I[nter]D[u]m apud doctissimos et prestantissimos viros q[ui] vera[m] naturam et historiam tradideru[n]t a mu[n]di fabrica: ac prima hominu[m] generatione: duplex opinio fert[ur]:
DIeweill bey den allergelertiste[n] vnd fürnamste[n] manne[n] die die ware[n] natur vnd geschicht beschriben habe[n] vo[n] geschopff der werlt. vnd vo[n] erster geburt der menschen zwayerlay wone ist.
As it sometimes happens among the most learned and distinguished men who have written of the true nature and history of the creation of the world and the birth of man, that two different accounts exist,
a priscis enim illis t[em]p[er]ib[us] sumpto initio: scribem[us] breuissime
So wollen wir von disen vordern zeiten: den anfang neme[n]de auf das kürtzst schreibe[n]:
so we will begin with those early times and write briefly of those remote matters as far as is possible,
q[ua]ntu[m] in ta[ntum] remotis (p[ro]pter a[n]ti[qui]tate[m]) reb[us] licebit.
Souil sich von souer (alters halbe[r]) enthlegne[n] dinge[n] gezime[n] wil.
considering their age.
Quida[m] mu[n]du[m] ingenitum: et incorruptibilem: et genus humanum ab externo extisse neq[ue] habuisse ortus principiu[m] sensere.
Etlich habe[n] gemaint das die werlt vngeporn vnd vnzastolich: vn[d] das me[n]schlich geschlecht vo[n] ewigkeit her gewesen sey. vnd anfa[n]g einichs vrsprungs nit gehabt hab.
Some were of the opinion that the world was not born and that it is indestructible; that the human race has existed from eternity and had no origin.
Quidam genitum corruptibilemq[ue] arbitrati: [et] homines dixeru[n]t generat[i]onis inicium tempore esse sortitos.
Etlich mainte[n] die werlt geborn[n] vn[d] zurstörlich seyn. vnd sagten das die me[n]sche[n] anfang der gepurt genome[n] hette[n].
Others maintained that the world was born and is destructible, and that man took possession of it from birth.
Et greci viri clarissimi qui historias collegeru[n]t: affirmaru[n]t.
Una[m] ante iniciu[m] omniu[m] celi [et] terre cu[n]ctis simul [con]fusis forma[m] fuisse: postea disseparatis: diuisisq[ue] molibus cepisse mundu[m] hunc ordinem quem videmus.
Vn[d] die kriechische[n] hocherlewchten man[n] durch die die hystorien vnd geschichte[n] versamelt worde sind. habe[n] auch veriehen das vor anbegynn[] aller ding des himels vnd der erde[n] dieweill noch yde ding bayaynander ware[n] ein eynige form gewesen sei: un[d] darnach nach absunderu[n]g vn[d] zertaylu[n]g der beyeina[n]der gewesen pürde. die werlt dise odnung vnd gestalt die wir sehen empfange[n] hab.
And the highly enlightened Greeks who collected all the histories and accounts subscribed to the theory that before the beginning of all things of heaven and earth and while these things were still together, there was but a single form; that later through separation and division of matter, the world took on the order and structure in which we now see it.
Aerem hu[n]c motu [con]tinuum et igneam p[ar]tem cuius superiora loca p[er]p[e]ter leuitate[m] a[l]iu[n]t appetinisse:
Qua ex causa solem ac stellaru[m] multitudine[m] volut[i]one totius circu[m]ferri:
Sie sagen das der in bevegnus stetiger lufft vnd feürig tayl irer obern stett vo[n] leichtheit wege[n] begert haben. vnd das auß diser vrsach die sunn vnd merug der stern in dem krais des gantze[n] geschöpffs vmbgetrage[n] werde[n].
They say that because the air and the fiery part of its upper state were constantly in motion, these became lighter, and that the sun and many of the stars are carried about in it.
