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Notes on `vecdec`
Leonid P. Pryadko

Conventional decoding algorithms

ML list decoding

Given a sufficient number of decoding steps (different column permutations $P$ and different information sets of weight up to $t$), the RW-$t$ algorithm generates a large list of vectors matching the syndromes. The idea of the maximum-likelihood (ML) list decoding is to use a small-weight subset of the generated error vectors to approximately calculate the entropy of each outcome, i.e., compare the free energies $\ln Z(e)$, where $Z(e)$ is the sum of probabilities of all errors degenerate with $e$. Secondly, if we also count the number of hits for every error vector, we can estimate the probability of missing the "correct" vector of weight smaller than $e_{\rm min}$ found so far.

In practice, we want to implement hashing storage to keep $[s,e,x,p(e)]$, where $p(e)$ is the error probability and $x\equiv Le$ is the logical operator outcome. Then, for a given syndrome $s$, we should compare $Z_x(s)\equiv \sum_{e:s,x}p(e)$ for different values of $x$ and choose the largest. After decoding, some of the entries may be moved to the immediate decoding list containing the pairs $[s,e_{\rm ML}]$. In practice, it is not clear how much memory would be required. With sufficiently small median error probability $\bar p$, it may do to store all errors of weight up to $3n\bar p$, say.

Information set enumeration (up to level t)

For a given column permutation $P$ the program constructs the reduced row echelon form (RREF) of the parity check matrix $H$ with the help of the Gauss algorithm. The syndrome vectors are transposed simultaneously as columns of the matrix $S$. The set of pivot columns in $H$ give the index set $J$; its complement $I$ in classical coding theory is known as the information set. Up to a column permutation, the RREF of $H$ has the form $(E,A)$, where $E$ is the identity matrix on the set $J$ (of size $r\equiv\mathop{\rm rank}H$) and $A$ is a matrix of size $r$ by $n-r$. The dual matrix has the form $(A^T,E')$.

For a given (transformed) syndrome vector $s$, the 0th level random-window decoding (RW-0) amounts to choosing positions from the index set $J$ to match the non-zero bits in a transformed syndrome vector $s$. The intuition is that the vector weight is restricted by $r$, i.e., we are preferentially drawing small-weight vectors. Furthermore, if the actual error $e$ that happened is supported on $J$, it is easy to verify that the decoding is accurate. The corresponding probability is high for errors of small weight.

With level-$t$ random-window decoding (RW-$t$), up to $t$ non-zero positions from the information set $I$ are chosen, the corresponding columns are added to the syndrome. This is supposed to address the situations where all but $t'\le t$ bits of the error are supported in $J$. The complexity of enumerating information set vectors of weight $w$ is ${n-r\choose w}$, while the benefit (improved success probability, i.e., decreased complexity) does not scale as rapidly; typically one uses $t\le 2$ in order to preserve the overall complexity scaling of each RW step.

Unfortunately, especially with LDPC codes, the probabilities of encountering different information sets (the numbers of permutations $P$ that give $I$) may differ a lot. Second difficulty is that of non-uniform probabilities $p_j$ for errors in different columns of $H$. Ideally, we should come up with a random process which generates the column according to a given set of probabilities in the error model.

Belief propagation with OSD

Belief propagation (BP) is notoriously difficult for highly-degenerate quantum codes, as it gets stuck often at degenerate configurations. On the other hand, it tends to clear small-weight errors efficiently, after ${\cal O}(1)$ steps with overall complexity linear, so that the remaining errors can be cleaned up with a secondary decoder. Ordered-statistics decoder (OSD) has been suggested for this purpose, which is essentially an RW decoder using the list of aposteriori probabilities returned by BP.

osd implementation

Currently, there is a function do_local_search() which for some reason is extremely slow. It attempts to construct all error vectors at once. Specifically, for each non-pivot point jj it

  • makes a copy of current error vectors,
  • calculates the list rlis of pivot positions to update,
  • after which goes over each syndrome vector:
    • calculates the current energy (may be slow?)
    • flips the bit at jj
    • updates the energy by flipping each position in rlis
    • compares with the stored energy values

To speed up this version:

  • copy the energy values between recursion levels
  • do not copy current error vectors for last recursion level
  • introduce the maximum number of columns to do OSD with
  • perhaps introduce a cut-off by weight?
  • use mzd_find_pivot() ???

