If you would like to contribute to this project please fork the repo and follow the guidelines below:
- Create an issue outlining the feature or bug
- Once approved/confirmed create a new branch from the staging branch
- Once your feature has been implemented ensure:
- Exisiting RSpec unit tests still pass
- No Rubocop offenses have been introduced
- Create a new pull request merging into the staging branch (unit and rubocop tests will automatically run on travis)
- Update PR if the code reviewer returns comments or tests fail in the step above
- Once merged into the staging branch travis will create a new pre release gem
- Please test your changes locally using the new pre release gem
- Subject to confirmation that the changes are working as expected the gem version + gemspec date will be updated
- As before a new pre release gem will be created for the new version, once tested and approved the new gem version will be pushed to rubygems