erfültt worde[n] sind. vn[d] got hat ine alle[n] vo[n] geschlecht zu geschlecht naru[n]g vo[n] d[er] erden gebe[n]. das sie de[m] me[n]sche[n] zu nutz vn[d] geprauch. als etlich zu speysung. vn[d] ettlich zebeklaidung gedine[n] möchte[n]. vn[d] die die grösserer sterck vn[d] krefft were[n] zur erpawung des erdreichs helfen sollten.

Now God created the large as well as the smaller animals of various species and form, and every species became male and female, and by their seed the air, earth, and sea were filled with them. And for each species he provided sustenance from the earth so they might be useful and serviceable to man, some as food and some as clothing, and the larger ones to help him build up the earth by their strength and power.

P 7

Hacten[us] de trib[us] mu[n]dis: sup[er]celesti: celesti: [et] s[u]blu[n]ari.
Nu[n]c age[n]du[m] de ho[m]i[n]e vt de quarto mu[n]do.
Ita reb[us] o[mn]ib[us] mirabili desc[ri]ptione co[m]posit[is]: regnu[m] sibi eternu[m] p[ar]are co[n]stituit.
Et innu[m]erabiles a[n]i[m]as p[re]creare. q[ui]b[us] i[m]mortalitate[m] daret.
Tum fecit ipse simulac[rum] sens[i]bile at[que] i[n]tellige[n]s. i[d est]. ad imaginis sue forma[m]. q[ua] nihil p[otes]t e[ss]e p[er]fecti[us]: ho[m]i[n]em figurauit ex limo terre: vn[de] ho[mo] nu[n]cupat[us] e[st]. q[uia] sit factus ex humo.

Bisher ist vo[n] dreyen. als der uberhimlische[n]. himlischen vnd underhimlischen werlte[n] beschreibung beschehen. Nw hinfür ist von de[n] mensche[n] als d[er] vierde[n] werlt zemercke[n]. do got alle ding mit wu[n]derperlicher beschreybung verordent vn[d] ime fürgenomen het ein ewigs reich zemachen vn[d] unzalich sele[n] zeschöpffen. die untödlickeit zegeben. do machet er ein empfintliche vnd verstentliche gleichnus. das ist zu form oder gestalt seiner pildnus. d[er] niehtz volku[m]ners sein mag. vnd formet de[n] mensche[n] aus lette[n] oder kloße der erde[n]. nach d[er] er also gene[n]t ist.

Up to this time three worlds have been mentioned—the super-heavenly, the heavenly, and the under-heavenly. Henceforth we will treat of man, the fourth world. God having wonderfully ordered all things, and having determined to create an actual empire of countless immortal beings, he now created a sensible and understanding likeness in his own image, a being that could not be more perfect. And he made him out of clay or a clod of earth, after which he was accordingly named.[...]

P 8

De[us] reru[m] o[mn]i[u]m machinator fecit hominem (q[uo]d Cicero [quam]uis expers celestiu[m] l[ite]ra[rum]: vidit t[ame]n) q[ui] libro de legibus p[ri]mo l[ibro] ide[m] tradidit q[uo]d p[ro]ph[et]e Cui[us] verba s[u]biecim[us].
Hoc a[n]i[m]al p[ro]uidu[m]: sagax: m[u]ltiplex: acutu[m]: memor: plenu[m] r[ati]o[n]is [et] [con]silij. que[m] vocam[us] homine[m]: p[re]clara q[ua]da[m] [con]dit[i]o[n]e generatu[m] e[ss]e a summo deo solu[m].
Est e[ni]m ex tot a[n]i[m]antiu[m] generib[us] at[que] natur[is]: p[ar]ticeps r[ati]o[n]is [et] cogitat[i]o[n]is. cu[m] cetera sint o[mn]ia exp[er]tia.

Got d[er] macher aller ding hat gemacht de[n] mensche[n] von dez doch Cicero wie wol aller himlischer schrifft unwisse[n]. das das die propheten sagen geschrieben hat. diss thier das wir eine[n] mensche[n] ne[n]ne[n]. fürsichtig. behend. vilfeltig scharpff gedechtig vol vernunfft vnd radts in clarer art vn[d] aige[n]schafft gepore[n] sein vo[n] de[m] hohste[n] got allein. dan[n] er ist aus allen geslechten vnd naturen der geseleten geschöpff. teylheftig der vernunfft vn[d] gedenckung. d[er] die andern gechöpff alle mangeln.

