ERR;; command=chat;; reply= Test;; command=chat;; reply= Questo e' un test ;; command=chat;; reply= Tutto funzona? ;; command=chat;; reply= Vediamo se funziona . ;; command=chat;; reply= Verifica se tutto funziona . ;; command=chat;; reply= Il sistema funziona? ;; command=chat;; reply= E' tutto operativo? ;; command=chat;; reply= E' tutto funzionante? ;; command=chat;; reply= Sta andando ? ;; command=chat;; reply= Il sistema sta andando ? ;; command=chat;; reply= Fai il test . ;; command=chat;; reply= Testa il sistema . ;; command=chat;; reply= Prova il sistema . ;; command=chat;; reply= Avvia il test . ;; command=chat;; reply= Rifallo . ;; command=repeat Ripetilo . ;; command=repeat Dillo ancora . ;; command=repeat Puoi ripertelo per piacere ? ;; command=repeat Ripeti questo;; command=repeat search a train connection ;; command=open_link;; url=***&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0A=3&Z=***&REQ0&start=1;; parameter_set=***place&&***place;; question_set=Ok, lets search a train. Where do you want to start?||start where?&&and where do you want to go?||and where to go?;; link_info=DB connection from <1> to <2>;; link_ico=http://localhost/files/db-logo.png;; answer_set=searching a connection from <1> to <2> with Deutsche Bahn||searching a connection search a train;; command=open_link;; url=***&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0A=3&Z=***&REQ0&start=1;; parameter_set=***place&&***place;; question_set=Ok, lets search a train. Where do you want to start?||start where?&&and where do you want to go?||and where to go?;; link_info=DB connection from <1> to <2>;; link_ico=http://localhost/files/db-logo.png;; answer_set=searching a connection from <1> to <2> with Deutsche Bahn||searching a connection abort;; command=chat;; reply=there is nothing to abort right now||nothing there to abort Navi ;; command=directions;; Navigazione ;; command=directions;; GPS ;; command=directions;; Percorso ;; command=directions;; Navigatore ;; command=directions;; Dizionario;; command=dict_translate;; Traduttore ;; command=dict_translate;; Wikipedia;; command=knowledgebase;; Wiki;; command=knowledgebase;; shl;; command=lists;;list_type=;; Cruscotto;; command=dashboard;; Plancia ;; command=dashboard;; Impostazioni;; command=dashboard;; Configura;; command=dashboard;; Partita;; command=match;; collection=messe_muenchen;; Incontro Conto ;; command=count;; Conta ;; command=count;; 1;; command=count;; number=1;; memory=1;; uno;; command=count;; number=1;; memory=1;; =);; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= :-D;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= :D;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= 😁;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= 😂;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= :-);; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= :);; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= 😊;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= 😃;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= :-(;; command=chat;; type=emote_sad;; reply= :(;; command=chat;; type=emote_sad;; reply= 😣;; command=chat;; type=emote_sad;; reply= 😞;; command=chat;; type=emote_sad;; reply= ;);; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= ;-);; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= 😉;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= 😜;; command=chat;; type=emote_happy;; reply= nps;; command=feedback_nps;; evnts;; command=events_personal;; test chain;; command=sentence_connect;; sentences=hello&&weather;; reply=Here is your summary.||;; Tempo ;; command=chat;; reply=Sono le . Ore ? ;; command=chat;; reply=Sono le . Che ore sono? ;; command=chat;; reply=sono le . Sai che ore sono? ;; command=chat;; reply=Sono le . Le ore per cortesia ;; command=chat;; reply=Sono le . Le ore per piacere ;; command=chat;; reply=Sono le Data;; command=chat;; reply=Oggi e' il Che giorno e' oggi ? ;; command=chat;; reply=Oggi e' La data di oggi ?;; command=chat;; reply=Oggi e' Che giorno e' ? ;; command=chat;; reply=Oggi e' La data di oggi per piacere ;; command=chat;; reply=Oggi e' La data di oggi per cortesia ;; command=chat;; reply=Oggi e' Client Mesh-Node test;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"url":"http://localhost:20780", "plugin":"HelloPlugin"};; action=;; Arresta il sistema ;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_shutdown", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Spegni il sistema ;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_shutdown", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Arresta tutto ;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_shutdown", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Spegni tutto ;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_shutdown", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Riavvia il sistema;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_reboot", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Riavvia Sepia ;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_reboot", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Sepia riavvia ;; command=client_controls;; client_fun=;; data={"value": {"shortcut":"os_reboot", "delay":16000}};; action=;; reply=Ok I'll try;;" Linebreak;; command=chat;; reply=This is line 1. And this is line 2. END