Instead, implement a recursive function do_local_search_one() which deals with one syndrome vector and one error vector at a time. Use it for both mode=0 (information set decoder) and as OSD with BP (mode=1).

Logical fail rate predictors

Asymptotic minimum-weight fail rate

With a given detector error model (specified by detector-fault incidence matrix $J$, observable-fault incidence matrix $L$, and a set of independent probabilities $p_i$ for each column of $J$), we would like to know the logical fail rate of the minimum-weight decoder in the regime of small probabilities. For simplicity, let us first assume all error probabilities be the same and equal to $p$. Then, according to Fowler [@Fowler-2013], the asymptotic logical error rate at small $p$ has the form $P_L=Bp^{\lceil d/2\rceil}$, where the prefactor $B$ can be calculated by enumerating the fault paths ("codewords") of weight $d$. Moreover, while different fault paths are not uncorrelated, in the case of a surface code, ignoring the correlations gives $B$ with around 12% accuracy. With $p_i$ different, the weight of a single codeword $c$ can be approximated as $1/2\prod_{i:c_i\neq 0}2[p_i(1-p_i)]^{1/2}$.

Weighted Hashimoto matrix approach

In the case of graph errors, summation over paths can be done approximately with the help of weighted Hashimoto matrix, defined in terms of directed edges (arcs), $$ M_{a=i\to j,b=i'\to j'}= W_a \delta_{j,i'}(1-\delta_{i,j'}),\quad W_a\equiv 2[p_a(1-p_a)]^{1/2}, $$ where $W_a$ is the weight of a single edge. Namely, to enumerate the sum of all non-backtracking paths of length $m$ starting at arc $a$ and ending at arc $b$, we just write $[M^m]_{a,b}W_b$ (no summation). Notice that at sufficiently small error probabilities $p_a$, the logical fail probability is going to be dominated by the leading-order terms with $m=d$.

In practice, when $H$ corresponds to a graph (e.g., in the case of a surface code), we just have to construct a vector $x$ of in-arcs and a vector $y$ of weighted out-arcs, and calculate $P_L=\alpha x M^d y$, where the prefactor coefficient $\alpha$ can be used to estimate the corrections, e.g., due to the distribution of error probabilities $p_a$.

Estimate the correction due to overlaps

The issue with the expansion over fault-lines (codewords) is non-locality. Indeed, $p_0=(1-p)^n\le e^{-np}$ can be small unless $pn\to0$, and $q_{t+1}$ is also strongly suppressed by similar factors, to the point of not being useful. To construct a more useful expansion, consider a local notion of failure. Namely, given an index set $J$ and a given error vector $e$, consider the probability $P_J(e)$ of a minimum-energy fault strictly on $J$. That is, we assume that there exists a codeword $c$ (irreducible or not) supported on $J$ such that $P(e+c)>P(e)$, while for every irreducible codeword $c'$ not entirely supported on $J$, $p(e+c')\le p(e)$.

The function $P_A(e)$ has nice properties:

  • It is increasing, meaning that if $A\subset B$, $P_A(e)\le P_B(e)$
  • When sets $A$ and $B$ have partial overlaps, $A\neq A\cap B\neq\emptyset$ and $B\neq A \cap B$, as long as $P_{A\cap B}(e)=0$, $P_{A\cup B}(e)=P_{A}(e)+P_{B}(e)$ (???)