Partem aute[m] turbidam atq[ue] terrestrem vnacum humidis ad infima loca ob grauitatem descendisse que tum mixta essent. ex humidis quide[m] mare effectu[m].
Ex durioribus vero terram lutosam euasisse: [et] omnino mollem.
Aber der tunckel und irdisch teyl sey mitsambt de[n] feüchte[n] dingen an die niderste[n] ort vo[n] swertheit wege[n] abgestige[n]: nach de[m] aber dise ding wermischt ware so wer auß de[n] feüchte[n] das mer. vnd auß de[n] hertte[n] dinge[n]. das letting vnd gantz weich ertreich worde[n].
But the dark and substantial part, together with the moist things, were carried to the lowest region by their own weight. After these things were mixed, the sea came out of the mist, and the substantial matter, which was loamy and soft, became the earth.
hec primum cum solis ardore densior euasisset: in quibus putredines tenui co[n]tecte pellicula sint excitate.
Erupisse tandem ab illa colluui varias animantiu[m] formas quorum ea quo maiorem calorem fortita sunt in superiore[m] regionem volatilia abieru[n]t:
Als aber das ertreich erstlich auß hitz der sunne[n] dicker worde[n] wer vn[d] dar in faulfeüchtigkeitn[n] mit dynne[n] hewtlein bedeckett erwuchsen do wer alßdan[n] vo[n] solcher pfütsche ma[n]cherlay gestalt der lebe[n]de[n] entstande[n]. vnd die. die souill merer wirm empfange[n] hette[n] geriete[n] zu geflügele hin in die obern gege[n]t.
And as the earth first became denser through the heat of the sun, there originated decaying ooze, covered by a thin skin, and out of such marshes and puddles came a variety of living forms. Those who had received more heat became winged creatures and soared into the upper regions;
sicciora [et] grauiora: serpentia ac terrestria euaserunt animantia.
Naturam aquosam nacta in sui generis in elementum delata sunt.
Aber die trucknere vnd schwerere warde[n] zu kryche[n]de[n] vnd irdische[n] thieren. die ding die ein wasserige natur erlangt hette[n] warde[n] in das eleme[n]t ires geschlechts getrage[n].
but the drier and heavier ones became crawling and earthly animals. Those which attained to a watery nature were carried into the element intended for their species.
Terra deinceps tum solis ardore tum ventis arefacta: mutua [con]mixtione sextuu[m] p[er]fectiora generant[ur].
Hoc Euripides Tragicus Anaxagore physici discipulus ita se habuisse testatur.
Als nw darnach das ertreich auß hitz d[er] su[n]ne[n] vn[d] vo[n] de[n] wi[n]de[n] dürr worde[n] was da warde[n] mit versamelter vermischu[n]g ma[n]lichs vn[d] frewliche geschlechts volku[m]ner di[n]g geborn[n]. diss bezewgt euripides tragicus ein iu[n]ger anaxagore des natürliche[n] maisters.
Now as the earth through the heat of the sun and the action of the air became dry, there was born a collective mixture of more perfect creatures, male and female. To this testifies Euripides, the tragedian, a disciple of Anaxagoras, the master of natural history.
Eodem modo homines a principio genitos dicunt.
In agris pastum querentes. siluestri [et] incondita vita vixisse quibus herbe [et] arboru[m] fructos vltro victum prebuerunt.
Sie spreche[n] in der selbe[n] weis die me[n]sche[n] vo[n] anfang geporn[n] in de[n] feldern die wayd suchende[n] eins wilde[n] vnd vngeorde[n]te[n] lebe[n]s gelebt. den die krewter vnd frücht der bawm williglich naru[n]g geraicht habe[n].
In the same manner they say the people were born in the field, roaming afar, and living a wild and unregulated life, and to whom the herbs and the fruits of the trees offered sustenance.
In huius deniq[ue] enarrat[i]one cum per multos elaborasse latinos grecosq[ue] videmus: preterea chaldeos et hebreos veteres nouosq[ue].
