'use strict'; var uuid, Service, Characteristic, StreamController; var crypto = require('crypto'); //var fs = require('fs'); var ip = require('ip'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var drive = require('./drive').drive; const dgram = require('dgram'); module.exports = { FFMPEG: FFMPEG }; function FFMPEG(hap, cameraConfig, log, videoProcessor) { uuid = hap.uuid; Service = hap.Service; Characteristic = hap.Characteristic; StreamController = hap.StreamController; this.log = log; var ffmpegOpt = cameraConfig.videoConfig; this.name = cameraConfig.name; this.vcodec = ffmpegOpt.vcodec; this.videoProcessor = videoProcessor || 'ffmpeg'; this.audio = ffmpegOpt.audio; this.acodec = ffmpegOpt.acodec; this.packetsize = ffmpegOpt.packetSize this.fps = ffmpegOpt.maxFPS || 10; this.maxBitrate = ffmpegOpt.maxBitrate || 300; this.debug = ffmpegOpt.debug; this.additionalCommandline = ffmpegOpt.additionalCommandline || '-tune zerolatency'; if (!ffmpegOpt.source) { throw new Error("Missing source for camera."); } this.ffmpegSource = ffmpegOpt.source; this.ffmpegImageSource = ffmpegOpt.stillImageSource; this.services = []; this.streamControllers = []; this.pendingSessions = {}; this.ongoingSessions = {}; this.uploader = cameraConfig.uploader || false; if ( this.uploader ) { this.drive = new drive(); } var numberOfStreams = ffmpegOpt.maxStreams || 2; var videoResolutions = []; this.maxWidth = ffmpegOpt.maxWidth || 1280; this.maxHeight = ffmpegOpt.maxHeight || 720; var maxFPS = (this.fps > 30) ? 30 : this.fps; if (this.maxWidth >= 320) { if (this.maxHeight >= 240) { videoResolutions.push([320, 240, maxFPS]); if (maxFPS > 15) { videoResolutions.push([320, 240, 15]); } } if (this.maxHeight >= 180) { videoResolutions.push([320, 180, maxFPS]); if (maxFPS > 15) { videoResolutions.push([320, 180, 15]); } } } if (this.maxWidth >= 480) { if (this.maxHeight >= 360) { videoResolutions.push([480, 360, maxFPS]); } if (this.maxHeight >= 270) { videoResolutions.push([480, 270, maxFPS]); } } if (this.maxWidth >= 640) { if (this.maxHeight >= 480) { videoResolutions.push([640, 480, maxFPS]); } if (this.maxHeight >= 360) { videoResolutions.push([640, 360, maxFPS]); } } if (this.maxWidth >= 1280) { if (this.maxHeight >= 960) { videoResolutions.push([1280, 960, maxFPS]); } if (this.maxHeight >= 720) { videoResolutions.push([1280, 720, maxFPS]); } } if (this.maxWidth >= 1920) { if (this.maxHeight >= 1080) { videoResolutions.push([1920, 1080, maxFPS]); } } let options = { proxy: false, // Requires RTP/RTCP MUX Proxy srtp: true, // Supports SRTP AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 encryption video: { resolutions: videoResolutions, codec: { profiles: [0, 1, 2], // Enum, please refer StreamController.VideoCodecParamProfileIDTypes levels: [0, 1, 2] // Enum, please refer StreamController.VideoCodecParamLevelTypes } }, audio: { codecs: [ /* { type: "OPUS", // Audio Codec samplerate: 24 // 8, 16, 24 KHz }, */ { type: "AAC-eld", samplerate: 16 } ] } } this.createCameraControlService(); this._createStreamControllers(numberOfStreams, options); } FFMPEG.prototype.handleCloseConnection = function(connectionID) { this.streamControllers.forEach(function(controller) { controller.handleCloseConnection(connectionID); }); } FFMPEG.prototype.handleSnapshotRequest = function(request, callback) { let resolution = request.width + 'x' + request.height; var imageSource = this.ffmpegImageSource !