- docs: add reactRouterParameters to the import list #77 (@benhuangbmj)
- Ben Huang (@benhuangbmj)
- Jonathan MASSUCHETTI (@JesusTheHun)
- chore: upgrade tsup & auto (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: import case (@JesusTheHun)
- ci: gh action upgrades (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(decorator): allow the story to be injected multiple times (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(build): change module target to include import assertions into result (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(panel): import router context from react-router-dom (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(logs): loader and action are now logged correctly if the functions come from the lazy property. (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(logs): current url now correctly add question mark and sharp character. (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(logs): missing question mark before query string (@JesusTheHun)
- build(deps): remove react-router from the peerDependencies (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(decorator): story not updating on arg change if the story itself is an outlet (@JesusTheHun)
- test(controls): bring back addon-essentials (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- misc(build): smaller tsup external (@JesusTheHun)
- misc: add package/ to gitignore (@JesusTheHun)
- Merge branch 'fix/runtime-package.json' (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(panel): catch failed npmjs requests (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(panel): get version from package.json at runtime (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(panel): duplicate event key when hmr triggers (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- test(event): the suffix of the first event is now 1 (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(event): duplicate event key when hmr triggers before any new event (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(panel): use template literal for styled components (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(panel): add banner when a new version is available (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(panel): update panel registration title to return a ReactElement (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(npm): add required package at build time to dev deps (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(helper): remove forgotten log statement (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(readme): add table of available parameters (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(readme): changelog (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(decorator): add support for route id (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(npm): bump react-inspector version (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(npm): update dependencies (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(router): rebuild router only after story args changed (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(decorator): add support for shouldRevalidate function (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(controls): router not reloading component after change through SB controls (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: reloading component should not trigger a console warning (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: log of action with file upload (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: story decorator not passing errorElement to the wrapping component (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: story decorator not passing routeHandle to the wraping component (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: add support for route handle (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix(ts): restore ts rootDir to src (@JesusTheHun)
- misc(npm): bump version (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(readme): add data router information (@JesusTheHun)
- feat(ci): add tests to CI steps (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: ts strict (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: ci (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: log route loader (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: log route outlet action (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: log route action (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: faulty router initialization (@JesusTheHun)
- wip: tests (@JesusTheHun)
- wip: impl (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: event order (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: support for descendant routes (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: support for easy outlet (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: query string question mark inconsistencies (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- test: add basic nested routing stories (@JesusTheHun)
- change(event): remove matchedRoutes prop as the fix cannot be delivered before the next react-router version (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: double parsing of route pattern (@JesusTheHun)
- readme: add tiny contribution guideline (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- readme: add doc about location state (@JesusTheHun)
- test: add stories to test location state (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: add support for location state (@JesusTheHun)
- misc: improve event properties order & consistency (@JesusTheHun)
- misc: set node version to 16.15.1 (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: react-inspector is core dep not devDep (@JesusTheHun)
- readme: add compatibility mentions (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- patch addon to support both React 17 & 18 (@JesusTheHun)
- bump to node version 16 (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: add support for React 18 (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- attempt to fix badges in storybook catalog (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: double initial rendering navigation event (@JesusTheHun)
- misc: better event name (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: initial rendering no longer increment the counter in the panel title (@JesusTheHun)
- feat: use header component to test router decorator (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: remove default preview decorator (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- export withRouter decorator (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- readme: improve overall documentation (@JesusTheHun)
- readme: improve the getting started section (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)
- add some badges (@JesusTheHun)
- change license to Unlicense (@JesusTheHun)
- fix: wrong storybook catalog icon (@JesusTheHun)
- Jesus The Hun (@JesusTheHun)