LoRaWAN example is fully functional
Build and flash the examples/lorawan
application with the following command
$ make BOARD=<board> DEVEUI=<device eui> APPEUI=<application eui> APPKEY=<application key> -C examples/lorawan flash term
Note: The application can be tested on IoT-LAB with a device register on
TheThingsNetwork backend: start an experiment with one of the st-lrwan1 boards
and pass IOTLAB_NODE=auto-ssh
to the make command.
With valid device EUI, application EUI and application key, the example application can join the backend. Messages are received on the backend every ~20s.
OTAA join procedure and uplink with datarates indexes 0, 3, 5 (others are optional)
Build and flash the
$ make BOARD=<board> -C tests/pkg_semtech-loramac flash term
Configure the devive EUI, application EUI, application key
> loramac set deveui 0011223344556677 > loramac set appeui 0011223344556677 > loramac set appkey 00112233445566770011223344556677
Configure the desired datarate index
> loramac set dr <datarate index>
Join the network using OTAA
> loramac join otaa
Send confirmed messages on port 123
> loramac tx <message> cnf 123
Send unconfirmed messages on port 42
> loramac tx <message> uncnf 42
Reboot the node after each datarate test
All joins are successful, messages are sent with success and correctly received on the LoRaWAN backend (same datarate, same port). TX attempts within the dutycycle are skipped (very likely to happen with low datarates). Messages sent from the backend to the device are received. The device doesn't hang: the shell is responsive after the send/receive is finished.
ABP join procedure and uplinks with datarates indexes 0, 3, 5 (others are optional)
Build and flash the
$ make BOARD=<board> -C tests/pkg_semtech-loramac flash term
Configure the devive EUI, application EUI, application key
> loramac set deveui 0011223344556677 > loramac set appeui 0011223344556677 > loramac set devaddr 00112233 > loramac set appskey 00112233445566770011223344556677 > loramac set nwkskey 00112233445566770011223344556677
Configure the desired datarate index
> loramac set dr <datarate index>
If using TheThingsNetwork backend, configure the RX2 window datarate parameter:
> loramac set rx2_dr 3
Join the network using ABP
> loramac join abp
Send confirmed messages on port 123
> loramac tx <message> cnf 123
Send unconfirmed messages on port 42
> loramac tx <message> uncnf 42
Reboot the node after each datarate test. Note: When using a board without EEPROM support, the frame counters must also be reset on the LoRaWAN backend.
All messages are sent with success and correctly received on the LoRaWAN backend (same datarate, same port). TX attempts within the dutycycle are skipped (very likely to happen with low datarates). Messages sent from the backend to the device are received. The device doesn't hang: the shell is responsive after the send/receive is finished.
Device parameters (DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey, etc) persistence works.
This procedure can only be performed on a board with EEPROM storage. Use the ST B-L072Z-LRWAN1 or any other STM32 L0/L1 Nucleo 64 with an Mbed LoRa shield.
Build and flash the
$ make BOARD=<board> -C tests/pkg_semtech-loramac flash term
Erase any previously stored parameters:
> loramac erase
Verify parameters are erased: all get subcommand should return lists of 0
> reboot > loramac get deveui > loramac get appeui > loramac get appkey > loramac get devaddr > loramac get appskey > loramac get nwkskey
Set OTAA parameters and save them:
> loramac set deveui 0011223344556677 > loramac set appeui 0011223344556677 > loramac set appkey 00112233445566770011223344556677 > loramac save
Reboot and verify OTAA parameters have been reloaded:
> reboot > loramac get deveui > loramac get appeui > loramac get appkey > loramac erase
Set ABP parameters and save them:
> loramac set devaddr 00112233 > loramac set appskey 00112233445566770011223344556677 > loramac set nwkskey 00112233445566770011223344556677 > loramac save
Reboot and verify ABP parameters have been reloaded:
> reboot > loramac get devaddr > loramac get appskey > loramac get nwkskey
The erase subcommand correctly erases stored parameters. All saved parameters are correctly reloaded after a reboot.
GNRC LoRaWAN is able to join a LoRaWAN network using Over The Air Activation and send/receive LoRaWAN frames.
Build and flash the
$ make BOARD=<board> -C examples/gnrc_lorawan flash term
Configure the device EUI, application EUI, application the
command> ifconfig <lw_if> set deveui 0011223344556677 > ifconfig <lw_if> set appeui 0011223344556677 > ifconfig <lw_if> set appkey 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
Configure join method to OTAA > ifconfig <lw_if> otaa
Trigger the join procedure > ifconfig <lw_if> up
Wait for the OTAA procedure to finish (usually around 6 seconds). After that,
should report that the interface is up (Link: up) > ifconfig <lw_if> -
Schedule a confirmable downlink message to this node (port 2). This is done in the Network Server (if using TTN, this is available in the Overview tab of the device)
Configure GNRC LoRaWAN to send unconfirmed messages. > ifconfig <lw_if> -ack_req
Send a message using the
command > send <lw_if> "This is an unconfirmed RIOT message!" -
After 2 seconds the downlink message should be shown in the RIOT shell.
Configure GNRC LoRaWAN to send confirmed messages. > ifconfig <lw_if> ack_req
Send a message using the
command > send <lw_if> "This is a confirmed RIOT message!"
GNRC LoRAWAN should be able to send and receive data from the Network Server.
Both send functions should print Successfully sent packet
The Network Server should notify the reception of an ACK (carried with the
frame right after the node receives data)
GNRC LoRaWAN is able to join a LoRaWAN network using Activation By Personalization and send/receive LoRaWAN frames.
Build and flash the
$ make BOARD=<board> -C examples/gnrc_lorawan flash term
Configure the DevAddr, Network SKey and App SKey using the
command. The RX2 DataRate is also set. In the case of TTN, this value is 3.> ifconfig <lw_if> set addr 0011223344556677 > ifconfig <lw_if> set nwkskey 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF > ifconfig <lw_if> set appskey 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF > ifconfig <lw_if> set rx2_dr 3
Configure join method to ABP > ifconfig <lw_if> -otaa
Trigger the join procedure > ifconfig <lw_if> up
command should immediately reportLink: up
. interface. > ifconfig <lw_if> -
Schedule a confirmable downlink message to this node (port 2). This is done in the Network Server (if using TTN, this is available in the Overview tab of the device)
Configure GNRC LoRaWAN to send unconfirmed messages. > ifconfig <lw_if> -ack_req
Send a message using the
command > send <lw_if> "This is an unconfirmed RIOT message!" -
After 2 seconds the downlink message should be shown in the RIOT shell.
Configure GNRC LoRaWAN to send confirmed messages. > ifconfig <lw_if> ack_req
Send a message using the
command > send <lw_if> "This is a confirmed RIOT message!"
GNRC LoRAWAN should be able to send and receive data from the Network Server.
Both send functions should print Successfully sent packet
The Network Server should notify the reception of an ACK (carried with the
frame right after the node receives data)