God the creator of all things, also created man; but of this, as well as other heavenly writings of the prophets, Cicero knew nothing. This animal, which we call man, is a circumspect, many-sided, keen being, full of understanding and clear judgment, and born of the supreme God alone. Among all species of natural life, he alone is endowed with that intelligence and reason which all the other creatures lack.

P 9

Est a[u]t[em] plerumq[ue] [con]suetudo a regib[us] vsurpata [et] p[ri]ncipib[us] terre: vt si forte magnifica[m] [et] nobile[m] c[og]itate[m] [et] [con]dideri[n]t. ia[m] vrbe absoluta imagine[m] sua[m] i[n] medio illi[us] visenda[m] o[mn]ib[us] specta[n]da[m]q[ue] [con]stitua[n]t.
Haut aliter p[ri]ncipe[m] o[mn]iu[m] deu[m] fecisse vide[m][us]. q[ui] to[ta] m[un]di machi[n]a [con]structa: postremu[m] o[mn]ia h[omn]iem in medio illi[us] statuit ad imagine[m] sua[m] [et] si[mi]litudi[n]em formatu[m]. vt libeat exclamare ill[u]d mercurij.
Magnu[m] o asclepi mirac[u]l[u]m e[st] ho[mo].
Hoc p[re]cipuo no[m]i[n]e gl[or]iari hu[m]ana [con]ditio p[otes]t: q[uo] et[iam] f[a]ct[u]m]: vt s[er]uire illi: nulla creata s[u]b[stanti]a dedignet[ur]: huic terra et elem[en]ta: huic bruta sunt p[re]sto: [et] famulant[ur]. huic militat celu[m]: huic salute[m]: p[ro]cura[n]t a[n]gelices me[n]tes.
Nec miru[m] alicui videri debet: amari illu[m] ab om[n]ibus.
In quo om[n]ia suu[m] aliq[ui]d:
Immo se tota [et] sua om[n]ia agnoscu[n]t.

Nw ist offt bei den künge[n] vn[d] fürste[n] die gewonheit so sie ein gros mechtig vn[d] edele stat pawe[n] vn[d] volbracht habe[n] das sie alßden[n] ir pild enmitte[n] in d[er] stat allermenigliche[n] zesehe[n] vn[d] anzeschawe[n] auffrichte[n]. Also hat auch got d[er] fürst aller ding getan. der nach de[n] ga[n]tze[n] auffgerichte[n] paw d[er] werlt de[n] me[n]sche[n] als de[n] letzte[n] aller ding in den mittel d[er] selbe[n] hat gesetzt vnd geformt zu seiner pildnus vn[d] gleichnus. also das mit mercurio wol gesproche[n] werden mag. O asclepi wie ein groß wu[n]derwerk ist der me[n]sch. diss sunderliche[n] name[n]s mag sich die me[n]schliche art wol beröme[n]: aus de[m] geschehe[n] ist: das sich nima[n]t ime zedine[n] verdrissen lassen soll. dan[n] ime sind erd vn[d] element vn[d] die unvernuftige[n] thier willig vnd dinstbar. ime treibt d[er] himel ritterschafft.Ime spreche[n] die englische[n] gaist das hail. sich sol auch nyma[n]d verwu[n]dern das der vo[n] alle[n] dinge[n] geliebt wirt. in dem alle ding etwas des irn. ia auch sich gantz vnd alles das ir erkennen.

Now it is often the custom with kings and princes, when building a mighty, great and noble city, on having completed the task, to erect their own image in the midst thereof, to be seen by all. God, the prince of all things, has done likewise, for after he completed the entire world structure, he finally created man in his own image and likeness, and placed him in the midst thereof. And so, with Mercurius, we may well exclaim, O, Aesculapius, what a great miracle is man! Of this distinguished name mankind may well be proud, and no one should be unhappy in serving him. The earth and the elements, and the irrational animals willingly obey him. The angelic hosts wish him well and heaven urges him on to knighthood. No one should wonder that he is loved by all creatures, for all recognize in him some quality of their own.