- Uses
from '@remix-run/react' - Hydrates the application on the client side using
- Wraps hydration in
for better performance - Targets the 'root' DOM element for hydration
- Handles server-side rendering (SSR)
- Uses
for streaming HTML - Sets up important security headers:
- Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
- Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
- Injects the theme data into the HTML structure
- Handles bot detection using
- Creates a streaming response with proper HTML structure
Key Features:
- Defines the base HTML structure
- Manages theme switching functionality
- Sets up global styles and resources
Important Parts:
- Links configuration for:
- Stylesheets (Tailwind, global styles, xterm)
- Fonts (Inter from Google Fonts)
- Favicon
- React Toastify styles
- Head component:
- Created using remix-island
- Includes meta tags and theme initialization script
- Layout component:
- Manages theme updates using nanostores
- Updates HTML theme attribute on theme changes
- App component:
- Renders the Outlet for nested routes
- Defines action types for file and shell operations
- Types:
: 'file' | 'shell'BaseAction
: Base interface with content propertyFileAction
: Extends BaseAction for file operationsShellAction
: Extends BaseAction for shell operationsBoltAction
: Union type of FileAction | ShellActionBoltActionData
: Union type of BoltAction | BaseAction
- Defines terminal interface for xterm integration
- Interface
:- Properties: cols, rows (optional)
- Methods: reset(), write(), onData()
- Handles terminal input/output operations
- Simple theme type definition
- Type
: 'dark' | 'light'
- Sets up Cloudflare Pages function handler
- Imports server build configuration
- Creates request handler for Remix application
- Defines TypeScript types for Cloudflare platform
- Extends Remix's AppLoadContext with Cloudflare types
- Provides type safety for Cloudflare Workers environment
- Main stylesheet entry point
- Imports all component and base styles
- Sets up basic HTML/body layout
- Imports:
- variables.scss: Global SCSS variables
- z-index.scss: Z-index management
- animations.scss: Global animations
- Component styles:
- terminal.scss
- resize-handle.scss
- code.scss
- editor.scss
- toast.scss
- Modular SCSS architecture
- Component-specific styles in
directory - Global variables and utilities in root style files
- Animation definitions for UI interactions
- Main application entry route
- Features:
- Meta information for SEO
- Header component
- Chat interface with fallback
- Client-only rendering for chat component
- Layout: Flex column structure for full viewport
- Chat API endpoint implementation
- Handles chat message streaming
- Features:
- Message continuation handling
- Token limit management
- Error handling for stream responses
- Uses SwitchableStream for managing chat responses
- Integrates with CloudFlare environment
- Dynamic chat route with ID parameter
- Handles individual chat sessions
- API endpoint for prompt enhancement
- Handles AI-powered prompt improvements
- Markdown processing and sanitization
- Features:
- HTML sanitization with allowed elements
- GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) support
- Custom plugins for limited markdown
- HTML processing with rehype
- Configurable plugin system for markdown transformation
- Advanced logging system with levels
- Features:
- Multiple debug levels (trace, debug, info, warn, error)
- Scoped logging support
- Color-coded console output
- Environment-aware logging (DEV/PROD)
- Worker environment detection
- Shell command handling and processing
- Terminal command execution utilities
- Code difference calculation and processing
- Handles file comparisons and changes
- Buffer manipulation utilities
- Binary data handling
- CSS class name manipulation
- Dynamic class generation
- Function debouncing utility
- Performance optimization for frequent calls
- Promise utility functions
- Async operation helpers
- React-specific utility functions
- Component helpers
- Mobile device detection
- Responsive design helpers
- Animation easing functions
- Smooth transition utilities
- Terminal-related utilities
- Terminal interaction helpers
- Text indentation processing
- Code formatting helper
- TypeScript utility for unreachable code
- Type safety helper
- Global constant definitions
- Application-wide configuration values
- Chat interface components
- Message handling and display
- Chat input and controls
- Code editor implementation
- CodeMirror integration
- Syntax highlighting
- File editing interface
- Application header components
- Navigation controls
- App-wide actions
- Sidebar navigation
- File explorer
- Project navigation
- Main workspace components
- Code editing environment
- Terminal integration
- Preview handling
- Reusable UI components
- Common interface elements
- Shared styling components
- Node.js version: >=18.18.0
- Package manager: [email protected]
- Key Scripts:
: Remix development serverbuild
: Production builddeploy
: Cloudflare Pages deploymenttest
: Vitest testingstart
: Local development with bindings
- Key Dependencies:
- @ai-sdk/anthropic: AI integration
- @webcontainer/api: WebContainer support
- @remix-run/cloudflare: Remix framework
- CodeMirror packages for editor
- React and related libraries
- Target: ESNext
- Module: ESNext
- React JSX support
- Strict type checking
- Path aliases:
maps to./app/*
- Includes:
- TypeScript files
- Server/Client specific code
- Component files
- Build target: esnext
- Plugins:
- Node polyfills
- Remix Cloudflare integration
- UnoCSS
- TypeScript paths
- CSS modules optimization
- Chrome 129 issue handling
- Development server configuration
- Environment type definitions
- Anthropic API key configuration
- Project name: bolt
- Node.js compatibility flags
- Pages build output configuration
- Compatibility date: 2024-07-01
- Environment variable processing
- Cloudflare bindings setup
- Development environment configuration
- Secure handling of API keys
/chat # Chat interface components
/editor # Code editor components
/header # App header components
/sidebar # Navigation sidebar
/ui # Shared UI components
/workbench # Main workspace
