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Roboy skills developed using the ravestate framework.

There exist the ice cream selling skill called Luigi and the skill to order ice cream via Telegram in the Driving module. Both modules include READMEs with information on further usage.


Initial configuration and setup

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

# Create a virtual python environment to not pollute the global setup
python3 -m virtualenv python-ravestate

# Source the virtual environment
. python-ravestate/bin/activate

# Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:roboy/raveskills && cd raveskills

# Install normal requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Link your local raveskills clone into your virtualenv
pip install -e .

Now, launch a Neo4j docker instance to serve Scientio, so the dialog system has a memory:

docker run \
    --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs \
# Open the address localhost:7474 in a browser, and enter the
# credentials `neo4j`/`neo4j`. You will then be prompted to enter
# your own password. Remember this password.

In the config folder, create a file called keys.yml. It should have the following content:

module: telegramio
  telegram-token: <sexycactus>  # This is where your own telegram bot token
                                # will go later
module: ontology
  neo4j_address: bolt://localhost:7687  # Your neo4j server uri here
  neo4j_username: neo4j                 # Your neo4j user here
  neo4j_pw: test                        # Your neo4j pw here

You may now conduct your first conversation with ravestate:

python3 -m ravestate -f config/generic.yml -f config/keys.yml

After the conversation, check the Neo4j interface under localhost:7474. It should now contain some nodes!

Reminder: Whenever you use ravestate/raveskills from the command line, source the virtual environment first!

Running your Telegram bot

To test your telegram bot with a custom bot token in your keys.yml, just run telegram_test.yml instead of generic.yml. This will load the ravestate_telegramio module.

Setting up PyCharm

  1. Open your local ravestate clone as a project in pycharm.
  2. Under Project Preferences > Python interpreter, set your virtual environment.
  3. Mark the modules folder as sources root via the right-click context menu.
  4. Create a run config via the "Edit configurations menu":
    • Create a new Python configuration.
    • Instead of Script path, select Module name, enter ravestate
    • Set parameters to -f config/generic.yml -f config/keys.yml.
    • Alternately, set parameters to ravestate_conio my_hello_world_skill to test your own module.
  5. You should now be able to run any ravestate config from pycharm.

Docker for ROS and ROS2

There is a Dockerfile for ROS and ROS2 support which can be built with

docker build -t raveskills-ros2-image .

The image contains ROS, ROS2 and a ROS Bridge to connect ROS with ROS2. Furthermore the roboy_communication message and service types are installed.

A container can then be created with the docker-compose.yml:

docker-compose up --detach raveskills

The container is now running and a connection into the container can be established with:

docker exec -it raveskills-ros2-container bash

Inside the container, first source the ROS2 setups and then raveskills can be run with ROS2 and rclpy available.

source ~/ros2_ws/install/
python3 -m ravestate [...]

Start ROS Bridge

In order to start ROS Bridge, the image and container have to be set up as above. After connecting into the container run from inside the container:

export ROS_IP=  # Use Docker host IP
source ~/melodic_ws/devel/
source ~/ros2_ws/install/
source ~/ros1_bridge_ws/install/
ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge