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Kun Ren edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 22 revisions

vscode-R is the R Extension for Visual Studio Code.


  • Create R Integrated Terminal
  • Run Source/Selected Line
  • Run nrow, length, head, thead, names functions (Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  • Run code in terminal containing existing R session, for example over SSH (Run Selection/Line in Active Terminal)
  • Run all commands in terminal containing existing R session (enable config r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal)
  • Extended Syntax (R, R Markdown, R Documentation)
  • Create .gitignore based on R.gitignore
  • Data frame viewer and Environment viewer(Preview Data frame or Preview Environment)
  • Snippets
  • Package development shortcuts (Load All, Test Package, Install Package, Build Package and Document)
  • Bind keys to custom R commands using command runner functions (r.runCommand, r.runCommandWithEditorPath, r.runCommandWithSelectionOrWord)
  • R Session Watcher to interact with R sessions
    • Watch any R session
    • Show value of session symbols on hover
    • Provide completion for session symbols
    • View() any objects including data frames and list objects
    • Show plot output on update and plot history
    • Show htmlwidgets, documentation and shiny apps in WebView

Extension Settings

  • set to R.exe path for Windows
  • r.rterm.mac: set to R term's path for Mac OS X
  • r.rterm.linux: set to R term's path for Linux
  • r.rpath.lsp: set to R.exe path for Language Server Protocol
  • r.rterm.option: R command line options (i.e: --vanilla)
  • r.source.encoding: An optional encoding to pass to R when executing the file
  • r.source.focus: Keeping focus when running (editor or terminal)
  • r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal: Use active terminal for all commands, rather than creating a new R terminal
  • r.bracketedPaste: For consoles supporting bracketed paste mode (such as Radian)
  • r.sessionWatcher: Enable R session watcher (experimental)