Furthermore, consider a set of non-trivial irreducible binary codewords $c$ such that $Hc=0$ and $Lc\neq0$; necessarily, $\mathop{\rm wgt} c\ge d$. Irreducible means that $c$ cannot be separated into a pair of non-zero binary vectors with disjoint supports and zero syndromes. In the case of a surface code, irreducible $c$ is a homologically non-trivial chain without self-intersections.

Actual to-do list

  • Implement recursive enumeration of vectors from the information set.
  • Implement reading of externally generated simulation data (e.g., from Stim) using separate files with detection events and the corresponding observables. Here is a sample command-line to produce binary vectors in 01 format:
stim sample_dem \
  --shots 5 \
  --in example.dem \
  --out dets.01 \
  --out_format 01 \
  --obs_out obs_flips.01 \
  --obs_out_format 01
  • Implement a mode for finding the list of most likely zero-syndrome error vectors.

  • Implement hashing storage for small-weight errors (say, up to weight 2) and the corresponding syndromes for fast lookup decoding. Subsequently, use decoding results to add most likely vectors to this list.

  • Implement hashing storage for near-ML decoding using lists of small-weight errors. Perhaps use vecdec in scalar mode for this, working with just one (or a few) syndrome vectors at a time, and keeping the corresponding hashing storage separate, so that only the error vectors (in sparse form?) and the corresponding probabilities need to be store. E.g., try using the uthash library.

  • Implement BP decoding with OSD

    • Actual BP steps
    • Add BoxPlus() from it++ library
    • serial BP (c-based): given the order of check nodes, select c,
      • update messages to c,
      • update messages from c.
    • serial BP (v-based)
    • Add error estimation
    • BP with randomization of probabilities
    • BP with Freezing / Stabilizer inactivation (Savin et al)
    • BP version by Kung, Kuo, Lai ( and/or Kuo, Lai (
    • Add OSD
    • Stopping sets analysis?
    • Initial BP acceleration ?
    • Other tricks from papers by Narayanan; Kuo+Lai; Roffe; Valentin Savin
  • Come up with alternative simulation mechanisms, e.g., in the regime of small error probabilities $p$.

  • Hashimoto matrix implementation steps

    • Given a DEM in a graph form, construct the sparse weighted Hashimoto matrix (of size $2n\times 2n$).
    • Construct an in-vector $x$ and a weighted out-vector $y$
    • Calculate the corresponding logical fault-rates
    • Estimate the fudge-factor $\alpha$, given the statistics of error probabilities
    • Estimate the effect of correlations between the trajectories.
  • Code transformations reducing the degeneracy for mode=3

    • Check for w=1 and w=2 degeneracies (submode w: remove degeneracies up to w if non-zero, otherwise do no transformations)
    • Remove w=3 degeneracies (rows of weight 3 in G) (see the unfinished function int star_triangle() in star_poly.c )
    • make a structure for "column", with [col_number, K, colG, colL], where colG and colL give sparse representation of the corresponding matrix column; sortable by col_number, and a routine to restore the sparse H, L matrices and the error vector.
    • Start with Ht, Lt, and the G matrix (e.g., read from a file) or even a list of codewords (not necessarily complete) read from a file.
    • A weight-one row of G -- the corresponding column is dropped.
    • A weight-two row of G -- the corresponding columns are combined, two bits of the error vector combined, and K=K1 [+] K2 (operation boxplus).
    • A weight-three row of G corresponding to columns [b1,b2,b3] in H which sum to zero give columns [0,b2,b3], and an extra row [1,1,1] (this extra row carries zero syndrome). Columns [a1,a2,a3] in L (which sum to 1) are replaced with [0,a2,a3]. The new LLR coefficients [B1,B2,B3] are $$B_3={1\over4}\ln\left[{\cosh(A_1+A_2+A_3)\cosh(A_1+A_2-A_3)\over\cosh(A_1-A_2+A_3)\cosh(A_1-A_2-A_3)}\right]$$ which can also be written as B3=0.5*(A1+A2 [+] A3) + 0.5*(A1-A2 [+] A3).
    • For now, we do not want to give a translation of the error vectors, just the new K and L matrices and the corresponding LLR coefficients.
    • Go over non-overlapping weight-3 rows in G and create new matrices; the rest of the columns just write as is.
    • If wanted, the procedure can be repeated again, creating the codewords list, the corresponding G matrix, and writing out the new error model (H, L, probabilities).
    • Make sure that shorter syndrome vectors can be read and used (add zeros) with the new matrices, along with the transformation matrix T
    • Come up with "header" syntax to specify existing H, L, G, P, etc. matrices [e.g., fin=tmp]
    • Remove w=4 degeneracies (rows of weight 4 in G)
    • Code for arbitrary row weight (exponentially large matrices may result)
  • Write a list of codewords to a file; read it from a file. Format: given $L$, each CW $c$ (column) has associated syndrome vector $L c$ (a binary vector) and a list of non-zero positions. We just store non-zero positions. Format: %% NZLIST % end-of-line comments followed by rows formed by of column indices (ordered), % starting with weight `w`, `1`-based and separated by spaces. % w i1 i2 ... iw 4 1 3 7 17 5 2 4 8 23 61

