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Library for interacting with azure storage account tables in a relational way.

Setup: Direct

var tableStorage = new TableStorage();
    .ConfigureConnectionString("Connstr") // or .ConfigureTokenCredential()
    .RegisterTable<Root>() // Register all Models

Register DI Service

    services.AddTableStorage(c =>

Models must inherit from the TableModel class.

  • The TableForeignKey Attribute is used to genererate a foreignkey field when saving and reading the table.
  • The TableComboKey Attribute makes the child-object's partitionkey a combination of this objects partitionKey and Id (RowKey).
  • The TableIgnore Attribute is used to ignore a property when saving and reading from the table.
  • The TableParent Attribute tries to set the property to the parent of this object.
  • The TableJson Attribute is used to serialize/deserialize the value as json when reading and writing to the table.


public class Root : TableModel
    public required Base Base { get; set; }
    public double SomeNumber { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset CreatedAt { get; set; } = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
    public List<Branch> Branches { get; set; } = [];

public class Base : TableModel
    public List<Branch> Branches { get; set; } = [];
    public Root? Root { get; set; }

public class Branch : TableModel
    public Base? Base { get; set; }

To save/query/delete:

var allTrees = await tableStorage.QueryAsync<Root>(""); //Returns IEnumerable
var myTree = await tableStorage.QueryAsync<Root>("RowKey eq 'myTree'"); //Returns IEnumerable
await tableStorage.Save(newTree);
await tableStorage.Save(manyNewTrees); //Array
await tableStorage.Delete(badTree);
await tableStorage.Delete(allBadTrees); //Array