- _index.tsx # Main application page
- api.chat.ts # Chat API endpoint
- api.enhancer.ts # Prompt enhancement API
- chat.$id.tsx # Dynamic chat routes
/components # Component-specific styles
- animations.scss # Global animations
- index.scss # Main style entry
- variables.scss # Global variables
- z-index.scss # Z-index management
/types # Type definitions
- actions.ts # Action type definitions
- terminal.ts # Terminal interface
- theme.ts # Theme type definition
/utils # Utility functions
- buffer.ts # Buffer manipulation
- classNames.ts # CSS class utilities
- constants.ts # Global constants
- debounce.ts # Function debouncing
- diff.ts # Code difference tools
- easings.ts # Animation easings
- logger.ts # Logging system
- markdown.ts # Markdown processing
- mobile.ts # Mobile detection
- promises.ts # Promise utilities
- react.ts # React helpers
- shell.ts # Shell command tools
- stripIndent.ts # Text formatting
- terminal.ts # Terminal utilities
- unreachable.ts # TypeScript helpers
- db.ts # IndexedDB implementation
- useChatHistory.ts # Chat history React hook
- index.ts # Persistence exports
- message-parser.ts # Message parsing system
- action-runner.ts # Action execution
- crypto.ts # Encryption utilities
- fetch.ts # Network requests
- [[path]].ts # Cloudflare Pages handler
- istextorbinary.d.ts # Binary file type definitions
- bindings.sh # Environment setup
- tsconfig.json # TypeScript config
- vite.config.ts # Vite build config
- wrangler.toml # Cloudflare config
## Library Components
### Runtime System
#### message-parser.ts
- Streaming message parser implementation
- Handles parsing of artifacts and actions in messages
- Features:
- Streaming message processing
- Artifact and action callbacks
- State management for parsing
- Custom element factory support
#### action-runner.ts
- Executes actions from parsed messages
- Handles file and shell operations
- Manages action lifecycle and state
### Persistence Layer
#### db.ts
- IndexedDB implementation for chat history
- Features:
- Database initialization and upgrades
- CRUD operations for chat messages
- URL ID management
- Transaction handling
- Error handling and logging
#### useChatHistory.ts
- React hook for chat history management
- Provides interface for:
- Loading chat history
- Saving messages
- Managing chat sessions
- URL-based chat retrieval
### Network and Security
#### fetch.ts
- Custom fetch implementation
- Features:
- Development environment support
- HTTPS agent configuration
- Node-fetch integration for dev mode
#### crypto.ts
- Encryption utilities
- Features:
- AES-CBC encryption/decryption
- Base64 encoding/decoding
- Secure key management
- IV (Initialization Vector) handling
## WebContainer Integration
### webcontainer/index.ts
- WebContainer initialization and management
- Features:
- Hot module reloading support
- SSR compatibility
- Work directory configuration
- Container lifecycle management
### webcontainer/auth.client.ts
- Client-side authentication for WebContainer
- Handles WebContainer API authentication
## State Management
### Stores
#### workbench.ts
- Central workbench state management
- Features:
- File system management
- Editor state
- Terminal integration
- Preview management
- Artifact handling
- Document management
#### files.ts
- File system state management
- File operations and tracking
- Modification tracking
#### editor.ts
- Editor state management
- Document handling
- Selection state
- Scroll position tracking
#### terminal.ts
- Terminal state management
- Terminal instance handling
- Size and visibility control
#### theme.ts
- Theme state management
- Dark/light mode switching
- Theme persistence
#### settings.ts
- Application settings management
- User preferences storage
#### previews.ts
- Preview window state management
- Preview rendering control
#### chat.ts
- Chat interface state management
- Message handling
## React Hooks
### useMessageParser.ts
- Message parsing hook
- Handles streaming message processing
- Artifact and action management
### usePromptEnhancer.ts
- AI prompt enhancement hook
- Improves user prompts
- Handles enhancement requests
### useShortcuts.ts
- Keyboard shortcuts management
- Global shortcut handling
- Custom key bindings
### useSnapScroll.ts
- Scroll behavior management
- Smooth scrolling implementation
- Scroll snapping functionality
## Server Components
### .server/llm
- Language Model integration
- AI model configuration
- Server-side AI processing
## Development Environment
### Code Quality Tools
#### Prettier Configuration
- `.prettierrc`:
- Print width: 120
- Single quotes
- 2 space indentation
- Semicolons enforced
- Bracket spacing enabled
#### ESLint Configuration
- `eslint.config.mjs`:
- Blitz plugin integration
- Custom naming conventions
- Import restrictions
- TypeScript-specific rules
- Path alias enforcement
### Version Control
#### Husky
- Pre-commit hooks
- Commit message validation
- Code quality checks
### Styling System
#### UnoCSS Configuration
- Custom color system:
- Base colors
- Alpha palettes
- Theme variables
- Component shortcuts
- Icon integration
- Dark/Light theme support
- Custom transformers
#### Theme Variables
- Element-specific colors
- UI component theming
- Interactive states
- Typography system
- Layout components
## Project Metadata
### License
- MIT License
- Copyright (c) 2024 StackBlitz, Inc.
- Open source usage terms
### Contributing Guidelines
- Setup instructions
- Development workflow
- Testing procedures
- Deployment process
- WebContainer API usage
## Updated Project Structure
/ ├── .github/ # GitHub configuration │ ├── workflows/ # GitHub Actions │ ├── actions/ # Custom actions │ └── ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ # Issue templates ├── .husky/ # Git hooks ├── app/ # Main application code │ [Previous app structure remains unchanged...] ├── build-config/ # Build configuration │ [Previous build-config structure remains unchanged...] ├── config/ # Configuration files │ ├── .prettierrc # Prettier config │ ├── .prettierignore # Prettier ignore │ ├── eslint.config.mjs # ESLint config │ └── uno.config.ts # UnoCSS config └── scripts/ # Build scripts └── bindings.sh # Environment setup