  • Better G and K matrices (use list of codewords read to generate those)

  • ML decoding implementation variants

    • Given the found error vector (syndrome OK), try to add the codewords one-by-one.
    • Given a valid error vector e found, use a list of vectors orthogonal to H (e.g., read from file) to make MC moves, compare the time spent in each syndrome. May need to heat up sometimes to get out of local minima.
    • Similar, but use Bennett acceptance ratios to estimate free energy differences
    • List decoding first (e.g., for small-weight vectors, or for vectors where minE decoding may fail)
    • During BP decoding OSD, store generated vectors in a hash to estimate FE for each sector (or just make non-vector-based decoding in this case).
    • List look-up decoder (use precomputed list of syndromes for small-weight vectors to decode quickly).
      • Special mode to generate list of syndromes (generate random vectors; store the corresponding syndromes in hash, along with corresponding observables). May want to keep the list of syndromes for "close" pairs (where ML is actually needed). Actual structure (can also use NN to store):
        • When generating error vectors, use two_vec_err_t with det, obs, and err vectors, store by det first, by err second while generating. At the end, will only keep the syndromes encountered several times (???) -- need to optimize for a given wanted size of the hash list, e.g., by running some 100 times larger sample).
        • Or, can just generate vectors up to some wmax weight (these are most likely to be encountered, if p is small); if wmax is smaller than half of the distance, can ignore possible degeneracy (???)
        • For any det with several obs values, calculate the corresponding probabilities carefully (or just sum the probabilities for vectors encountered).
        • May introduce lower cut-off by vector probability (say, 10^-8 if we expect to run samples of size up to a million).
        • With $x=np$, the probability of any error of weight $w$ is $x^w/w!\exp(-x)$; there are some $n^w$ error vectors to store. The amount of speed-up with given wmax can be estimated from here.
        • Come up with a nice storage format for (det,obs) pairs.
      • Decoding mode (use finU to read the look-Up list).
        • Read list of likely syndrome vectors into hash
        • After reading the detector events,
          • Create permutation vector of size nvec
          • Go over syndrome vectors, if small enough weight, seek in hash, if success, record the result
          • Indices of the remaining syndrome vectors write into the permutation vector from the end.
          • Create a small matrix with syndrome vectors that need decoding
          • Output the results in the correct order by going over the list from two ends (different logic depending whether we need to output the observables vectors)
    • Detailed hash-ML decoding protocol
      • using matrix dual to H, run an MC chain; store in hash only the vectors within the range dW and dE (if specified); accumulate the total probability.
  • verification and convenience

    • add help specific for each mode (use vecdec mode=2 help). To this end, first scan for mode (complain if it is set more than once), then scan for debug (set it), then scan for help.
    • Add the ability to read MTX complex matrices (non-CSS codes). See GAP package QDistRnd.
    • Also, ensure that QDistRnd MTX format is fully compatible with vecdec.
    • rename current bpalpha to bpgamma.
    • Introduce the parameters beta and alpha (see Kuo+Lai papers on modified BP).
    • make sure debug=1 prints the values relevant for each mode, and also give parameters of the matrices (dimensions, ranks, etc)
    • make debug=2 show command line arguments
    • make debug=4 show additional information (e.g., QLLR)
    • make sure program complaints if a value not relevant to the current mode is set on the command line
    • verify matrix orthogonality and ranks
    • more usage examples in the documentation
    • testing facility
  • syndrome transformations / detector events creation

    • syndrome transformation matrix T (e.g., for subcode decoding). Possibly, also for transforming measurement results to detection events.
  • convenience feature: with negative seed, combine time(null) with the number provided

  • convenience feature: ability to combine several files with codewords (several finC arguments). (**do we need this -- given that the codewords are now read uniquely? **)

  • a special mode to process ( test / give the stats / select irreducible codewords ) in codewords files.

Enhance mode=2

  • write Gaussian prefactor calculation routine for codeword contribution to fail probability (in addition to current upper bound and exact.) Perhaps only use it for codewords of sufficiently large weights.
  • Speed-up the exact routine
  • Enable probability matrices with several probability vectors in mode=2 for faster operation. Come up with a "label" (e.g., "p=0.001", or just "0.001 0.01") string to distinguish between different probability vectors (prepend the row with regular output).
  • Enable creation of such matrices (or come up with a shell script to do it).
  • See if Stim has a guarantee on the structure of DEM matrices as the probabilities change (but remain non-zero).
  • make a routine to keep only irreducible codewords.
  • make this routine optional to speedup the calculation (???)
  • calculate actual min_dW for the do_hash_remove_reduc()
  • Try to write more accurate estimates on BER beyond simple union bound. See Bonferroni inequalities, e.g., here (
  • In particular, account for pair correlations and construct an accurate lower bound on fail probability.

bugs to fix / features to add

  • when reading a codewords file, ensure coordinates are not too big (also orthogonality)
  • OSD1 with mode=2 can degrade the performance when number of steps is large. (???)
  • verify OSD with mode=0 and mode=1
  • better faster prefactor calculation in mode=2
  • use istty() to detect screen vs.\ redirected output in ERROR() macro; make it color where appropriate.

All command-line parameters


ntot // mode 0,1
nvec // mode 0.1
pads // mode 0,1 reading syndrome vectors only (fdet)
nfail // mode 0,1 early termination condition 
steps // mode 0,1,2 
swait // mode 0 and mode 2   early termination condition 
lerr  // mode 1 max OSD level (-1 for no OSD)
// mode 0 (-1 is same as 0)

useP DEM parameter

dmin // early termination with mode=2

maxosd // only for BP
maxC // error if too long nz file, limit the number of CWs in do_LLR_dist (RIS)
epsilon // not used 
dE  // only mode=2 
dW  // mode=2 and mode=3 when constructing G and L matrix
maxW // upper bound for creating / reading CWs / mode=2 and mode=3

debug 1 possibly relevant information
debug 2 output matrix ranks
debug 4 parsing input variables 
debug 8 file i/o messages

## operation modes
1. ferr specified (usual operation)
2. both fdet and fobs specified (usual operation)
3. fobs specified; generate (pobs and pdet) or (perr) (new)
4. none is specified, generate gerr (and/or others), do no decoding. (new)
   make it "mode=0" ???

mode=0 to fix

  1. wish1 disable finL, fobs, useP requirement if steps=0 or (fdet and perr) are specified

  2. wish2 for some reason gobs returns nothing

  3. wish3 with mode=0 with steps=0, fobs, finL, ferr count decoding success (do not require useP and finH)

  4. use paste to paste columns from two or more files together

  5. use cut to cut columns from a file (specify a pattern).