Aber wiewoll wir gar vil nit allain lateinisch vn[d] kriechisch sunder auch Caldeysch vnd hebreysch alt vn[d] new gelert sehe[n] die zu erzelung diss dings geschribe[n] habe[n].
However, as much is taught, old and new, that has been written concerning these matters, not only in Latin and Greek, but also in Chaldean and Hebrew,
Relictis igitur antiquis erroribus Archana Moseos volumina de mundi fabrica: [et] celebratis ille operibus sex dierum p[er]lustrabimus.
Quibus totius nature secreta co[n]tinent[ur].
So wölle[n] wir doch die alte[n] irthu[m] verlassen vnd beschawe[n] die verporgen mosaysche[n] schrifften vo[n] der werlt gefchöpff vnd vo[n] de[n] wercke[n] der sechs tag sagende. dar in die heimlichen ding der gantzen natur begriffen werde[n].
we will leave these old errors and look at the mysterious Mosaic writings about the creation of the world and of the work of the six days in which the mysteries of all nature are comprehended.
Nam moyses p[ro]pheta ac historicorum pater: deo plenus: ac celesti dictante spiritu totius magistro veritatis: excepit hec o[mn]ia.
Quem cum nostrorum: tum suorum: tum gentum deniq[ue] testimonia prorsus humane sapientie: doctrinarumq[ue] omnium et litterarum consultissimum prodiderunt.
Dan Moyses der prophet ein vater der geschichtbeschreiber gottes vol: vn[d] auß himlischer dichtung des heilige[n] geistes des maisters der gantze[n] warheit hat dise ding alle begriffen. dem nit allain die vnsern. sunder die seine[n] vnd auch die heydnische[n] gezeügnus seiner menschliche[n] weyshait vn[d] erfaru[n]g aller lere. vnd schrifft gegebe[n] habe[n].
For Moses, the prophet, father of God’s historians, through the dictation of the holy spirit of the Master of all truth, fully understood all these things, and to his human understanding and experience in all fields of learning, our people and his people, as well as the pagans, have testified.
Apud hebreos Salomonis liber: cui sapi[enti]a titulus: in quo vir naturererum interpres se illiusinodi disciplina[m] de mosayce legis penetralibus accepisse fatet[ur].
Vo[n] de[m] Salomo[n] in seine[m] buch der weysheit als ein außleger der natur d[er] wesende[n] ding: veriehe[n] hat. das er sölche lere[n] vo[n] de[n] innern[n] dinge[n] des gesetzs moysi genome[n] hab.
Solomon in his book of wisdom, as an expounder of nature and of living things, acknowledges that he derived his learning of these inmost matters from the laws of Moses.
Sunt apud nostros Lucas [et] philon autores grauissimi: illu[m] in vniuersa egyptiorum docrina fuisse eruditissimu[m].
Diser ist (als Lucas vnd Philon bey den vnsern[n] fast tapfer lerer sage[n]) In aller lere d[er] egyptier hoherfare[n] gewest.
This man (as Luke and Philo, our own brave teachers say) was highly experienced in all the lore of the Egyptians.
Sed [et] hermippus attestat[ur] Pythagoram de mosayca lege plurima in sua[m] philosophia[m] transtulisse.
So spricht hermippus das Pitagoras vil dings in sein philosophey auß de[n] mosayschen gesetz gewendt hab.
And, according to Hermippus, Pythagoras also derived much of his philosophy from the Mosaic law.
Notu[m] illud Numenij philosophi: no[n] aliud esse platone[m] q[uonia]m atticu[m] moysem.
In primordio deniq[ue] sui operis de natura: de totius opificio mu[n]di velut agri cuiuspiam thesauri: omnis vere philosophie defossi sunt.
Factu[m]q[ue] in primis hoc in hac parte: vbi de rerum omniu[m] emanat[i]one a deo de gradu: de numero: de ordine partium mundanaru[m] altissime philosophat[ur].
