DateTime(string $format)
Validates whether an input is a date/time or not.
The $format
argument should be in accordance to DateTime::format(). See more in the Formats section.
When a $format
is not given its default value is Y-m-d H:i:s
v::dateTime()->isValid('2009-01-01'); // true
Also accepts strtotime() values:
v::dateTime()->isValid('now'); // true
And DateTimeInterface
v::dateTime()->isValid(new DateTime()); // true
v::dateTime()->isValid(new DateTimeImmutable()); // true
You can pass a format when validating strings:
v::dateTime('Y-m-d')->isValid('01-01-2009'); // false
Format has no effect when validating DateTime instances.
Message template for this validator includes {{sample}}
Note that this rule validates whether the input matches a given DateTime::format() format and NOT if the input can be parsed with a given DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat() format. That makes the validation stricter but offers some limitations.
The way DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat() parses an input allows for many different conversions. Overall DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat() tend to be more lenient than DateTime::format(). This might be what you desire, and you may want to use Callback to create a custom validation.
$input = '2014-04-12T23:20:50.052Z';
v::callback(fn($input) => is_string($input) && DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::RFC3339_EXTENDED, $input))
->isValid($input); // true
v::dateTime(DateTime::RFC3339_EXTENDED)->isValid($input); // false
- Date and Time
Version | Description |
2.3.0 | Validation became a lot stricter |
2.2.4 | v::dateTime('z') is no longer supported. |
2.0.0 | Created |
See also: