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JSON-RPC 2.0 for Erlang

Transport agnostic library for JSON-RPC 2.0 servers and clients.

This page contains the manual for the server part, the jsonrpc2 module. The client part has a separate module jsonrpc2_client. Client docs are yet to be written. For documentation on the client library, see the source code: jsonrpc2_client.erl.


  • can use any JSON encoder and decoder that supports the eep0018 style terms format,
  • transport neutral
  • dispatches parsed requests to a simple callback function
  • supports an optional callback "map" function for batch requests, e.g. to support concurrent processing of the requests in a batch,
  • handles rpc calls and notifications,
  • supports named and unnamed parameters,
  • includes unit tests for all examples in the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification.


1> Json = <<"{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"foo\", \"params\": [1,2,3], \"id\": 1}">>.
<<"{\"jsonroc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"foo\", \"params\": [1,2,3], \"id\": 1}">>
2> MyHandler = fun (<<"foo">>, Params) -> lists:reverse(Params);
2>                 (_, _) -> throw(method_not_found)
2>             end.
3> jsonrpc2:handle(Json, MyHandler, fun jiffy:decode/1, fun jiffy:encode/1).
4> jsonrpc2:handle(<<"dummy">>, MyHandler, fun jiffy:decode/1, fun jiffy:encode/1).
{reply,<<"{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"error\":{\"code\":-32700,\"message\":\"Parse error.\"},\"id\":null}">>}
5> jsonrpc2:handle(<<"{\"x\":42}">>, MyHandler, fun jiffy:decode/1, fun jiffy:encode/1).
{reply,<<"{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"error\":{\"code\":-32600,\"message\":\"Invalid Request.\"},\"id\":null}">>}


json() :: true | false | null | binary() | [json()] | {[{binary(), json()}]}.

handlerfun() :: fun((method(), params()) -> json()).
method() :: binary().
params() :: [json()] | {[{binary(), json()}]}.

mapfun() :: fun((fun((A) -> B), [A]) -> [B]). %% the same as lists:map/2


Any of the jsonrpc2:handle/2,3,4,5 functions can be used to handle JSON-RPC request by delegating the actual procedure call to a handler callback function. They all return {reply, Data} where Data is a result or an error response or noreply when no response should be sent to the client. The handler callback function must return a term that can be encoded to JSON using the representation explained on the page, as required by jiffy and other compatible JSON parses.

handle(json(), handlerfun()) -> {reply, json()} | noreply

Handles decoded JSON and returns a reply as decoded JSON or noreply. Use this if you want to handle JSON encoding separately.

handle(json(), handlerfun(), mapfun()) -> {reply, json()} | noreply

Like handle/2, handles decoded JSON, but takes an extra "map" function callback to be used instead of lists:map/2 for batch processing. The map function should be a function that behaves similarly to lists:map/2, such as the plists:map/2 from the plists library for concurrent batch handling.

handle(Req::term(), handlerfun(), JsonDecode::fun(), JsonEncode::fun()) ->
    {reply, term()} | noreply

Handles JSON as binary or string. Uses the supplied functions JsonDecode to parse the JSON request and JsonEncode to encode the reply as JSON.

handle(Req::term(), handlerfun(), mapfun(), JsonDecode::fun(),
    JsonEncode::fun()) -> {reply, term()} | noreply

Like handle/4, but also takes a map function for batch processing. See handle/3 above.

Error Handling

A requests that is not valid JSON results in a "Parse error" JSON-RPC response.

An invalid JSON-RPC request (though valid JSON) results in an "Invalid Request" response. In these two cases the handler callback function is never called.

To produce an error response from the handler function, you may throw one of the exceptions below. They will be caught and turned into a corresponding JSON-RPC error response.

  • throw:method_not_found is reported as "Method not found" (-32601)
  • throw:invalid_params is reported as "Invalid params" (-32602)
  • throw:internal_error is reported as "Internal error" (-32603)
  • throw:server_error is reported as "Server error" (-32000)

If you also want to include data in the JSON-RPC error response, throw a pair with the error type and the data, such as {internal_error, Data}.

For server errors, it is also possible to set a custom error code by throwing a triple: {server_error, Data, Code}. The Code must be in the range from -32000 to -32099.

If any other exception is thrown or an error occurs in the handler, this is caught, an error message is logged (using the standard error logger error_logger:error_msg/2) and an "Internal error" response is returned.

If you're working with already parsed JSON, i.e. you're using handle/2 or handle/3, you may want to produce an error message that you can use when the client sends invalid JSON that can't be parsed. Use jsonrpc2:parseerror() to create the appropriate error response for this purpose.


my_handler(<<"Foo">>, [X, Y]) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y) ->
    {[{<<"Foo says">>}, X + Y + 42}]};
my_handler(<<"Foo">>, _SomeOtherParams) ->
my_handler(<<"Logout">>, [Username]) ->
    throw({server_error, {[{<<"reason">>, <<"Not logged in">>}]}});
my_handler(_SomeOtherMethod, _) ->

Compatible JSON parsers
