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var xmlToJSON = function () { this.version = "1.3.4"; var e = { mergeCDATA: !0, grokAttr: !0, grokText: !0, normalize: !0, xmlns: !0, namespaceKey: "_ns", textKey: "_text", valueKey: "_value", attrKey: "_attr", cdataKey: "_cdata", attrsAsObject: !0, stripAttrPrefix: !0, stripElemPrefix: !0, childrenAsArray: !0 }, t = new RegExp(/(?!xmlns)^.*:/), r = new RegExp(/^\s+|\s+$/g); return this.grokType = function (e) { return /^\s*$/.test(e) ? null : /^(?:true|false)$/i.test(e) ? "true" === e.toLowerCase() : isFinite(e) ? parseFloat(e) : e }, this.parseString = function (e, t) { return this.parseXML(this.stringToXML(e), t) }, this.parseXML = function (a, n) { for (var s in n) e[s] = n[s]; var l = {}, i = 0, o = ""; if (e.xmlns && a.namespaceURI && (l[e.namespaceKey] = a.namespaceURI), a.attributes && a.attributes.length > 0) { var c = {}; for (i; i < a.attributes.length; i++) { var u = a.attributes.item(i); m = {}; var p = ""; p = e.stripAttrPrefix ?, "") :, e.grokAttr ? m[e.valueKey] = this.grokType(u.value.replace(r, "")) : m[e.valueKey] = u.value.replace(r, ""), e.xmlns && u.namespaceURI && (m[e.namespaceKey] = u.namespaceURI), e.attrsAsObject ? c[p] = m : l[e.attrKey + p] = m } e.attrsAsObject && (l[e.attrKey] = c) } if (a.hasChildNodes()) for (var y, d, m, h = 0; h < a.childNodes.length; h++)4 === (y = a.childNodes.item(h)).nodeType ? e.mergeCDATA ? o += y.nodeValue : l.hasOwnProperty(e.cdataKey) ? (l[e.cdataKey].constructor !== Array && (l[e.cdataKey] = [l[e.cdataKey]]), l[e.cdataKey].push(y.nodeValue)) : e.childrenAsArray ? (l[e.cdataKey] = [], l[e.cdataKey].push(y.nodeValue)) : l[e.cdataKey] = y.nodeValue : 3 === y.nodeType ? o += y.nodeValue : 1 === y.nodeType && (0 === i && (l = {}), d = e.stripElemPrefix ? y.nodeName.replace(t, "") : y.nodeName, m = xmlToJSON.parseXML(y), l.hasOwnProperty(d) ? (l[d].constructor !== Array && (l[d] = [l[d]]), l[d].push(m)) : (e.childrenAsArray ? (l[d] = [], l[d].push(m)) : l[d] = m, i++)); else o || (e.childrenAsArray ? (l[e.textKey] = [], l[e.textKey].push(null)) : l[e.textKey] = null); if (o) if (e.grokText) { var x = this.grokType(o.replace(r, "")); null !== x && void 0 !== x && (l[e.textKey] = x) } else e.normalize ? l[e.textKey] = o.replace(r, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ") : l[e.textKey] = o.replace(r, ""); return l }, this.xmlToString = function (e) { try { return e.xml ? e.xml : (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(e) } catch (e) { return null } }, this.stringToXML = function (e) { try { var t = null; return window.DOMParser ? t = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(e, "text/xml") : (t = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), t.async = !1, t.loadXML(e), t) } catch (e) { return null } }, this }.call({}); "undefined" != typeof module && null !== module && module.exports ? module.exports = xmlToJSON : "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define(function () { return xmlToJSON });