== undefined ? this.ffmpegImageSource : this.ffmpegSource; let ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, (imageSource + ' -t 1 -s '+ resolution + ' -f image2 -').split(' '), {env: process.env}); var imageBuffer = Buffer(0); this.log("Snapshot from " + this.name + " at " + resolution); if(this.debug) console.log('ffmpeg '+imageSource + ' -t 1 -s '+ resolution + ' -f image2 -'); ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', function(data) { imageBuffer = Buffer.concat([imageBuffer, data]); //console.log(data.toString()); }); let self = this; ffmpeg.on('error', function(error){ self.log("An error occurs while making snapshot request"); self.debug ? self.log(error) : null; }); ffmpeg.on('close', function(code) { if ( this.uploader ) { this.drive.storePicture(this.name,imageBuffer); } callback(undefined, imageBuffer); }.bind(this)); } FFMPEG.prototype.prepareStream = function(request, callback) { //console.log(request); var sessionInfo = {}; let sessionID = request["sessionID"]; let targetAddress = request["targetAddress"]; sessionInfo["address"] = targetAddress; var response = {}; let videoInfo = request["video"]; if (videoInfo) { let targetPort = videoInfo["port"]; let srtp_key = videoInfo["srtp_key"]; let srtp_salt = videoInfo["srtp_salt"]; // SSRC is a 32 bit integer that is unique per stream let ssrcSource = crypto.randomBytes(4); ssrcSource[0] = 0; let ssrc = ssrcSource.readInt32BE(0, true); let videoResp = { port: targetPort, ssrc: ssrc, srtp_key: srtp_key, srtp_salt: srtp_salt }; response["video"] = videoResp; sessionInfo["video_port"] = targetPort; sessionInfo["video_srtp"] = Buffer.concat([srtp_key, srtp_salt]); sessionInfo["video_ssrc"] = ssrc; } let audioInfo = request["audio"]; if (audioInfo) { let targetPort = audioInfo["port"]; let srtp_key = audioInfo["srtp_key"]; let srtp_salt = audioInfo["srtp_salt"]; // SSRC is a 32 bit integer that is unique per stream let ssrcSource = crypto.randomBytes(4); ssrcSource[0] = 0; let ssrc = ssrcSource.readInt32BE(0, true); let audioResp = { port: targetPort, ssrc: ssrc, srtp_key: srtp_key, srtp_salt: srtp_salt }; response["audio"] = audioResp; sessionInfo["audio_port"] = targetPort; sessionInfo["audio_srtp"] = Buffer.concat([srtp_key, srtp_salt]); sessionInfo["audio_ssrc"] = ssrc; } let currentAddress = ip.address(); var addressResp = { address: currentAddress }; if (ip.isV4Format(currentAddress)) { addressResp["type"] = "v4"; } else { addressResp["type"] = "v6"; } response["address"] = addressResp; this.pendingSessions[uuid.unparse(sessionID)] = sessionInfo; callback(response); } FFMPEG.prototype.handleStreamRequest = function(request) { if (this.debug) this.log(request); var sessionID = request["sessionID"]; var requestType = request["type"]; if (sessionID) { let sessionIdentifier = uuid.unparse(sessionID); if (requestType == "start") { var sessionInfo = this.pendingSessions[sessionIdentifier]; if (sessionInfo) { var width = 1280; var height = 720; var fps = this.fps || 30; var vbitrate = this.maxBitrate; var abitrate = 32; var asamplerate = 16; var vcodec = this.vcodec || 'libx264'; var acodec = this.acodec || 'libfdk_aac'; var packetsize = this.packetsize || 1316; // 188 376 var additionalCommandline = this.additionalCommandline ; let videoInfo = request["video"]; if (videoInfo) { width = videoInfo["width"]; height = videoInfo["height"]; let expectedFPS = videoInfo["fps"]; if (expectedFPS < fps) { fps = expectedFPS; } if(videoInfo["max_bit_rate"] < vbitrate) { vbitrate = videoInfo["max_bit_rate"]; } } let audioInfo = request["audio"]; if (audioInfo) { abitrate = audioInfo["max_bit_rate"]; asamplerate = audioInfo["sample_rate"]; } let targetAddress = sessionInfo["address"]; let targetVideoPort = sessionInfo["video_port"]; let videoKey = sessionInfo["video_srtp"]; let videoSsrc = sessionInfo["video_ssrc"]; let targetAudioPort = sessionInfo["audio_port"]; let audioKey = sessionInfo["audio_srtp"]; let audioSsrc = sessionInfo["audio_ssrc"]; //console.log(sessionInfo); let ffmpegCommand = '-nostats -nostdin ' + this.ffmpegSource + // ' -map 0:0?' + ' -an -sn -dn' + ' -vcodec ' + vcodec + ' -pix_fmt yuv420p' + ' -r ' + fps + ' -f rawvideo' + ' ' + additionalCommandline + ' -vf scale=' + width + ':' + height + ' -b:v ' + vbitrate + 'k' + ' -bufsize ' + vbitrate+ 'k' + ' -maxrate '+ vbitrate + 'k' + ' -payload_type 99' + ' -ssrc ' + Math.imul(videoSsrc, 1) + ' -f rtp' + ' -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80' + ' -srtp_out_params ' + videoKey.toString('base64') + ' srtp://' + targetAddress + ':' + targetVideoPort + '?rtcpport=' + targetVideoPort + '\\&localrtcpport=' + targetVideoPort + '\\&pkt_size=' + packetsize; if (this.audio) { ffmpegCommand+= // ' -map 0:1?' + ' -vn -sn -dn' + ' -acodec ' + acodec + ' -profile:a aac_eld' + ' -flags +global_header' + ' -f null' + ' -ar ' + asamplerate + 'k' + ' -b:a ' + abitrate + 'k' + ' -bufsize ' + abitrate + 'k' + ' -ac 1' + // todo: from request ' -payload_type 110' + // todo: from request ' -ssrc ' + Math.imul(audioSsrc, 1) + ' -f rtp' + ' -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80' + ' -srtp_out_params ' + audioKey.toString('base64') + ' srtp://' + (String(this.audio).startsWith("2way") ? '': targetAddress) + ':' + targetAudioPort + '?rtcpport=' + targetAudioPort + '\\&localrtcpport=' + (String(this.audio).startsWith("2way") ? "9998" : targetAudioPort) + '\\&pkt_size=' + "188" + // todo: audio packetsize should be calculated from sample_rate and packet_time (188 at 24k bitrate gives roughly 30ms packet time) ''; } let ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegCommand.split(/\s+/), {env: process.env}); this.log("Start streaming video from " + this.name + " with " + width + "x" + height + "@" + vbitrate + "kBit"); if (this.debug) { console.log(this.videoProcessor + " " + ffmpegCommand); } // Always setup hook on stderr. // Without this streaming stops within one to two minutes. ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', (data) => { // Do not log to the console if debugging is turned off if (this.debug) { console.log(data.toString()); } }); let self = this; ffmpeg.on('error', function(error){ self.log("An error occurs while making stream request"); self.debug ? self.log(error) : null; if (self.proxySocket) { self.proxySocket.close(); self.proxySocket = null; } }); ffmpeg.on('close', (code) => { if(code == null || code == 0 || code == 255){ self.log("Stopped streaming"); } else { self.log("ERROR: FFmpeg exited with code " + code); for(var i=0; i < self.streamControllers.length; i++){ var controller = self.streamControllers[i]; if(controller.sessionIdentifier === sessionID){ controller.forceStop(); } } } if (self.proxySocket) { self.proxySocket.close(); self.proxySocket = null; } }); this.ongoingSessions[sessionIdentifier] = ffmpeg; if (String(this.audio).startsWith("2way")) { // setup udp proxy // todo: there can be just one client sending audio to cam // todo: config ports this.proxySocket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); const proxy = this.proxySocket; proxy.on('error', (err) => { console.log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`); proxy.close(); }); proxy.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => { // console.log(`server got: ${msg[1]} from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`); // msg[1] -> PT -> 238/110 rtp 200/72 rtcp // if src port == targetAudioPort send to port 9998 9999 else send to targetAudioPort if (rinfo.port == targetAudioPort) { // todo?: demux rtcp based on direction req/ans proxy.send(msg, 9998, '', (err) => { if (err) console.log(err); // else console.log('sent to 9998'); }); proxy.send(msg, 9999, '', (err) => { if (err) console.log(err); // else console.log('sent to 