Numenius philosophus sagt. nichts anders platone[n] sein dan[n] de[n] atticischen moysen. den in dem anfa[n]g seins wercks. vo[n] der natur. vo[n] dem geschöpff der gantzen werlt sind gleich als eckere oder felder eins schatzs aller warer weysheit vergraben: vnd diss ist erstlich beschehe an de[n] ende do er vo[n] aller dinge außflus auß got. vo[n] dem stapfel. vo[n] der zale. vo[n] der ordnu[n]g der werntlichen teill also hoh vnd weyslich redet.
Numenius, the philosopher, states that Plato was a very Attic Moses; [...] for in the beginning of his works upon nature a wealth of true wisdom lies buried. He speaks learnedly and wisely of all things as emanating from God, of their relationships, their number, and the regulation of their mutations.
Propterea fuit decretum veterum hebreo[rum].
Cuius etia[m] meminit Hieronymus: ne hanc mu[n]di creato[r]em quisq[uonia]m: nisi matura iam etate atingeret.
Darümb was es bey den alten hebreyschen ein gesetz (des auch Ieronimus gedenckt) das niemant dan der zeitigs alters[cite] wer zu diser beschöpfung d[er] werlt raichen solt.
Wherefore it was a law with the old Hebrews (as Jerome also thinks) that no one, considering the remoteness of the age, should hark back to the creation.
Que aut[em] sup[er] hoc libro viri sanctissimi Ambrosius [et] Augustinus. Strab[o]. item [et] Beda [et] Remigius.
Et ex iunioribus Egidius [et] Albertus.
Que item apud grecos Philon. Origenes. Basilius. theodoric[us]. Appollinarius. Dydimus. Ge[r]nadius. Crisostomus [et] c[etera]. scripserunt intacta penitus a nobis relinquent[ur].
Was aber die heiligsten mann Ambrosius vnd Augustinus.
Item Strabo vn[d] Beda vn[d] Remigius.
Vnd auß den iungern[n] Egidius vn[d] Albertus. vnd auch bey den kriechischen Philon Origenes Basilius Theodorus Appolinarius Didimus Gernadius Crisostomus etc.. vber diss buch geschriben haben das wirt von vns ganz vnberüt bleiben.
But what the most pious men, Ambrose and Augustine, Strabo and Bede, or Remigius, and the younger ones, Aegidius, Albertus, and also the Greek Philo, Origen, Basil, Theodorus, Appollinarius, Didymus, Gennadius, Chrysostom, etc. have written about this book we shall leave untouched.
De bis item que vel Jonethes vel Anchelos vel Symeon antiquus chaldaice tradideru[n]t: vel ex hebreis aut veteres Eleazarus. Aba iohannes. Neonius. Isaac. Ioseph: aut iuniores Gersonides. Sadias. Abraam [et] c[etera]. [con]scripserunt: nullam nos in p[re]sentia ment[i]onem habebimus.
Afferemusq[ue] p[er] modum epitomatis.
Ex moyse seriem sex dierum: de diuina mundi fabrica: de qua in archanis sancte religionis literis traditur.
Auch wöllen wir vo[n] de[n] dinge[n] die Ionethes oder anchelos oder Simeo[n] d[er] alt in Caldeysche[n] gezüng: oder auß de[n] hebreysche[n] Eleazadus Aba Ioannes Neonius ysaac Iosephus Gersonides Sadias Abraham etc. haben beschriben hie bey keyn meldu[n]g thun sunder in gestalt kurtzer beschreibu[n]g auß de[m] prophete[n] moyse einfüre[n] die ordnu[n]g d[er] sechs tag vo[n] gotlichem geschöpff der werlt. do vo[n] in den verporgen schrifften des heilige[n] glawbe[n]s meldung geschicht.