  6. write a (shell ???) script to cut a sub block out of an mtx matrix (?)

here is an AWK script to replace positions except 1-5 with astericks

awk '{print substr($0,1,5) gensub(/./,"*","g",substr($0,6))}'  tmpA.01
## SED to achieve the same :
sed -e 's/./*/g6' tmpA.01

overall the script:

input: intervals [(0 r1), (q2 r2), (q3 r3) ...] and [(0,c1), (b2,c2),,, ]; DEM
1. generate initial DET and OBS files
2. write H, L, P from DEM (vecdec mode=3)
3. for each interval
  - cut the DET rows (cut)
  - cut the matrix: rowblock [A B 0] into A and B
  - use A and existing errors `e` to construct modified DET (A e+s)
  - use B to decode (vecdec); output error vector using `perr`
  - use (cut) and (paste) to update errors `e`
4. At the end use `e` as the predicted error to verify the observables 

memorize syndrome,vector pairs

  • Come up with a Use the nz file format to keep syndrome / vector pairs.
  • Add finU / outU parameters to read / write syndrome / vector pairs files
  • Add hash value for DEM matrices to insure only matching files are read (???) -- or just verify each entry?
  • Add parameter maxU for maximum number of syndrome vectors to store.
  • Add parameters uE and uW for max energy / max weight of a codeword to store.
  • Use dE and/or dW parameters to decide which vectors should be stored (from zero) (should we also use some sort of minimum probability limit?)
  • Add the ability to store syndrome -> correct vector pairs in a hash (decoding modes). Implementation: three_vec_t structure in utils.h.
  • Specific implementation (all decoding modes):
    • Routine to read binary 01 vectors into sparse format
    • Special vector of size nvec if it has been decoded (0: not, integer: decoder level). Used to track what to output and where.
    • When syndrome matrices are read, rows are verified against those stored in a hash (including all-zero syndrome row).
    • Only rows which are not found are copied to a separate matrix for processing.
    • Permutation vector of size nvec is used to match the decoded vectors / observables. Entries found are written from the back, not found from the front.
    • With mode=0, if ML decoding is enabled, hash can be updated.
  • Add a special mode to generate error / syndrome pairs to ensure near-ML decoding for these syndrome vectors

alternative decoders:

Look-up from a hash list of small-weight vectors

Variant of UF.

The algorithm:

  1. Start with each non-zero check node, join all neighboring variable nodes into a cluster. Merge.
  2. Try look-up decoding in each cluster. Remove clusters where this is successful (add the corresponding error vectors to the output list).
  3. Check if decoding in a cluster is possible. If yes, do RIS (?) decoding in remaining clusters; remove.
  4. Try to grow the remaining clusters until some join. Check whether decoding is possible. If yes, do RIS (?) decoding. Otherwise, back to 4 until only one cluster remains.
  5. This requires the following:
  • prepare_v_v_graph (sparse form of vv connectivity graph).

  • given the error vector, init two_vec_t structure

  • check and optionally insert vector in hash (by error vector).

  • Sort by syndrome vectors and (if multiple e per s) pick the most likely e;

  • Check and insert vector in hash (by syndrome).

  • clean up the hash

  • cluster algorithm implementation:

    • variables: num_clus; max_clus; int in_cluster[nvar]; int label[nvar].
    • when two clusters are merging, keep the smaller label.
    • data structure for cluster lists (one for v, another for c ???)
    1. Start with r=1 (n.n.), and for every non-zero check node mark surrounding variable nodes, and an empty set E.
    2. Connect these into clusters.
    3. For each cluster X, calculate H[X], and see if the syndrome rows are redundant, and whether a local error can be found locally. (We can likely use look-up table for this step). Generally, small parameter for this decoder is expected to be p*z, where z is the degree of the variable node connectivity graph, and p is the typical error probability. Much better than n*p for the full-matrix look-up decoding.
    4. If yes, move the coordinates of the corresponding (min-weight) vector to E, and erase from the field.
    5. If syndrome is non-zero, increase r by one, and go back to 2.
    6. Otherwise, sort coordinates in E to get the error vector.