9999'); }); } else { proxy.send(msg, targetAudioPort, targetAddress, (err) => { if (err) console.log(err); // else console.log('sent to ' + targetAudioPort); }); } }); proxy.on('listening', () => { const address = proxy.address(); console.log(`proxy listening ${address.address}:${address.port}`); }); proxy.bind(targetAudioPort); //console.log(process.env); // console.log(process.cwd()); let sdp = // config -> https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/MPEG-4_Audio + ISO 14496-3:2009 "v=0\n" + "o=- 0 0 IN IP4\n" + "s=No Name\n" + "c=IN IP4\n" + "t=0 0\n" + // "a=tool:libavformat 58.12.100\n" + "m=audio 9999 RTP/AVP 110\n" + "b=AS:"+ abitrate + "\n" + // todo: verify! "a=rtpmap:110 MPEG4-GENERIC/16000/1\n" + "a=fmtp:110 profile-level-id=1; mode=AAC-hbr; sizelength=13; indexlength=3; indexdeltalength=3; config=F8F0212C00BC00\n" + // config form ring api requires libfdk_aac "a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:" + audioKey.toString('base64'); // var speakerSdpFilename = "" + this.name.replace(/\s+/g, '_') + "_speaker.sdp"; // todo: filter all illegal filename chars from this.name var speakerSdpFilename = "-"; this.speakerSource = ' -max_ts_probe 1 -protocol_whitelist pipe,file,udp,rtp -acodec libfdk_aac -f sdp -i ' + speakerSdpFilename; this.speakerOut = (typeof this.audio === "string" && this.audio.length > 4) ? this.audio.substring(4) : ' -y speaker.mp4'; this.speakerCommand = this.speakerSource + this.speakerOut; // fs.writeFileSync(speakerSdpFilename, sdp); // spawn a second ffmpeg instance for speaker let ffmpegCommand = '-nostats ' + this.speakerCommand; // -nostdin let ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegCommand.split(/\s+/), {env: process.env, shell: false}); // let acas = spawn('node', [ '/home/pi/acas' speaker user:user], {env: process.env}); ffmpeg.stdin.write(sdp); ffmpeg.stdin.end(); if (this.debug) { console.log("[Speaker] " + this.videoProcessor + " " + ffmpegCommand); } // Always setup hook on stderr. // Without this streaming stops within one to two minutes. ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', (data) => { // Do not log to the console if debugging is turned off if (this.debug) { console.log("[Speaker] " + data.toString()); } }); ffmpeg.on('error', (error) => { this.log("An error occurs while making Speaker stream request"); if (this.debug) this.log(error); }); ffmpeg.on('close', (code) => { if(code == null || code == 0 || code == 255){ this.log("Speaker Stopped streaming"); } else { this.log("ERROR: Speaker FFmpeg exited with code " + code); } }); // Speaker ffmpeg instance will timeout when main stops and then exits without need to kill // this.ongoingSessions[sessionIdentifier] = ffmpeg; } } delete this.pendingSessions[sessionIdentifier]; } else if (requestType == "stop") { var ffmpegProcess = this.ongoingSessions[sessionIdentifier]; if (ffmpegProcess) { ffmpegProcess.kill('SIGTERM'); } delete this.ongoingSessions[sessionIdentifier]; if (this.proxySocket) { this.proxySocket.close(); this.proxySocket = null; } } } } FFMPEG.prototype.createCameraControlService = function() { var controlService = new Service.CameraControl(); this.services.push(controlService); if (this.audio) { var microphoneService = new Service.Microphone(); this.services.push(microphoneService); if (String(this.audio).startsWith("2way")) { var speakerService = new Service.Speaker(); this.services.push(speakerService); } } } // Private FFMPEG.prototype._createStreamControllers = function(maxStreams, options) { let self = this; for (var i = 0; i < maxStreams; i++) { var streamController = new StreamController(i, options, self); self.services.push(streamController.service); self.streamControllers.push(streamController); } }