Nor will we make any mention of what the Jonethes or Anchelos, or Simeon the elder, in the Chaldean tongue, have said; nor of what was written by the Hebrews, Eleazadus, Aba, Joannes, Neonius, Isaac, Josephus, Gersonides, Sadias, Abraham, etc, but will briefly write the order of the six days in which, according to Moses, God created the earth.
Exorsus igitur deus fabricam mundi illum prima[m] [et] maximum filium prefecit operi immenso.
Eoq[ue] simul et co[n]siliatore vsus est [et] artifice: in excogitandis: ornandis: faciendisq[ue] rebus:
Als nw got das geschöpff der werlt gemacht hett do hot er den ersten vnd grösisten sun fürgesetzt dem vnermesse[n] werck vnd sich des selbe[n] als eins radtgebe[r] vnd werckmeisters in ertrachtu[n]g. zierung vnd machung d[er] ding gepraucht.
Now as God created the earth, he placed at the head of his infinite work the first and greatest son, employing him as a counselor and master-craftsman in the planning, beautification and creation of things.
q[ue]m is prudentia et r[ati]one. et potestate perfectus est.
Dan der selb ist an klügheit vn[d] vernunfft vn[d] macht volku[m]me[n].
For he was sufficiently endowed with wisdom and understanding.
Nec querendu[m] ex quibus ista tam magna: tam mirifica op[er]a deus fecerit.
Di[midi]a enim fecit ex nihilo.
Quanto igitur rectius est omissis insensibilibus [et] vanis: oculos eos te[n]dere ubi sedes: vbi habitatio est dei veri: qui terram stabili firmitate suspendit: qui celum distinxit astris fulgentibus: q[ui] sole[m] rebus humanis clarissimu[m] ac singulare lumen in argumentum sue ac vnice maiestatis acce[n]dit.
Terris autem maria circumfudit: flumina sempiterno lapsu fluere precepit: iussit et extendi campos: subsidere valles: fronde tegi filuas: lapidosos surgere montes:
Es ist auch zefragen warauß got dise so grosse vnd so wunderperliche ding gemacht hab. dan[n] er hat alle ding gemacht aus nichte[n]. darümb ist gar uil gerechter vngeachtet d[er] vnentpfintliche[n] vn[d] eiteln ding die auge[n] do hin zuwe[n]de[n] da der stul. da die wonu[n]g des ware[n] gottes ist. der das ertreich mit bestendiger vestikeit. auffgehenckt den himel mit scheinende[n] sterne[n] vnderschide[n] die allerclarste[n] sunne[n] vnd ainig liecht zu beweysung seiner ainige[n] mayestat den me[n]schliche[n] dinge[n] angezündet. das ertreich mit dem mere vmbringet. die wasserflüs mit ewige[n] abfal zefliessen gebotte[n] vnd de[n] feldern[n] sich auß zepraiten. den tallern[n] sich zesencke[n]. de[n] walde[n] sich mit lawbgewachs zebedecke[n]. vn[d] die staynige[n] perg auffzesteige[n] verschaffet hat.
It is also asked out of what God made these great and wonderful things, for he made all things out of nothing; and therefore it is more righteous that insensible trifling things be ignored and the eyes directed to the seat, where is the abode of the true God, who endowed the earth with everlasting solidity, hung up shining stars in the heavens, distinguished the clearest suns, surrounded the earth with the sea, caused the rivers to flow, the fields to spread out, the valleys to sink, the forests to bedeck themselves with foliage, and the rocky mountains to rise.
que vtiq[ue] omnia no[n] iupiter fecit: sed ille opifex re[rum] mu[n]di melioris origo: qui vocat[ur] deus: cuius p[ri]ncipiu[m] q[uonia]m no[n] potest comprehendi nec q[ua]ri debet.
Aber dise ding alle hat nit der Iupiter gemacht sunder d[er] werckmeister der werlt der vrspru[n]g des pessern[n] der gene[n]t wirt got. des anfang nit mag begriffen noch auch sol gesucht werden.