Two-stage decoding when H=A*B is an exact product

Suppose H=A*B is an exact product. Try two-stage decoding. Would this be true for concatenated codes?

List decoding for multi-step decoders

List decoding for multi-step decoders, where we have several vectors and corresponding probabilities on the input of next-step decoder.

Generally, given the matrix of syndrome rows HeT, maintain the list of rows already decoded (with the reference to corresponding observable or soft-out row), and rows not-yet decoded.

Actual to-do list 2014/08/15

  • Implement pre-decoder for mode=0.
    • fix adjacency graph construction
    • add ML features (compare partial FE by L sector)
    • pre-compute list of errors ???
  • Make sure it works for classical codes
  • Debug pre-decoder and update documentation.
  • Replace global errors with cluster generation algorithm based on a connectivity graph (use v-v graph or its powers).
  • Generate statistics on rejected clusters (c- and v-node weights)
  • Add ML properties for global errors list (u-hash). To this end, add obs and an extra hash handle to two_vec_t structure.
  • Enable min-W operation with no P defined (useP=none with a DEM, null pointer for P internally)
  • Come up with a protocol to check whether a cluster can be decoded
  • Add BP / RIS decoders for individual clusters (hope that BP would converge better with many cycles cut); also, as an alternative to block-wise just-in-time decoding.
  • Try to figure out why BP is so slow (excessive memory allocation?)
  • Rewrite debug statements (reasonable debug bits)
  • All debugging output -> stderr

new items 2014/09/14

  • make sure steps=0 and uW=0 generates no fail stats when writing det and obs files
  • Come up with cli file to generate nice html documentation from adoc (with properly included files)
  • Come up with a script to verify the results statistics from the ex_**.sh files
  • Make more examples with internal error generation for classical and quantum codes
  • here lerr=1 seems to be detrimental:
./src/vecdec  seed=7 steps=5000 lerr=0             finH= ./examples/96.3.963.alist useP=0.05       ntot=10 nvec=10 uW=-1
./src/vecdec  seed=7 steps=5000 lerr=1             finH= ./examples/96.3.963.alist useP=0.05       ntot=10 nvec=10 uW=-1

the first line gives 0 fails, the second 1 fail

 ./src/vecdec debug=1 seed=$s steps=5000 lerr=0 finH= ./examples/96.3.963.alist useP=0.05 ntot=1 nvec=1 uW=-1;
 echo ;
 ./src/vecdec debug=1 seed=$s steps=5000 lerr=1 finH= ./examples/96.3.963.alist useP=0.05 ntot=1 nvec=1 uW=-1

verified this is not a bug but genuine equal-weight vectors (code distance is 6)

  • Rewrite the cluster routine in vecdec for the special case uW=2 uR=1, starting with a single check node and double-cycling over neighboring variable nodes. This would create all $N_cd_c(d_c-1)/2$ weight-two combinations for such neighboring errors (Would it be sufficient to cover all weight-two clusters? Why not?)
  • generalization for tree-like connected clusters of higher weight.
  • For dist_m4ri, add a mode for computing the confinement. Namely, store all errors/syndrome combinations by syndrome and the corresponding minimum weight error.
  • Come up with a notion of a distance suitable for SS two-step and SS one-step decoding. At what minimum error/syndrome weight would a non-trivial error show up? (That would cause the decoding to fail).
  • Can we come up with a some sort of a locality distance? That is, error weight to guarantee decoding cluster locality.
  • Write a separate program for PRE+BP+OSD decoding, to save on matrix rewriting. Try partial cluster matching (with the partially matched vectors correctly participating in the weight calculation)
  • For cluster matching, come up with the notion of locality distance.
  • Try to use sparse6 format to store error vectors and/or binary matrices. See nauty source code.