But this all Jupiter did not create, for it was created by the Master-craftsman of the world, the fountain-head of the best, who is called God, and whose beginning cannot be comprehended or discovered.
Satis est homini ad perfectam prudentiam: si deum esse intelligat vt suscipiet [et] honorificet communem parentem generis humani: [et] rerum mirabilium fabricatorem.
Gnug ist de[n] mensche[n] zu volku[m]ne klugheyt so er (das got sey) versteet vnd annimbt vnd eret d[er] gemaine[n] geperer menschlichs geschlechts vnd den pawmaster wu[n]derpelicher ding.
Unto man it should be sufficient that there is a God, that he is the creator of the human race and the master-builder of this wonderful work.
Tres mundos figurat antiquitas: supremum omnium vltra mundanum: quem theologi angelicum: philosophi: autem intellectualem vocant
Proximum huic celestem: postremum omniu[m] sublunarem: hu[n]c quem incolimus: hic tenebrarum mundus:
Die alte[n] habe[n] von dreyerlay werlt gesagt. vo[n] der oberste[n] als der englische[n] oder vberuerstentlichen. vo[n] der himlischen. vn[d] vo[n] der vnder de[m] monde. dar inn wir wone[n]. diss ist die werlt der finsternus.
The ancients spoke of three kinds of worlds: the uppermost, the world of the angels; of the heavenly world; and of the one under the moon, in which we live, and this is the world of darkness,
ille aut[em] lucis: celum ex luce [et] tenebris temperat[ur].
Aber ihene des lichts der himel wirt vo[n] licht vn[d] finsternus germaßigt.
lighted, however, by the lights of heaven in regular course.
Est et preter tres quartus alius mundus: in quo [et] ea omnia inuenia[n]tur que sunt in reliquis: hic ipse est homo.
On diese drey ist noch ein vierde werlt in der auch alle die ding die in den andern[n] werlte[n] sindt gefunde[n] werde[n] und diß ist der mensch.
In addition to these there is a fourth world in which all the attributes of the other worlds are to be found, and this world is man himself.
Tritum in scolis verbum est esse hominem minorem mundum in quo mixtum ex elementis corpus: et celestis sp[irit]us: [et] planta[rum] anima vegetalis: [et] bruto[rum] sensus: et ratio et angelica mens: [et] dei similitudo conspicit[ur].
In der schul ist ein gemains spruchwort das der mensch die kleine werlt sey. dar inn ein auß den elemente[n] vermischter leib vnd himlischer gaist vnd die wachsende sele der pflanze[n]. vn[d] die sinlichkeit d[er] vnuernüftige[n] thier vnd die vernunfft vnd englisch gemüt vn[d] gotes gleichnus gesche[n] wirdt.
In school we learned the saying that man is a little world in which elements of body and soul are intermixed – the growing spirit of plants, the sensitive faculty of unreasoning animals, and an intelligence and angelic disposition; and therein is seen God’s likeness.
De his quatuor mundis moyses sufficienter differuit: vt deus opifex disposuit: vt vere scriptura hec Moseos imago mundi expressa sit: quemadmodum legimus etiam ei preceptum in monte: vbi hec didicit: vt o[mn]ia faceret s[ecundu]m exemplar quod in monte viderat.
Vo[n] dise[n] dreye[n] werlte[n] hat moyses genugsa[m]lich gesagt als got die georde[n]t hat in massen im auch (als wir lesen) auff de[n] perg do er das gelernt hat gepotte[n] ward alle ding nach de[m] ebe[n]pild das er auff dem perg sahe zemache[n].
And all this according to Moses was ordained by the Almighty, as he learned on the Mount.
Quid tandem mosaica littera de celebratis operibus sex dieru[m] edocet: cursim absoluemus.
Was nw der mosaysch buchstab von den volbrachte[n] wercken der sechs tag lere: das wollen wir kürtzlichen erzelen.
We shall shortly relate what the book of Moses teaches about these six days.